The Eagle 05 25 17 - page 5

May 25, 2017
- R
Special guest
Lt. Governor visits Inkster clinic
The Romulus Board of Education will hold a public hearing to consider the District's proposed 2017-
2018 budget on June 12, 2017 at 5:45 p.m.
The meeting will be held in the Board of Education Office at 36540 Grant Road, Romulus, MI
A copy of the proposed 2017-2018 budget, including the proposed property tax millage rate, will be
available for public inspection in the Romulus Board of Education Office during normal business
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on June 9, 2017.
The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the
proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing.
This notice is given by order of the Board of Education.
Robert McLachlan, Secretary
Board of Education
Publish: May 29, 2017
RM0182 - 052517 2.5 x 3.181
Michigan Lt Gov. Brian Calley recently
visited the Inkster location of Western
Wayne Family Health Centers (WWFHC)
for a tour of the facility and to learn more
about the integrated behavioral health
model practiced at the community health
The center provides primary medical
care and general dentistry for all ages
along with behavioral health services.
Access to behavioral health (counseling,
medicationmanagement by a psychiatrist)
all start with a visit to a primary care
provider who does a physical then refers
people who are seeking mental health
care or found to be inneed of it to a behav-
ioral health specialist. The specialist then
assesses the person and offers counseling
with a social worker or a psychologist and
if needed, sets up an appointment with a
psychiatrist. Patients talk with a psychia-
trist from the Wayne State University
Physicians Group via tele-medicine-which
is like highly encrypted Skype. Those
services are available at all three
WWFHC sites, and at Inkster, there is also
a treatment programfor opioid addiction.
Advantages to this integrated model
make it easier for a patient and family to
get all health related care in one place,
and enhances care quality when all
providers can access records and consult
with each other about the best treatment
of a patient. Any embarrassment or stig-
ma felt by someone seeking behavioral
health care is reduced, as many services
are offered in the same place.
Calley said he was impressed with the
facilities of WWFHC and the approach to
holistic treatment of thosewith behavioral
health needs, including supported recov-
ery for opioid addiction. He is an advo-
cate for mental health services and said
he was very impressed with the technolo-
gy used in a demonstration of tele-psychi-
atry where he had the chance to talk with
Alireza Amirsadri MD. Calley also had
the opportunity to talk with George
Sawabini DO, about the new controlled
substance prescription tracking system
and medically assisted treatment for opi-
ate addiction inMichigan.
Western Wayne Family Health Centers
operates three community health centers-
in Inkster, Taylor and Lincoln Park-offer-
ing primary care services for all ages, gen-
eral dentistry, care coordination, nutrition
education, exercise programs, insurance
application assistance and integrated
behavioral health services. In 2016, 15,
515 patients were seen with just under
52,000 visits. Services are available on a
sliding fee scale based on income, all
Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan cov-
erage accepted as well as most other
healthanddental insurance plans.
Good job
The annual Bowl-a-
thon at Romulus
Bowl generated
$3,602 this year to
help fund operations
at the city animal
LeRoy Burcroff, left,
accepts the check
Wadsworth and Bill
Wadsworth as Puff
the Fire Dog looks
on. The Bowl A
Thon takes place
each year to earn
funds to help feed
and care for the ani-
mals at the shelter.
Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, above right, talks with Dr. Gorge Sawabini during his visit last
week to the Western Wayne Family Health Center in Inkster. The staff of the center,
below, welcome Calley, center, to the clinic.
Single Family Residential Structure at 36100 Bibbins
Single Family Residential Structure at 8248 Burton
(1) The City of Romulus, Michigan is seeking bids, from qualified contractors, for the demoli-
tion of all structures, for the proper removal and disposal of all identified hazardous materi-
als (hazardous materials reports included for each property), the proper removal and disposal
of all materials specified for each location and for the restoration of each site as specified in
the solicitation documents for the two properties listed above.
(2) This project is a federally funded Community Development Block Grant project.
(3) Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid
must use the forms provided by the
Bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN system @
/. Bids may be rejected unless made on the forms included with the bid-
ding documents.
(4) Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discre-
tion of the City. Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN system.
All interested parties are instructed to view the MITN website regularly for any issued adden-
da. It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain the any issued addenda and acknowledge
any issued addenda by including a printed copy of the addendum as part of the required doc-
uments for this solicitation and list the addendum in the bid's Table of Contents if required.
(5) A total of two copies (one marked "Original" and one marked "Copy") of must be submitted
in a sealed envelope and returned to the
City Clerk's Office
no later than 2:30 P.M., Monday,
June 5 2017
. Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed using the Bid
package label provided in the ITB documents.
(6) The CDBG Coordinator will make every effort to utilize small, minority-owned and/or
women-owned business. Such businesses are encouraged to submit a bid and include verifi-
cation of this status along with their bid.
(7) Federal regulations for CDBG funded projects require that the awarded contractor and any
subrecipients/sub-contractors performing work under the project are encouraged to use of
local businesses; small, minority, and/or women-owned businesses.
(8) Federal regulations, both CDBG and non-CDBG, make it very clear that subrecipients should
make every effort to use local business firms and contract with small, minority-owned and/or
women-owned businesses in the procurement process.
(9) At approximately 2:45 p.m., local time all timely received bids are to be publicly opened and
(10) Please be advised that the City must have received all insurances and bonds required by the
ITB documents and have the contract in place by June 13, 2017.
(11) The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the
right to reject all bids and proposals and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in pro-
posals received.
(12) For additional information contact Lynn A, Conway, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director,
by calling (734) 955-4568 or by emailing
Publish: 5/25/17
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