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Village Theatre art exhibition features ‘growth’
The Village Theater at Cherry Hill
will display the works of painter Tiera
Knaff through June 28. The exhibit is
free and open to the public.
Knaff's exhibit, entitled "How Does
Your Garden Grow?" examines how that
particular question could also relate to
human life. Each work in the exhibit
consists of elements of self-love, growth,
the desire to create from surroundings
in a positive light, and the exploration of
colors, officials said.
"My goal is to communicate with my
audience that growth is limitless with
consistency," said Knaff. "This show is to
depict different ranges of growth and
understanding of life. I want to create a
more colorful and vivid setting that takes
you away from reality, and showcases it A variety of paintings by artist Tiera Knaff
in a more ‘artificial realism’". discovered her passion for animated toons, such as Cartoon Network and This art exhibit at the Gallery@VT is
Knaff was born in Detroit and gradu- characters. As she grew she ventured Nickelodeon, combined with real-life free and open to the public during
ated from the Detroit School of Arts further into the world of art to discover experiences indulging them in a fantasy gallery hours, 10 a.m. until noon
majoring in visual arts in 2011 and her own artistic identity, she said. world. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 6-
received a scholarship to attend College Known for art that is both realistic Knaff continues to work predomi- 8 p.m. Thursday or by special appoint-
for Creative Studies. She is currently and cartoon stylized, Knaff incorporates nantly in the medium of painting, prefer- ment arranged via email to elli.fas-
pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in her cartoon-like creativity with realism ably acrylics, as well as ballpoint pen, The Gallery@VT is
product design. As a child, she received infused together to create a unique style ink, and charcoal. Currently, she's been located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road,
visual art awards for her unique eye for combination. She said she finds inspira- venturing into digital painting and has Canton, 48187. For more information,
color and creativity. Knaff also attended tion from artist KAWS, cartoon programs created logos/graphics for clients upon call (734) 394-5300 or visit www.cantonvil-
Marygrove College in Detroit where she she watched as a child, and current car- request, she added.
New assistant city manager is named in Plymouth
Plymouth Municipal Services ” degree in Public Administration worked as a “dual” director of
Director Chris Porman is a busy This opportunity will present some new challenges from Central Michigan municipal services for both
man. University, as well as a bachelor's Plymouth and Northville to
Porman has taken on addi- to Chris and help with his degree from Michigan State assist Northville during a transi-
tional duties in his new dual role continued professional development. University. He is active national- tion period. As a part of his role,
as assistant city manager/direc- ly in the American Public Works Porman wrote an extensive
tor of municipal services. Association and was chosen as report on organizational obser-
City Manager Paul Sincock tion and just like any private cor- determine if there are possible one of their Young Emerging vations and recommendations
appointed Porman to the new poration it is critical to have a efficiencies or departmental Leaders in 2009. He has been a for the Northville Public Works
position as part of the succession clearly defined succession plan consolidation or re-allocations presenter at conferences and Department, prior to the expira-
plan which was listed as a priori- for the chief administrative offi- that could lead to potential cost educational seminars, both tion of the temporary agreement
ty in the formal 5-year strategic cer in the event of an emer- savings in the long term. nationally and internationally. between the two cities.
plan adopted by the members of gency,” said Sincock. In addition “As the city's budget continues The new title and emphasis on “This opportunity will present
the city commission. to filling in for Sincock when he to be squeezed by the Headlee administrative structure will some new challenges to Chris
Porman has served as acting is out of town and being in Amendment and Proposal A, we allow the city to broaden and and help with his continued pro-
city manager on several occa- charge of the department of need to be proactive in looking enhance his administrative and fessional development,” said
sions when Sincock has been out municipal services, Porman will for additional ways to have our supervisory skills, which is Mayor Oliver Wolcott. “We're
of town. have the added responsibilities processes be potentially more another priority in the city excited to see what he can do.”
“The city is really a 25-mil- of reviewing the city overall efficient,” Sincock said. strategic plan, Sincock said. Porman's appointment
lion-dollar municipal corpora- administrative structure to Porman earned his master's In 2017 and 2018 Porman became effective May 24.