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July 14, 2022                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Mayor hosts meeting for public next Wednesday

           Romulus city officials will be  Elementary School, 38207 Barth                                                          Romulus" community meetings,
        hosting "One Romulus" commu-   St. and Wednesday, Aug.17 at                              ”                                 the city has several free events
        nity meetings, a listening tour  Romulus City Hall, 11111 Wayne                These meetings won't be                     planned for the summer where
        that provides residents the    Road                                            one-sided with me doing                     residents can mingle with their
        opportunity to speak with Mayor  "When I was campaigning                                                                   neighbors, including Sounds in
        Robert A. McCraight, elected offi-  across Romulus, I repeatedly             all of the talking at residents.              Downtown, a live concert series
        cials, public safety leaders and  heard community members                                                                  from 7 until 9 p.m. every second
        neighbors.                     express a desire to meet face-to-                                                           and fourth Friday and Movies the
           Launched as part of a continu-  face with their elected officials,"  McCraight will provide an  talking at residents," McCraight  in Park every third Friday.
        ing effort to foster collaboration  McCraight said. "The 'One  update on the latest city news  continued. "We want our resi-  For more information about
        among residents and city leaders,  Romulus' community meetings  and announcements, which will  dents to feel comfortable sharing  upcoming events in Romulus,
        the "One Romulus" community    will provide this invaluable face-  then be followed by a question  their ideas, and we encourage  view the Community Calendar
        meetings will occur throughout  time while sparking partnerships  and answer session and network-  them to come prepared for an  on the city website or visit the
        the summer at 6 p.m. in selected  and collaborations that will  ing.                        engaging and constructive con-  City of Romulus and Romulus
        locations   including   next   strengthen our city."            "These meetings won't be one-  versation."                 Downtown       Development
        Wednesday, July 21 at Barth      To open each meeting,        sided with me doing all of the   In addition to the "One     Authority Facebook pages.
        Time capsule from 1985 will be reburied in Romulus

           Romulus City Councilman       “They were trying to keep the  unearthed and removed during   “We will make sure we get that  4th of July parade with the high
        William Wadsworth has plans for  history of the town going,”  construction of the new 34th  back in the ground as soon as  school bands and floats and “it
        Oct. 25, 2035, the year he will cel-  Wadsworth said. “That was the  District Court building on the city  possible. If we can't find the stone  was a good day. It made you feel
        ebrate his 90th birthday.      intent of the group at that time.”  hall campus.             monument, we'll have another   pride that you lived in town.”
           Wadsworth, the longest serv-  The time capsule, which        Wadsworth said the former   one made,” McCraight said.       Officials agreed that responsi-
        ing member of the Romulus City  Wadswsorth described as a     elected officials “really cared  Wadsworth thanked the       bility for opening the capsule will
        Council, told his fellow officials  “small coffin” had an engraved  about this town and tried to keep  mayor and said that during his  rest with those elected to the
        during a meeting last month that  monument stone marking the  the history going. It (the capsule)  long tenure on the counts, there  council at that time. Wadsworth
        he wanted to inform them of a bit  site of the burial, with the date it  should never have been dug up.”  were two things that he “took  explained that he had resolu-
        of history in the city. He     should be opened. He said he   Wadsworth asked Mayor Robert  personally.”                   tions formally approved by past
        explained the in 1985, during the  had seen a photo of those present  McCraight to ensure that the cap-  “One was the deep well that  council members reminding
        sesquicentennial of the city, offi-  at the burial, including Mary Ann  sule is reburied as the former  will be there a long, long time  them of the existence of the cap-
        cials hosted multiple events and  Banks, Jimmy Raspberry, Pete  officials, many now deceased,  and this right here. I think it is  sule and the opening date.
        celebrations in the community.  Bergeron, Alan Lambert, Barry  intended.                    sinful that it was dug back up,”  McCraight said that he would
        Among those events, he said,   Baumann, and former Mayor        McCraight     immediately   He noted that when the capsule  personally drive Wadsworth to
        along with the 4th of July parade  Beverly McAnally. Wadsworth  agreed noting that the capsule  was buried during the celebra-  the opening in 2035 to which the
        in the city, officials buried a time  said it was McAnally who  was “in good shape” and was  tion in the city, there was some-  councilman responded with a
        capsule intended to be opened  “pushed for the project.”      presently stored at the DPW   thing going on “every week in  smile, “I'll drive myself if I'm still
        on Oct. 25, 2035.                The capsule was apparently   building.                     this town.” He said there was a  around.”

        Pumpkin Festival Sunflower contest entries being sought

           Romulus Pumpkin Festival    One the flower is within the   center of the flower face.    the diameter, not including the  petals. When the whole face is in
        organizers are searching for the  frame, step closer to the measur-  Entrants should take a second  petals. Then step closer to the  the frame, take another photo
        largest sunflower in the city.  ing tape which should reveal the  photo stepping closer to the  measuring tape which should  and step closer to the measuring
           To enter the annual festival  height of the plant in inches.  measuring tape which should  reveal the diameter of just the  tape which should reveal the
        Sunflower Contest, residents   This should be done in one     reveal the height of the plant in  face of the plant in inches. This  diameter in inches.
        can take a clear video of the sun-  video, organizers said.   inches.                       should be done in one video.     Entries should be emailed to
        flower in its entirety in the    To enter a photo, take a pic-  To   enter   the   largest     To enter the Sunflower Face or
        frame of the picture as someone  ture of the plant with the entire-  Sunflower Face contents, submit  Contest with a photo, frame the  message the photos or videos on
        is holding a measuring tape    ty in the frames as someone is  a clear video of the sunflower  entire sunflower face in the  social media. Please include the
        from the bottom of the stem to  holding a measuring tape from  face with the entirety in the  frame as someone measures the  entrants name, email and phone
        the center of the flower face.  the bottom of the stem to the  frame as someone is measuring  diameter, not including the  number.
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