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May 19, 2022                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


          Guests of honor

          Members of the Romulus City Council and city officials gather around the Romulus High School boys' basketball team members who won both the Conference and District
          championships this year. Coach Herb Buckley introduced members of the team including team Captain Caleb Wilson who thanked the council for allowing the team to rep-
          resent Romulus. Buckley noted that six seniors were leaving the team this year and thanked the council members for their support during the year. Photo by Roger Kadau.

        School activist brings concerns to city council

           Romulus resident Rita       following   the   firing  of                                                                role in the school district.
        Hampton took her concerns      Superintendent of Schools Dr.                             ”                                   Councilman         William
        about the Romulus Community    Benjamin Edmondson in                    When you have a failing school district            Wadsworth was obviously taken
        School District to the members of  December. His firing and sur-                                                           aback by Hampton's criticism of
        the city council this month.   rounding administrative issues          you will slowly suffocate the community.            the council noting that he was a
           Hampton, who led the drive  have prompted protests by                                                                   55-year resident of the communi-
        for a recall of three current  school groups, parents, students                                                            ty and had three sons who were
        school    board    members,    and teachers at public meetings                                                             educated in the Romulus schools
        addressed the city council mem-  along with resignations of admin-  im director of human resources,  Members of the council  along with four grandsons and
        bers during the audience portion  istrative personnel in the district.  an interim director of technology  responded to Hampton during a  had always supported the school
        of the meeting earlier this month.  “So here we sit after his  and two interim administrators  later portion of the meeting agen-  district.
           “How can the city prosper   (Edmondson's) departure in     at middle schools,” Hampton   da, noting that the city officials  “I campaigned for school mill-
        when the school district is in free  December with a former emer-  said.                    had nothing to do with the opera-  ages and got negative feedback
        fall and subject to public embar-  gency manager serving as inter-  “As we are public servants, I  tion or management at the school  for it,” Wadsworth said. “I don't
        rassment. Clearly you know but  im superintendent making $6,000  ask if you don't serve the kids and  district and had no authority  want to leave the impression
        remain paralyzed,” she said.   a week, the second highest paid  their well-being, then who are we  under law to interfere or act in  with people that we don't do any-
        Hampton demanded to know       superintendent in the state. With  going to serve. If not for their  the situation.         thing. I've done a lot for the
        “where have you been, I ask. We  his expertise and networking  future, then for the preservation  They were, they explained,  schools as a parent and a sup-
        all ask.”                      and alignment with the board,  of our community. When you    elected by voters to represent  porter,” he said, noting that the
           Hampton was attempting to   we have an interim executive   have a failing school district you  their interests at the city level,  school district was a separate
        secure city officials' involvement  director of finance, an interim  will slowly suffocate the commu-  not in the schools and had no  and autonomous entity in which
        in the current school controversy  director of instruction, an inter-  nity,” she said.     authority to take any leadership  city officials have no authority.

          Police, firemen to play                                                    Burcroff                              city - a fact which no one that truly knows
                                                                                                                           him will dispute.”
                                                                                                                              Burcroff was reelected as mayor in
          basketball for charity                                                     FROM PAGE 1                           2017 but opted not to seek reelection last
                                                                                                                           November and was succeeded by former
                                                                                                                           Director of Economic Development and

             First responders from the Romulus  police officers said.                employees and closed parks. In fact,  Public Service Robert McCraight.
                                                                                                                              The charges are punishable by up to 20
                                                                                     LeRoy has given nearly a quarter century
          Police and Fire departments will show  “We would like to build on that     of dedicated and honorable service to the  years in federal prison.
          their hoops skill during a charity bas-  momentum by offering even more chil-
          ketball game set for 1 p.m. this Sunday,  dren the opportunity open gifts this
          May 22, at Romulus High School.     Christmas,” they added.
             The officers and firefighters will  Raffle prizes at the Sunday game
          face   a   team    from   Royalty   will include, becoming “City Official for
          Empowerment, a group of young peo-  the Day” for children 7-11 years old.
          ple on a First Responders Tour. The  The winning student will have the
          tour is an effort to bridge the gap  chance to experience a day as mayor,
          between law enforcement and youth in  chief of police, director of fire service
          urban and undeserved communities.   or a 34th District Court judge. Other
             The game will be the first fundraiser  prizes include a Nintendo Switch, vari-
          dedicated to the annual Shop with a  ous gift baskets and other items.
          Cop event which helps local families   Romulus High School is located at
          during the holidays. Last year, Shop  9650 Wayne Road. Admission is $5, chil-
          with a Cop helped fund holiday gift  dren younger than 5 will be admitted at
          shopping for 54 children in Romulus,  no cost.

                                                    ROMULUS SPRING 2022

                                                      CITY WIDE YARD SALE

                                                            Participating Addresses
                                      Thurs., May 19th, 2022 - Sun., May 22nd, 2022
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