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Ride ‘em cowboy
Midwest Rodeo is coming
to Fairgrounds June 11-12
There will be steer the few jobs available for men
wrestling, calf roping, relay of color in search of economic
races and bull riding, along opportunity amidst newfound
with many other traditional freedom.
rodeo events June 11 and 12 at That said, those who did
the Wayne County Fairgrounds. pursue this path often faced
The Midwest Invitational discrimination in many
Rodeo - the top showcase of the American towns despite their
Black cowboy/cowgirl story - skillset being deemed equal to
will return for one weekend their white counterparts.
only and guests can experience “The county welcomes this
the authentic African- partnership to bring such an
American Rodeo and join in incredibly energetic and
celebration of Juneteenth. vibrant event back to Metro
Wayne County Executive Detroit,” Evans said. “As we
Warren C. Evans will partici- commemorate so many pieces
pate as the Grand Marshall. of our history, from the Tulsa
With more than 50 years of Massacre to Juneteenth, it's
rodeo production experience, important that everyone take
Midwest Invitational Rodeo is a the time to learn the facets of
competitive traveling rodeo our history that are usually
that showcases the top rodeo ignored or glossed over in the
talents in the nation. textbooks and pop culture.
The family-friendly event Learning those lessons will
will feature activities for all ensure we not only avoid
ages. repeating similar mistakes, but
Prior to the rodeo which also is a key guiding principle if
starts promptly at 7 p.m. both we are to build a fairer, more
Saturday and Sunday, doors equitable future for everyone.”
will open to the public at 3 p.m. Tickets purchased in
for a festival atmosphere of advance are priced at $20 and
food trucks, music and product $25 if purchased the day of the
and service vendors. show.
The American Red Cross, Children 3 and younger are
Michigan State 4-H program, admitted at no cost with an
Wayne County Parks and many adult.
other special vendors and There is a $5 parking fee.
guests will be in attendance Wayne County Fairgrounds
June 11 and June 12. is located at 10871 Quirk Road
Grounded by generations of in Belleville.
history, the showcase cele- For more information or to
brates African-American cow- purchase tickets, visit
boys' meaningful contributions
to the sport. or contact Midwest.Invitat
Following the Civil War, via
working as a cowboy was one of email.
Rotary Club
are awarded
Four local high school gradu-
ates were awarded scholarships
from the Rotary Club of
Belleville during ceremonies
last week.
Since the inception of the
scholarship program, the Rotary
Club of Belleville has awarded
$587,000 to Belleville High
School students. This year, dur-
ing the 76th Annual Scholarship
Program, four $5,000 scholar-
ships were presented to local
students. Three of those were
academic awards presented to
Joshua Jeng, Nicholas Rafferty
and Kyler Warren. The Charles
B. Cozaad Community Service
Award was presented to Jessica
School administrators, par-
ents, family members joined sev-
eral Rotarians during the brief
May 25 program at Belleville
High School during which the
awards were presented.
During the meeting, Belleville
Rotary Club President Debra
Green offered a welcome includ-
ing an explanation of what
Rotary is, her history with the
Belleville club, and a summary
of club activities helping individ-
ual citizens, communities and
other charities in carrying on
their work.
Each of the four awardees
thanked the Rotary club mem-
bers and spoke about their plans
going forward and how the
scholarships will assist them in
reaching their academic and
career goals.
Scholarship Committee Chair
Mary Jo Suchy thanked all the
attendees, the scholarship com-
mittee and any others whose
work made the evening possible
before closing the meeting.
This year, as in recent years,
the primary funding source for
the program has been the
Charles B. Cozaad Rotary
Foundation which assists the
club in the funding or partial
funding of many projects.