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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             May 13, 2021


        Dogs must ‘stay’ on leashes in Plymouth Township park

           A small portion of a Plymouth  the park eligible to apply for                                                           duct of the animal.
        Township park is going to the  state and federal grants to help                          ”                                   Clinton expressed his con-
        dogs.                          fund upgrades, officials said.              The new designation could also                  cern about the increased work
           A triangular section of     The new designation could also                                                              for the park staff and both he
        Plymouth Township Park near    protect the park section from                 protect the park section from                 and Curmi asked how the new
        the intersection of Ann Arbor  residential or commercial               residential or commercial development.              rules regarding leashes and dog
        Trail and Beck Road will be    development, officials added.                                                               waste were to be enforced.
        named Golfview Neighborhood      Trustees Chuck Curmi and                                                                    Township Supervisor Kurt
        Park and will now allow leashed  Treasurer Mark Clinton cast dis-                                                          Heise said the park was subject
        dogs into the area, a direct con-  senting votes on the renaming of  named area. Curmi said that he  April 27 meeting and will allow  to a renaming and might be the
        flict with a long-standing agree-  the park and they were joined  preferred the off-leash or free  dogs on a leash no longer than  subject of a naming contest in
        ment that has allowed free-    by Trustee Bob Doroshewitz in  range area the park had provid-  10 feet and will be effective for a  the township. He stressed that
        range dogs in the park under the  voting no on an addendum to  ed for dogs and owners. The  three-month period. Owners     this is a pilot program which is
        watchful eyes of “best friends.”  the motion allowing only    new on-leash rules were       must pick up after their dogs  not “set in stone” but is a test
        The new designation will make  leashed dogs to visit the newly-  approved by a 4-3 vote at the  and are responsible for the con-  study.
        New Kellogg Park fountain

        construction is under way

                                 Don Howard    and WESCO Fountains of Florida was
                                  Staff Writer  selected.
                                                 Funding for the fountain construction
           Construction is currently under way  and installation was made possible by a
        behind fabric fencing in Kellogg Park  grant agreement between the city and the
        where a new fountain is being installed,  Wilcox Foundation in the amount of
        replacing the iconic structure that has  $1,170,449.10. Commissioners also author-
        been a city symbol for half a century.  ized the expense of an additional $30,000
           The installation of the new fountain  for the fountain project. The approved
        was mutually delayed by City of Plymouth  funding was in addition to the previous
        officials and administrators at the Wilcox  authorization of $20,000 in funding from
        Foundation for a year, due to the COVID-  the Downtown Development Authority
        19 pandemic.                           bringing the city contribution for the
           Members     of   the   Downtown     fountain to $50,000. At their meeting earli-
        Development Authority (DDA) revealed   er this month, city commissioners also
        initial plans and designs in April 2016. It  approved the expense for installation of
        was the hope of the DDA to have major  benches as part of the Kellogg Fountain
        upgrades to both the park and the foun-  replacement.                        contractor Shaw Construction of Livonia  coming,” said Mayor Oliver Wolcott. “It's
        tain in time for the 150th anniversary of  According to a recent statement from  is now working on site preparation and  only because of the generosity of the
        the city. After public input and study, the  the DDA, demolition of the 50-year-old  utility connections.          Wilcox Foundation that we'll be able to
        design by Russell Designs of Northville  fountain is now complete and general  “This project has been a long time  see it come to fruition.”
        New phone app offers location of train delays at city crossings

           The frequent and long delays  motorists locate and predict train  There are settings to allow users  ing. The “chance of train” feature  A city spokesman said work on
        due to trains blocking roadways  delays.                      receive notifications constantly  can help drivers plan trips by  infrastructure and technology
        in Plymouth can now be avoided   The new Plymouth Trains app  or for specific times or days of  seeing the likelihood of a blocked  issues to cover the remaining
        by technology.                 allows users to receive a notifica-  the week. Another optional set-  crossing.             crossings in the city is under way.
           City of Plymouth officials and  tion and an estimated waiting  ting uses the motorist’s location  The app is still in develop-  The app is available on the
        Integrated Traffic Systems LLC  time when a train is blocking a  and sends a notification when  ment and is currently active for  Apple App Store and an Android
        have collaborated to help      roadway in the community.      within range of a blocked cross-  only the Farmer Street crossing.  version is in the works, he added.
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