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Lake Pointe residents discuss road repairs
Don Howard questions about the SAD proce- ” past SAD projects.
Staff Writer dure and explain how resident With more than 800 homes, and 2,268 residents, In Deer Creek, 121 lots were
support and approval would assessed $1,977; in Plymouth
Residents of the Lake Pointe affect the homeowners and the Lake Pointe is the largest subdivision in the township. Commons, 130 lots were assessed
subdivision in Plymouth future progress of the work. $3,918; in Ridgewood Hills-West,
Township met last week at the Fellrath told the homeowners 199.25 lots were each assessed
Friendship Station to discuss the in order to form the SAD, the under the OpenGov section. $2,566 and in Hunters Creek 27
condition and repair of subdivi- majority of the Lake Pointe lots were each assessed $5,595,
sion streets. The homeowners homeowners in the designated township, which usually borrows cost of their home. Therefore, according to township records.
association officers invited area must agree to pay the costs the funds to pay for the improve- the cost of paving or resurfacing Of the four subdivisions that
Township Director of Public and the plan must then be ments, and then bills the proper- generally is borne by the proper- approved SADs, approximately
Services Patrick Fellrath, and approved by township officials. ty owners a portion of the ty owners, usually in the form of 50 percent of the homeowners
George Tsakoff of the Livonia Regulations require 51 per- expense based on the cost and a special assessment district.” paid the assessments up-front
engineering and planning firm, cent or greater of the property amount of roadway on respective In 2015, the township received rather than the offered 10-year
OHM Advisors, to answer ques- owners-based on total frontage, properties. $750,000 in county funding for payment plan.
tions and summarize the forma- and 51 percent or greater of the The township usually charges road improvements. According Tsakoff said he thought the
tion of a Special Assessment property owners based on total residents an administrative fee to township Treasurer Mark roads “generally look in pretty
District (SAD) program to pay for number of units within the dis- for the service and adds an esti- Clinton, the funds were shared good condition for their age,” but
the needed repairs. Fellrath told trict demonstrate support for the mated 4 percent interest on the across four approved SAD proj- because they are past their full
the audience that the homeown- improvements by signing a valid loan. ects along with some patchwork life span “would have to be a full
ers association had expressed a petition after the forms are Plymouth Township residen- on previous SADs. Clinton said replacement.”
substantial interest in repairing approved, prepared and mailed, tial streets are under the respon- the larger the subdivision the Tsakoff said one concern was
the concrete roads in the subdi- according to state statute. sibility and ownership of Wayne lesser the cost per homeowner. whether OHM could find a
vision, thought to be between 40 SADs are a tax mechanism County. A statement on the coun- The construction work on the developer who would want to
and 50 years old and past the authorized by Michigan Public ty website stipulates their inter- subject four SADs was complet- take on a project with the num-
designed service life. Act 188 which allow for the pretation of that responsibility. ed in 2017 and the assessments ber of roads and the size of Lake
The meeting was attended by establishment of the assessment “Wayne County also maintains were billed on the homeowner's Pointe. With more than 800
a standing room only crowd, districts for purposes of perform- township residential streets winter tax bills. Clinton reported homes and 2,268 residents, Lake
breaking attendance records for ing township improvements. year-round, but it is not responsi- that on all of the 2015 funding Pointe is the largest subdivision
any homeowners association Property owners may pay for ble for making major improve- projects Wayne County con- in the township. Fellrath said if
meeting, according to board road improvements over time ment since the county did not tributed 32.6 percent and the the project comes to fruition, it
members. An intense audience, with a dedicated amount added build them. Residential streets homeowners 67.4 percent. He could be the largest SAD road
at times disruptive, listened to to their property tax bills. The are built by developers and paid said the remainder of the funds paving in the history of the town-
Fellrath and Tsakoff answer program is administered by the for by homeowners as part of the was used for crack sealing on ship.
Mill morale. The quality of that work quickly face of Atwater Brewery. He is about to lic amenities for cyclists, fishermen and
escalated into the public domain and solo
Roko is aware of the amount of work,
the Detroit Train Station renovation, a
exhibitions and commissions for serious begin work on a large mural installation at Hines Park visitors.
art collectors across the country, including commission from Lincoln Motors. dedication and money the renovation will
Lady GaGa, Jay Leno and the Holocaust In addition to the historic mill building take but is determined to bring the unused
his career at Ford Motor Co. and as his Museum, followed. Roko was named which has been closed to the public for and dilapidated building back into use as
innate talent was recognized, he was Detroit's Best Fine Artist for five consecu- three decades, Roko hopes to transform the architectural gem it once was.
pulled from the factory floor to create tive years and he was also selected to cre- the blighted property surrounding the fac- A public meeting has been scheduled
murals in the plants to help improve ate a series of paintings to act as the new tory into a sculpture garden featuring for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 18, to explain
works designed by elementary school the plans for the restoration and future
youth. use of the old mill and determine public
The "Inner Child" garden would support for the project. The meeting will
include walking paths and agricultural take place at the Penn Theater, 760
installations open to the public from dawn Penniman Ave. in downtown Plymouth,
to dusk daily. The plan also includes pub- across from Kellogg Park.
Tony Roko works with a student in his Plymouth studio.