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Wayne councilman resigns
Wayne Councilman Anthony term on the council in Miller added that he stands
Miller has announced his resig- November of 2016 and was by everything he said in that
nation from the municipal body. selected as Mayor Pro Tem in mayoral campaign and that he
He said his last meeting will be January of 2017. He was reelect- has “no regrets.”
this month and that he has sold ed in November of 2018 and his “I think and I hope I made an
his Wayne home and will be current term will continue until impact,” he said. “I know the
moving from the city to Florida. Nov. 14, 2022. administration and council had
Miller was first appointed to Miller said that he turned 62 issues with me, but I was there
the city council Dec. 16, 2014 this year and retired in March. to hold their feet to the fire. I
and took office in January of A brief vacation trip to Florida was hired by the residents, not
2015. He won election to a full following his new-found free- the council,” he said.
dom turned into a month-long The remaining members of
stay and “things just snowballed the council have 30 days, by
from there.” He said he found a state law, to fill the remainder of
new home in Florida and that his term.
selling his Wayne house was Miller said that serving on
“financially a good move.” the council had been an “amaz- Bittersweet day
Miller said he was humbled ing experience with some things
and honored to have been able I wasn't expecting, but that goes Last Friday, members of the Romulus Police Department intro-
duced their newest member, Ofc. Caitlin Dorsey, left, as they
to serve on the city council and with the territory.” said goodbye to one of the longest serving officers in the
to have been reelected twice by He said during his time on department. Dorsey is a resident of the city and a graduate of
voters. the council he stood “for what I Romulus High School. She is also a graduate of the Wayne
“I also ran for mayor last year believed in.” County Regional Police Academy and is completing her
and lost by only about 116 or so “I think people respected degree at Wayne County Community College. The same day,
votes. I didn't spend $1,000 on and believed in me. They knew officers helped Cpt. Josh Monte, right, one of the longest serv-
that campaign which meant that what I stood for,” he said. ing members of the Romulus Police Department, celebrate his
people placed their trust in me,” “There is no stronger element of retirement during his last day on the job. Fellow officers said
he said. “For fellow residents to character than to have your fel- that Monte was more than an officer or city employee, “he was
place that level of trust in you is low residents place their trust in a leader, a mentor, and true servant of the community.”
Anthony Miller an amazing thing,” he said. you,” he concluded.
Wayne police install new electronic speed sign
Wayne police have received equipped with cameras or license
numerous reports of vehicles travel- plate readers and drivers cannot be
ing at excessive speeds through ticketed for driving past the sign at
Wayne neighborhoods. an excessive speed.
To combat the problem, grant The speed sign was recently
funds were recently used to pur- placed on Chestnut Street between
chase an electronic speed measure- Second and Third streets. Between
ment sign for police use. The prob- May 6 and May 13, a total of 839 vehi-
lem is serious, officials said, as cles drove past the sign in the 25
speed is a factor in more than 25 mile per hour zone. Reports indicat-
percent of all fatal traffic crashes, ed that 801 or 95 percent of vehicles
according to national statistics. were at the speed limit while 38 or 5
Officers said that traditional traf- percent were at 26 miles per hour or
fic enforcement in neighborhoods faster. The average speed recorded
would be continued, and that the by the sign was 19 miles per hour,
electronic device would be used to according to reports.
remind drivers of the speed they Anyone with a suggestion for a
were driving and the need to obey location for the sign is asked to con-
posted speed limits. tact Sgt. Robert Amore at
The sign, officials said, is not