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Varied opinions offered in street survey
Shawn Riley is accustomed to two streets that need considera- door dining and retail presence
appearing before crowds in his ” tion, others said, there should be to help maintain sales during a
role as a singer and musician, We are pleased with the number a balanced solution for better difficult time. Northville was
but the audience during the of responses that we received from both traffic distribution along with one of the first cities in the state
recent Downtown Development input from traffic engineers. to establish a social district, offi-
Authority (DDA) and Northville the residential and business community. Initially, the streets were cials said.
City Council public forum was closed due to pandemic restric- When a decision is reached,
somewhat different. tions that limited the number of the DDA board members are
The May 9 meeting, chaired both streets and the vast majori- Approximately 20 people out people allowed inside business- expected to take a recommenda-
by Riley, a DDA member, was an ty or 80 percent wanted to keep of 75 in the audience - in person es. tion to the June 6 meeting of the
effort to garner public sentiment the current downtown social dis- and on Zoom - expressed their The closed streets resulted in members of the city council.
regarding street closures in trict. Fifty-three percent of thoughts about downtown a greater surface area for social For more information or
downtown Northville. Currently respondents wanted to expand Northville. Several wanted to distancing and downtown comments, contact the DDA
closed to traffic in the city are the social district which will con- see a better-looking streetscape - restaurants and retailers were office at lward@ci.northville.mi.
East Main Street from North tinue in the near future, regard- improve the appearance at the permitted to expand their out- us or (248) 349-0345.
Center to Hutton and North less of any decision regarding social district entrances. One
Center from East Main to street closures. Survey results, longtime resident said traffic on
Dunlap. Authorization for those including an extensive array of the secondary streets is congest-
closures will expire Nov. 1. written comments, are posted on ed and drivers get impatient
A recent survey conducted by the DDA website. with all of the stop signs. Several
the DDA sought input from the “We are pleased with the said they liked the European
community on whether or not number of responses that we feel, but one respondent said he
the downtown street closures received from both the residen- and his family want a return to
should continue (in some form) tial and business community. small town America with streets
or reopen to vehicular traffic. Their participation will provide open to traffic.
Survey results, presented by Joe important feedback to the DDA Several said it's important to
Blair, of Carlisle Wortman and city council as we make look at lasting solutions, espe-
Associates, drew 4,053 respons- decisions that will impact our cially to help downtown retail-
es. Of those, 74 percent were in community,” said DDA Director ers, services and restaurants
favor of closures of either one or Lori Ward. thrive. It's more than just those Restaurants expanded into the street with street closures. Photo by DDA.
5 arrested in building fires On the money
Five suspects were arrested by Department. Following interviews of
Northville Township Police following a the suspects by members of the detec- Township reporting honored
fire at Legacy Park May 11. tive bureau, investigators determined
Police and fire departments respond- the fires had been deliberately set.
ed to a report of black smoke in the air Police have submitted their inves- The Government Finance Officers clearly communicate the financial story
at the Seven Mile Road location. tigative results to the office of the Wayne Association (GFOA) of the United States and motivate potential users and user
When they arrived at the scene, first County Prosecutor for review and pend- and Canada has awarded the groups to read the report.
responders discovered two buildings on ing charges. Certificate of Achievement for The Certificate of Achievement is
the former site of the state psychiatric The hospital was open from 1952 Excellence in Financial Reporting to the highest form of recognition in gov-
hospital fully engulfed in flames, until 2003. In the years since it was Northville Township. This is the ninth ernmental accounting and financial
according to police reports of the inci- closed, the property which is owned by consecutive year the township finance reporting, and its attainment represents
dent. Northville Township has become a office has been honored with the dis- a significant accomplishment by a gov-
Five individuals who appeared to be mecca for urban adventurists and ghost- tinction. ernment and its management, accord-
attempting to flee the area were hunters. The township financial report was ing to the GFOA website.
detained by police officers. Following a After hundreds were arrested annu- judged by an impartial panel to meet Township officials said the award
preliminary investigation and inter- ally for trespassing, township officials the high standards of the program, validates the efforts to lead “our future
views, the five were taken into police established a zero-tolerance policy and which includes demonstrating a con- confidently with sound financial opera-
custody and transported to the regularly monitor social media sites for structive “spirit of full disclosure” to tional planning.”
Northville Township Police postings about the property.