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Students complete Operation Opportunity program
Eighteen first-generation col- able to host a celebration cere- cancer. Through the eyes of an
lege-bound students from John mony to culminate the comple- ” elementary student, he saw the
Glenn and Wayne Memorial High tion of the program. Several stu- As an immigrant from India seven years ago, care and compassion the med-
School just completed the dents shared their experiences. I never dreamt I would have a chance ical staff showed while caring for
Operation Opportunity program. Akash Patel, a senior at John his grandmother as her illness
Operation Opportunity is a part- Glenn High School, said, “As an to participate in a program like this. progressed.
nership between Michigan immigrant from India seven “What I gained from
Medicine, Wayne-Westland years ago, I never dreamt I would Operation Opportunity is that I,
Community Schools (WWCS), have a chance to participate in a Miguel Bonam, possess the
and Eastern Michigan University program like this.” His mentor field and see different job paths great doctors and got some great opportunity to reach my goal to
Bright Futures. was also an immigrant, and he they can pursue. life lessons.” become a physician's attendant,”
The youth mentorship pro- learned a lot from Dr. Sara “We were able to build con- While she enjoyed meeting he said upon completion of the
gram was virtual this year. Sarberi, including the existence nections,” she said. One of her with the orthopedic surgery program.
However, students were still of racial disparities in medicine. favorite moments was meeting department, she said, “My Operation Opportunity gives
paired with mentors from Jillian Downey, also a senior the OB/GYN team. favorite was with the health students exposure to careers and
Michigan Medical and learned at John Glenn High School, said Kathryn Bigelow, a senior at information department.” She professional contacts in the med-
about the variety of career paths Operation Opportunity was a John Glenn High School, said, will study information systems at ical field, and so they know the
available to them in the medical chance for a small group of stu- “While participating from my liv- college in the fall. possibilities that are available to
field. district officials said. dents to meet and network with ing room, I loved and valued this Miguel Bonam grew up with a them, school district officials
Last week the district was different people in the medical experience. I got to talk to some sick grandmother who had liver said.
District schools will return to in-person classes in August
Parents of students in the applications are currently being the district moves into the new
Wayne-Westland Community ” accepted. school year through the guid-
Schools received some wel- We are returning to full in-person “We are returning to full in- ance of the Wayne County
come news from learning at all campuses K-12), five days person learning at all campuses Health Department and other
Superintendent of Schools John K-12), five days per week for the entities,” he said.
Dignan recently. per week for the 2021-2022 school year. 2021-2022 school year barring All preschool programs,
In a letter to parents, Dignan any unforeseeable event,” including young fives program-
said that beginning with the fall Dignan said in his letter.” This ming will also be open for full
semester of the 2021-2022 is a full load for our students operations in the fall, according
school year, the district will Dignan said there will be no ested in a virtual learning and families who choose to join to Dignan. He said that more
have in-person classes five days hybrid programming for the option for students could con- us in in-persons learning. We details on fall plans will become
a week. The fall semester will upcoming scholastic year. tact the Wayne-Westland Virtual will continue to practice available throughout the com-
begin in August this year and He said that families inter- Academy where enrollment COVID-19 safety protocols as ing weeks and months.
Westland sets upcoming post pandemic schedule of events
Last week, Gov. Gretchen “Michigan is emerging from ” months.
Whitmer announced the lifting the once-in-a-century pandemic The Park It “Outdoor Movie
of health restrictions on outdoor and gearing up to jumpstart the The City of Westland has worked hard to Night” community gathering is
events which can now proceed at economy. The hope that we feel distribute vaccines to our residents and we are looking set for June 23 and the Corrado
100 percent capacity. Indoor today is thanks to the millions of Park “Public Safety” community
events will now be able to pro- Michiganders who have gotten forward to hosting a slate of summer events. gathering will take place July 21.
ceed at 50 capacity as the state vaccinated to keep themselves, The popular Blues, Brews and
has surpassed 8 million does of their families, and communities BBQ event in the city will take
the COVID-19 vaccine since it safe,” the governor said. place Aug. 6 and 7 and the
became available in March. “The City of Westland has community has long waited for,” in Westland. Smooth Summer Nights Concert
Whitmer said that by July 1, worked hard to distribute vac- commented Mayor William R. In light of the easing of the Series is scheduled for Aug. 19
only a few targeted guidelines to cines to our residents and we are Wild. He added that more than health precautions, Westland and 26.
keep vulnerable populations looking forward to hosting a slate 15,000 doses of the COVID-19 will host several community For more information, call
safe would remain in effect. of summer events which our vaccine had been administered events during the summer (734) 467-3200.