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First Bites for the Barn event set for next week
Local chefs and food trucks entertainment will be provided
will be offering Bites for the ” by Bob Skon.
Barn at Preservation Park in Future Bites for the Barn Future Bites for the Barn are
Canton this summer. planned for Tuesday, Aug. 3, and
During these special outdoor are planned Tuesday, Sept. 14.
events, participants will be able for Tuesday, Aug. 3, Table registrations and pay-
to gather around the table with ment is required in advance at
friends and neighbors to enjoy and Tuesday, Sept. 14. The per per-
small plate servings prepared by son fee to attend is $35 for
local chefs and food trucks. Canton residents and $46 for
There will be beer and wine non-residents. Tickets will
options available for purchase include four or five small plates;
and entertainment by various bered each piece. The lumber beer and wine will be sold sepa-
performers. was then moved to the site at the rately.
“All of us are still saddened park and carefully reassembled. Tables will be configured for
that we won't be able to host The cause of the Memorial Day eight individuals and to be seat-
Canton's newest outdoor commu- weekend fire was determined to ed at the same table, participants
nity dinners at the Cady-Boyer have been two youngsters using must register together on the
Barn, which burned down over flammable materials in an same transaction. Seating assign-
Memorial Day weekend,” stated attempt to record a post for ments will be on a first-come,
Laura Mortier, Canton recre- social media. first-serve basis.
ation specialist. “Instead of host- The first of the al fresco din- All proceeds from these
ing Bites at the Barn, we're now ners is set for 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, “Bites for the Barn” events will
holding Bites for the Barn, which July 13 and will highlight Sunday benefit the future development
will make special events even Brunch featuring: Great Lakes of Preservation Park, which is
more memorable.” Confections - Mini Donuts; home to the Canton Farmers
The barn, used for public Truckin Waffles - Chick'n & Market, as well as several histori-
gatherings, contained lumber Waffles; Grace Savory and Sweet cal Canton properties.
dating from the Civil War. It was - Breakfast Scramble; Tapped - For additional information
a mainstay of Preservation Park Avocado Toast; Meltdown about these special fundraisers,
and had been disassembled Creamery - Ice Cream Dessert; visit
piece-by-piece by Amish crafts- and Maraschinos Pub - Beer and Preservation Park is located
men who meticulously num- Wine (additional fee). Musical at 500 N. Ridge Road in Canton.
Festival Plymouth will collect $10 to park from 7 Canton students win gold medals
a.m. until 8 p.m. on Friday , from 7 a.m. until
6 p.m. on Saturday and from 7 a.m. until 5 Two Canton Township students were awarded the high school gold medal in job
FROM PAGE 1 p.m. on Sunday. The money Rotary collects among the winners in the skill demonstration A.
is used to help fund various Plymouth com- recent 2021 SkillsUSA ” Students were invited to
on the pavement for 7 seconds, it is not safe munity projects. Championships, held virtu- Students were invited the event to demonstrate
and will burn pets' feet. No one will be allowed to park in the ally from June 14-24. More their technical skills, work-
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the fee Central Parking Deck without paying $10 than 3,700 students compet- to the event to place skills and personal
to park in the Central Parking Deck will be during the three days between those hours. ed at the national showcase demonstrate their skills in 107 hands-on occu-
$10 and that is the anticipated fee for most No excuses will be accepted by volunteers of career and technical pational and leadership
public and private parking lots in and collecting money. education. The SkillsUSA technical skills. competitions including
around the downtown, according to Tony Organizers urged visitors to park at Championships is the robotics, automotive tech-
Bruscato of the Downtown Development Schoolcraft College and ride the air-condi- largest skill competition in nology, drafting, criminal
Authority. tioned buses back and forth from down- the world. justice, aviation mainte-
Volunteers from the Rotary Club of town during the event. The bus fee is $3. Audrey G. Hall, a student at Plymouth nance and public speaking. Industry lead-
Canton Educational Park, was awarded ers from 650 businesses, corporations,
the high school gold medal in restaurant s trade associations and unions planned and
and Mitchell Zmikly, also a student at evaluated the contestants against their
Plymouth Canton Education Park, was standards for entry-level workers.