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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 13, 2019

                                      INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Juneteenth celebrations are set in community

           Two events this week will cel-  legacy as a great people and for-                     ”                                 Americas where they were
        ebrate Juneteenth in the City of  tifying their ongoing history as                                                         bound for slavery. These captives
        Inkster                        contributors to America.                 Community Up is a community service                were herded onto ships, crowd-
           The first will take place from  The event will include food,                                                            ed into tight quarters, besieged
        noon until dusk on Saturday,   games, vendors, food trucks a           non-profit organization and all proceeds            by pestilence and disease, and,
        June 15 at Whetley Park.       Barbeque cookoff and a program                  from entry fees will go to                  when death occurred, were
           The celebration marks June  of spoken word, music, dance                                                                unceremoniously thrown over-
        19, a pivotal time in the life of  and speeches commemorating            support the Juneteenth celebration.               board into the Atlantic Ocean.
        slaves living in the southwest,  this historic milestone in the                                                              As is traditional, all partici-
        especially the state of Texas. It  lives of Black Americans.                                                               pants and observers will be
        was not until June 19, 1895 that  Visitors are asked to bring a  some contests will have entry  Juneteenth celebration.    wearing white.
        slaves learned that they had   chair                          fees and vendors will be charg-  Community Up will also host   Inkster Park is located on
        been free since 1863 when the    Wheatley Park is located on  ing for some food and merchan-  a Middle Passage Ceremony at  John Daly Road. The event is
        Emancipation Proclamation was  Beech Daly Road at Penn Street.  dise.                       Inkster Park at 6 p.m. June 19.  free and visitors are asked to
        signed by President Abraham    There is no admission fee and    Community Up is a communi-     The ceremony memorializes   bring a chair.
        Lincoln.                       the celebration, which is hosted  ty service non-profit organiza-  the more than two million cap-  No drugs and no alcohol will
           Juneteenth has come to be a  by the Community Up group, is  tion and all proceeds from entry  tive Africans who were lost at  be permitted at each of the fami-
        day to honor Black American    open to the public although    fees will go to support the   sea between Africa and the     ly-friendly events

        Kroger                                 infrastructure. Penske doesn't actually Class of 1979 reunion set
                                                 All the products in the warehouse are
                                               owned by Kroger, while Penske owns the

        FROM PAGE 1                            transport goods to or from the site, Doran  Old friends will meet for a weekend of  the Detroit Princess. Tickets for the
                                               said. It receives goods from dozens of dif-  conversation and reminiscing next  cruise are $68 per person if purchased
        Dominic Palazzolo, produce and floral  ferent vendors to Kroger, takes a record of  month when the Romulus High School  before July 17 and $73 per person after
        merchandiser for Kroger. For the compa-  inventory and hauls the products into the  Class of 1979 meets for the 40th reunion.  that date. Tickets can be purchased at
        ny, it means savings from less shrinkage  warehouse. From there, third-party vendor  Organizers have also invited mem-
        and transit time, and for consumers, it  FirstFleet Inc., based in Tennessee,   bers of the graduating classes from 1977,  The weekend gathering will close
        means fresher products.                receives the products from the warehouse  1978, 1980 and 1981 to join them for the  with a Family Barbeque set from 1-6 p.m.
           “All products housed in the new distri-  and ships them to Kroger stores.    three-day event.                   Sunday, Aug. 18 at St. Johns Lodge #44,
        bution center are Kroger products and the  Hurst said the company continues to    The reunion activities will begin at  31800 Beverly Road in Romulus.
        facility will only service Kroger's Michigan  hire for the warehouse. Open positions  7:30 p.m. Friday Aug. 6 when class mem-  For more information or reservations
        Division,” Rachel Hurst, corporate affairs  can be seen on the Penske website. Wages  bers can meet for hors d'oeuvres and  contact one of the committee members;
        manager for Kroger, said in a news     range from $16.50 to $22.50 per hour.    conversation at the Marriott Delta Hotel  Michael Johnson, (313) 319-7282; Sarita
        release.                                 “The big thing is it is bringing 400-plus  at 31500 Wick Road. The event will con-  Stephens, (313) 974-9563; ILanader
           The city of Romulus offered the compa-  jobs to the city of Romulus,” said Wayne  tinue until 10 p.m.           Johnson, (313) 258-5681; Duane Moffat,
        ny a tax abatement amounting to approxi-  County Executive Warren Evans. “It is   Alumni will meet at 5:30 Aug. 17 for  (248) 459-3399; John Baum, (734) 255-7055
        mately a 60-percent reduction in property  another addition to the economic develop-  dinner and dancing during a cruise on  or Teri Pryor (Rice), (734) 772-4260.
        taxes.                                 ment that's going on in Wayne County.”
        Father faces murder charges in death of 2 children

           A Romulus resident is facing second-  March 8 when his vehicle left Interstate  nounced dead at the scene, which was  degree murder, two counts of operating
        degree murder charges in the death of  96 near Williamston and struck a tree.  just east of Zimmer Road, prosecutors  while intoxicated causing death and two
        his two children who were killed in an  Witnesses told police that it appeared  said.                              counts of operating while his license
        automobile crash last March.           that Church lost control of the vehicle in  Church was transported to a nearby  was suspended or revoked, causing
           According to police reports,        which his 9-year-old son and 8-year-old  hospital for treatment of injuries  death.
        Damerious Church, 29, was driving      daughter were riding in the back seat.  described as "serious."                Church could face up to life in prison
        "aggressively and attempting to pass     The children, who both reportedly     Church was charged May 31 and       if convicted on the second-degree mur-
        vehicles on the shoulder of the highway"  lived in Grand Rapids, were pro-   arraigned on two counts of second-    der charges.
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