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June 16, 2022                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       ROMULUS - INKSTER
                                                       ROMULUS - INKSTER

        Mayor delivers first State of the City address

           “We're going to find a way,”                                                             meet with county and state offi-
        was the message Romulus Mayor                             ”                                 cials regarding the need for
        Robert McCraight emphasized         I keep stressing to them that we are the gateway        improvements.
        during his first State of the City                                                             “I keep stressing to them that
        address to an enthusiastic audi-        to Michigan. We are the first thing you see         we are the gateway to Michigan.
        ence June 7 at Romulus High            when you land (from a plane) in Michigan.            We are the first thing you see
        School.                                                                                     when you land (from a plane) in
           McCraight, who said he is                                                                Michigan.”
        often inspired by quotes from                                                                  He said he hopes for a region-
        history, repeated Abraham      the Michigan Association of    will add 1,000 jobs in the area  al partnership to help fund roads
        Lincoln's remark. “Determine a  Chiefs of Police. The Romulus  along with adding to the tax base.  and many other infrastructure
        thing can and should be done   department, he said, is one of   He said the developer will  improvements in the city. He said
        and we shall find a way,” in his  only 38 police agencies in the  add three commercial buildings  to date in his first term in office,
        address explaining his goals for  state to have been awarded the  at the site “on their dime” and  14 grants totaling more than $5
        the city.                      distinction which is based on the  added retail establishments.  million in either grant funds or
           Since taking office, McCraight  best and most effective police  “We're hoping those jobs drive  alternative funding have been
        reported that within the first 60  practices.                 the economy,” he said. One of  requested or applied for by the
        days as mayor, he attended more  McCraight also mentioned the  those businesses, a Royal Farms,  city.
        than 30 meetings with communi-  cross-training of fire and police  is the first of the franchise in the  He mentioned his hope for a
        ty partners and local, regional  officers noting that many of them  state.                  new veterans park near the cur-
        and state elected officials. The  were unaware of policies and  He introduced a new team    rent memorial and the rebuild-        Mayor Robert McCraight
        meetings were all in an effort to  procedures in the other depart-  dedicated to controlling and solv-  ing of the police headquarters
        promote Romulus and establish  ments. He said that now they   ing blight complaints in the city  which he described as a deter-  Carol Bales, whom he said, “pro-
        a working and comfortable rela-  have shared ideas and that the  and said that 88 percent of the  rent to recruiting new officers.   vided a blueprint for the next
        tionship with other communities.  first responders “can handle  blight citations or complaints had  McCraight reminded the audi-  generation.”
        He said many of the meetings,  emergency situations in the same  been satisfied. “We let owners  ence that in 2021, the City of  He closed his remarks noting
        including several at the       way.”                          know we expect a higher stan-  Romulus ended the year with a  his vision for the city remains
        Mackinac Policy Conference       McCraight reminded the audi-  dard in this community,” he said.  $9,000 unassigned fund balance,  transparency in all his adminis-
        helped promote the regional sig-  ence that development at the  He mentioned that a new owner  the highest amount in recent his-  tration's dealings and a strong
        nificance of the city.         Romulus Trade Center, a 171-   of the Barrington Apartments is  tory for the community, despite  sense of community and family.
           “We're on the right track and  acre, multi-million-dollar invest-  making $4 million in improve-  the challenges presented by the  “Family comes first, make
        we're not going to back down,” he  ment offering a combination of  ments at that building.  pandemic.                      sure they are involved,” he said
        said.                          retail and industrial space is set  McCraight said he and his   He closed his remarks by    as he introduced his children,
           He listed among many accom-  to begin this year.  He explained  staff continue to attempt find  stressing the importance of com-  Declan and Dalia, along with his
        plishments during his time in  that the developers “upgraded  ways to “fix the roads” in the city.  munity and family, citing the  wife, Kendra. Presenting her
        office the accreditation of the  the standards” regarding the  “It's a failing road system,” he  Hometown Heroes program and  with flowers, he thanked his wife
        Romulus Police Department by   development in the city and now  said, and said he continues to  Person of the Year award winner  for her support and patience.
        Inkster to mark Juneteenth with city celebrations

           The federal holiday on Monday, June  news of freedom. In the westernmost con-  p.m. on Saturday, June 18 at Inkster Park,  The holiday will also be celebrated
        20, will mark Juneteenth, a day commem-  federate state of Texas, however, enslaved  1550-1676 John Daly St. in the city.   from noon until 2 p.m. June 18 at the
        orating the emancipation of enslaved   people did not become free until June 19,  The event, organized by Michigan  Leanna Hicks Public Library where a
        black Americans. It is also often observed  1865 when 2,000 union troops arrived in  United, will include music by VDJ Wada  free, country-style event is planned.
        for celebrating African-American culture.  Galveston to announce that more than  and an exhibition match with the  Organizers said there would be food,
        Originating in Galveston, Texas, it has  250,000 enslaved Black people were free  Liberian Association of Michigan Soccer  square dancing lessons, horses and a
        been celebrated annually on June 19 in  by executive decree and the 13th     team. The soccer match will begin at  rodeo demonstration.
        various parts of the United States since  Amendment. The day became known as  noon.                                   The event will also be celebrated at the
        1865.                                  Juneteenth by the newly freed people in  Visitors are encouraged to bring a  Floyd B. Simmons Building and
           The Emancipation Proclamation took  Texas.                                cookout basket and enjoy the food, fun,  Brookside Park during the weekend. The
        place Jan. 1, 1863 when at the stroke of  Juneteenth is marked as the second  games and voter engagement. Seating will  free celebration is slated to continue from
        midnight, all enslaved people in confeder-  Independence Day in the United States.  be limited, organizers said, so visitors  11 a.m. until 8 p.m. June 17 through 19 at
        ate states were declared legally free.  While it was celebrated in the Black com-  should bring a chair if possible.   29150 Carlysle Ave. in the city.
        Union soldiers, many of whom were      munity, it was only declared a national
        Black, marched onto plantations and    holiday by President Joe Biden in 2021.
        across cities in the south reading small  A city celebration of Juneteenth is
        copies of the proclamation spreading   planned in Inkster from 11:30 a.m. until 5
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