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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                              July 8, 2021


        Happy birthdays

        Plymouth seniors celebrate centennials

           It was quite a party last month  with witty sayings make people  give her guidance and purpose.
        when six Plymouth residents cel-  smile.                        She eventually married Bob
        ebrated more than 600 years of   Her secret to a long life?   Vinton, a friend of her late hus-
        life experience.               “Good nutrition, keep your mind  band, and they adopted two girls.
           The six were the guests of  and body active and stay interest-  Vinton now has several grand-
        honor at a birthday party at   ed in things.”                 children and great-grandchil-
        Independence     Village   in    Louis Plant was born in      dren.
        Plymouth celebrating the centen-  Loiselleville. Ontario, Canada on  Vinton, at 103, continues to
        nial birthdays of five and the  Jan. 7, 1921. He and his family  write poetry and is the oldest res-
        103rd birthday of another.     eventually moved to the United  ident at Independence Village.
           The event included a visit  States and after graduation,     William Brown also marked
        from Plymouth Mayor Oliver     Plant worked as a bookkeeper in  his 100th birthday during the cel-  Independence Village residents and their families enjoy the centenni-
        Wolcott who presented official  Detroit. He enlisted in the Navy  ebration.                  al birthday celebration.
        city proclamations to each of the  in 1942 following the attack on  Brown was born in Syracuse,
        guests of honor who also enjoyed  Pearl Harbor and served as the  NY on June 13 1921. A machinist,
        lunch, birthday cake and live  lead signalman for his ship han-  he received an 18-month delay
        music during the afternoon.    dling the Morse code blinker   before entering the U.S. Army
           Among those celebrating was  light and flag hoist. After being  Corps of Engineers. His group
        Jalileh Mansour who was born   honorably discharged, Plant mar-  was responsible for repairing
        Aug. 15, 1921 in Ramallah,     ried and he and his wife, Rita,  roads, buildings and any other
        Palestine.                     are the parents of three children.  repairs needed at various areas.
           Mansour, who has five broth-  Evie Vinton, the oldest of the  In 1946 he returned from the
        ers and four sisters, remained  birthday celebrants, was born on  service to his wife, Mildred and
        single and dedicated her life to  July 5, 1918, in Grand Rapids.  he eventually built a machine
        education and world exploration.  She married her sweetheart  shop in Canton Township. He
        She started her studies in     “Frank” in 1940, but was wid-  went on to get his pilot's license
        Lebanon in math and science,   owed when he was killed in a   and fly a twin-engine airplane.
        before traveling to places like  plane crash while on a training  The couple are the parents of
        Jordan, Paris, and South       mission. Distraught and needing  three daughters and one son,
        America. Mansour decided to fin-  direction, she said, she joined  along with nine grandchildren;
        ish her bachelor's degree in 1956  the U.S. Army feeling it would  29 great-grandchildren, and two         Jalilah Mansour                Elaine Galbraith
        in Alabama before a career                                    great-great grandchildren with  said the party was really a first
        teaching middle school.                                       another on the way.           for this number of centenarians
           She said her travels gave her                                Brown now spends his time   at the facility. She said that in
        the best experiences of her life,                             doing what he loves, he said,  past years, there may have been
        including meeting the King and                                building model airplanes and fly-  as many as three marking the
        Queen of Jordan. From continu-                                ing them, and flying his real air-  one-century milestone, but never
        ing her education in France and                               plane with his son.           six.
        Tennessee, to visiting Egypt, she                               Brown can still comfortably    She said that while the resi-
        said these were the best times in                             wear his World War II Army uni-  dents may each have their own
        her life.                                                     form, and said his secret to a long  individual secret to longevity, she
           She worked for 30 years at                                 life, is his love for people. He  believes there is one common
        Henry Ford Hospital doing                                     said he loves “to talk to people,  factor.
        research and retired in the early                             work with people. I've met peo-  “We keep them engaged and
        1980s. Before moving to                                       ple all around the world and  happy and, most importantly, we
        Plymouth, she was a 30-year resi-                             found that they are so nice if you  give them something to look for-
        dent of Livonia and traveled fre-                             just talk to them.”           ward to every day, which is the
        quently to her two condos in   Mayor Oliver Wolcott congratu-   Independence       Village  ticket to longevity for all of us,”
        Florida.                       lates the centenarians.        Executive Director Debbie Hall  she said.                                        Bill Brown
           “We didn't have cell phones,
        and I travelled alone,” she
           She continues to pursue her
        hobbies including needlework,
        making pillows, placemats, and
           Mansour said her secret to a
        long life is staying single and liv-
        ing her most authentic, exciting
           Also celebrating her mile-
        stone birthday was Dorothy
           Rasmussen was born Dorothy
        Law Aug. 7, 1921 in River Rouge.
        She and her husband, Harold
        Roy Rasmussen, were married
        50 years and had nine children
        together and she now has six
           Her husband was chief of the
        Boilermakers Union, she
        recalled and she was a govern-
        ment worker.
           Rasmussen now enjoys read-
        ing, playing bingo and cards but
        she has given up one of her
        favorite hobbies, sewing. She
        enjoyed sewing so much, she
        said, that she made many of her
        children's clothes.
           Her secret to longevity? “I'm
        just here is all I know!”
           Elaine Galbraith was born
        Elaine Anna Mathieu on July 10,
        1921 in Duluth, Minnesota. She
        married Robert Galbraith in
        1949 and the couple had one son,
        who lives locally with his wife,
           Galbraith said that Charlene
        is the best daughter-in-law she
        could ever wish for and trusts
        her with everything. Galbraith
        has one grandchild and one
           Galbraith previously taught
        physical education and got her
        Bachelor of Science degree from
        the University of Illinois. She
        said she and her family lived in
        several states as her father was
        often promoted and transferred,
        including Illinois, Wyoming, New
        York, Minnesota, and Missouri
        before residing in Michigan.
           A resident of Independence
        Village for 10 years, Galbraith
        said she loves living on her floor
        and thinks the residents are
           Galbraith still loves all sports
        and also enjoys reading. She said
        she loves making people laugh
        and her varied array of shirts
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