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Canton Liberty Fest lights up this weekend
After a two-year COVID hia-
tus, Canton Liberty Fest will cele-
brate its 29th anniversary with
three family-friendly days from
beginning today, June 16 through
Saturday, June 18 in Heritage
Park, adjacent to the Canton
Administration Building.
While the traditional events
have returned along with some
new attractions, organizers have
changed the Liberty Fest fire-
works display to dusk tomorrow,
June 17. This will provide a “rain
date” of Saturday should weath-
er interfere with the event.
Hours this year are 1 until 10
p.m. today; from 1 until 11 p.m.
tomorrow and 10 a.m. until 10
p.m. Saturday. Major sponsors for
this annual community event,
include: BJ's Grocery,
Community Financial, and The
Village Dentist. Additional spon-
sors include: Brackney
Chiropractic Health Center,
Dermatology Specialist of
Canton/Hamzavi Dermatology,
The Goddard School of Canton,
Star International Academy, U.S. Amphitheater, where a selection forming from 1-5 p.m. At 5:30 p.m. older who stop by their craft tent, shoot magnetic arrows at a target
Army, and Weatherguard of craft beers, hard ciders, and Mainstream Drive Band will get located near the Amphitheater. (great for older children) or
Windows. wine will be available. Festival- the audience dancing with popu- Other Saturday Canton LIVE! throw inflatable Velcro axes at a
Visitors can satisfy their goers must be 21 years to pur- lar covers in all genres. Then at 8 entertainment highlights, giant dartboard (suitable for all
appetites throughout the festival, chase these adult beverages. p.m., The Fruits will take the include: The International ages). In addition, festival-goers
where participating area restau- Tonight, the event includes stage performing Alt-Rock, Festival cultural performances can catch a wave at the water-
rants and food trucks will pres- Throwback Thursday Zumba at Power Pop, Funk, and Jazz. and displays which begin at 11:30 less Surf Simulators, located
ent local specialties. Liberty the Canton LIVE! Stage from 9-10 Friday Amphitheater Stage a.m. and continue most of the near the Amphitheater stage
Festival food and the Beer and p.m. Music and instructors will entertainment will feature the day. Presented by the Canton from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Friday.
Wine Garden will again be locat- be provided, visitors should be Surfzup Band - Music of The Commission for Culture, Arts and Hydration and misting sta-
ed near the Amphitheater. On ready to move and dress in a Ventures, who will entertain Heritage, this special showcase tions will be available throughout
Friday and Saturday from 4-10 style of their favorite decade. audience members with hits will feature cultures from around the park giving festival-goers a
p.m., a variety of food trucks will Participants are reminded to from the '60s 5-7 p.m.; a special the world, such as: Indian, chance to cool off. Organizers
be parked near the bring a water bottle to keep Hula Performance, featuring Chinese, Polynesian, Mongolian, suggest visitors bring a refillable
Amphitheater, with a tentative hydrated during this free event. local dancers is planned from 7- Japanese, and others. Youngest water bottle. Walk on the Wild
line-up that includes: Egg Roll Flight will perform Rock and 7:55 p.m.; and Air Margaritaville, visitors are in for a real treat Side, featuring Oasis Animals all
Diva; Frio's Detroit; The Hoagie Jazz hits at the Canton LIVE Detroit's premier Jimmy Buffet from 6 until 9:30 p.m. when mini- day Friday and Saturday, will
Roll; House of Mac; Impasto; Stage starting at 5 p.m. and begin- tribute band, will perform start- shows and special Meet and give all ages the chance to get up
Kona Ice; Little Caesars Pizza ning at 7 p.m., Allentown, a Billy ing at 8 p.m. Greets featuring Peppa Pig and close and personal with some
Truck; Little Kahua Shaved Ice; Joel tribute band, will take the Saturday highlights include George™ will take place, cour- barnyard and exotic animals.
Little Lou's Hot Chicken; stage playing all of the piano the Canton Lions Club's Annual tesy of Oasis Productions, Inc. KultureCity sensory-friendly
Meltdown Creamery; Poverino; man's hits. Pancake Breakfast from 8-11 a.m. Saturday Amphitheater Stage tents will also be available on the
Smokehouse 52 BBQ; and more. The Canton Chamber of at the North Pavilion. Chris highlights include: a special north and south side of Heritage
This year's participating food Commerce 50th Anniversary Cakes of Michigan returns to flip Juneteenth Celebration stage Park that will be a safe space for
concessions include: Different Walk of Fame Opening will begin pancakes high onto plates for presentation staring at 3 p.m., those with sensory challenges in
Twist; Kona Ice; J & J at 5 p.m. this afternoon near the those brave enough to catch featuring performances by Jack which to rest, that will also serve
Concessions; Veg-O-Rama and Amphitheater Stage. In addition, them. Stop by for a tasty break- and Jill of America Incorporated as changing or feeding tents, with
more. Trilogy performs at the Heritage fast and make this a Liberty Fest - Ypsilanti, MI Chapter, and The furniture sponsored by IKEA.
On all three days of Liberty Park Amphitheater starting at 6 tradition; while supplies last. In Oak Park Marching Band. In Merchandise from local arti-
Fest, the Canton Rotary Club and p.m., delivering Pop and Top 40 addition, a variety of fun charac- addition, festival-goers will hear sans, crafters, businesses, and
the Plymouth-Canton Optimist hits. Freelance will perform ters will also be on hand adding from keynote speaker and vendors will be displaying and
Club will be hosting a Beer and starting at 8 p.m., covering top to all of the fun from 9:30 until 11 Mistress of Ceremonies Pamela selling their items around the
Wine Garden, which is spon- favorite top 40 hits that the whole a.m., including Princess Leia and Osborne, a Canton native and large pond at Liberty Fest
sored by O&W Distributors, from family can enjoy. Darth Vader. WDIV-Channel 4 anchor/ Marketplace from 4 p.m. until
4-10 p.m. today, and tomorrow Tomorrow, Friday, Canton Canton Leisure Services is reporter. In addition, starting at dusk and on Saturday from 11
and from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. on LIVE! Stage highlights include again joining forces with 5:30 p.m., festival-goers can enjoy a.m. to dusk. Liberty Fest return-
Saturday. The tent is near the Canton Community Groups per- Running Fit to host the 8th Motown favorites performed by a ing favorites include: the
Annual Liberty Run, including local band. This special Scholastic Book Fair; LEGO
5K, 10K, and One Mile events. Juneteenth Celebration will cul- Station provided by MichLUG
Participants are encouraged to minate with a special perform- (Michigan LEGO Users Group);
register at www.cantonliber- ance by Detroit Queen of Blues and others. and run, walk, or stroll Thornetta Davis. She will per- Festival-goers are reminded
in these events. Participants will form from 8-10 p.m. that no dogs are allowed on festi-
also receive finisher medals, as Other festival highlights for val grounds and all bikes must be
well as a race T-Shirt. Plus, run- both Friday and Saturday parked in a bike corral. In addi-
ning-theme awards will be hand- include: Axe and Archery tion, a convenient Uber, Lyft, or
ed out to the best “Liberty” run- Throwing from 1 until 7 p.m. on parent drop-off/pick-off spot has
ning outfit. Friday and Saturday when folks been designated on Civic Center
Beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday, can take their best shot during Boulevard in front of the Canton
the Canton Home Depot, located these free activities located near Public Library main parking lot.
on Michigan Avenue, will be pro- the Canton LIVE Stage, spon- For more information, visit
viding DIY hot air balloon model sored and organized by Oakland or
kits to the first 200 children 4 and County Parks. Participants can call (734) 394-5360.