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Pet project
Students sponsor rare white rhino
Second-grade students at Walker- one of the rhinos for two months.
Winter Elementary School in Canton They collected returnable cans and
Township have taken on a gigantic cause. bottles in an effort to generate enough
The students are sponsoring the care money to feed and house Ratu. They also
and feeding of Ratu, white rhinoceros in accepted donations toward the cause.
Kenya, Africa. As part of a nature lesson, “We learned that the Sumatran Rhino
the students participated in a Skype call was also endangered and decided we
with Ami Vitale, a National Geographic should learn more about this. Did you
photographer who was at the Ol Pejeta know that there are less than (sic) 80 Second-grade students at Walker-Winter Elementary School collected funds to spon-
Conservancy in Kenya with the last two Sumatran Rhinos left in the world? To sor a white rhinoceros for two months.
northern white rhinos in existence. The help these endangered rhinos, our class
students learned about what needs to be decided that we could do more. We col- Second-grade teacher Chris problems. The class researched and
done to protect threatened and endan- lected cans and bottles and also got dona- Kozaczynski said the nature project les- learned about Sumatran Rhinos and then
gered rhinoceroses in existence. tions. We raised enough money to adopt a son was an important one for the students. took a collection (cans/bottles) to support
Currently, the Conservancy is caring and rhino for two whole months- $1,005.01 We “Our recently completed Project Based conservation efforts. We raised $1,005.01
protecting two very rare white rhinos. The adopted Ratu, one of the rhinos at the Learning cycle had the students search which was enough to “adopt a rhino” for
second-graders immediately decided to International Rhino Foundation,” one stu- for ways to get involved within the com- two months- providing all care for Ratu,
attempt to raise enough money to sponsor dent posted on the class website. munity to help solve larger, real-world our rhino.”
Dedication set for high school Hall of Fame in Wayne
The new Wayne Memorial Athletic Hall of Fame included Wayne Memorial High School. Dick Brewis; Bill Brooks; Doris Poteau-Foster; Larry Quartuccio;
High School Athletic Hall of Fame community members, athletes The ceremony is planned for 6 Busuito; Dale Butler; Jim Anthony (Tony) Robertson; Pollis
will be officially dedicated next and coaches from St. Mary's p.m. Friday, June 7, in Alumni Chronowski; Cedric Dempsey; Robertson; Pat Sheridan; George
month. School, John Glenn High School Arena at the school. The event Donald D. Domke; Anthony (Tony) Smith; Larry (Chum) Stockwell;
The Hall of Fame had been and Wayne Memorial High will be open to the general public Drager; Kim (Schwartz) Fallow; Doug Tolson; 1945 State
part of the Wayne-Westland School. and school officials urged the fam- Michael J. Goin; Don Haney; Championship Football Team;
Athletic Hall of Fame created to The new Hall of Fame will be ilies and friends of those honored Kevin Hankerson; William Clark 1981 State Championship
honor area athletes and their housed in the Alumni Arena on in the Hall of Fame to attend. Hawley; Chuck Howton; Don L. Volleyball Team and 1983 State
accomplishments and encourage the Wayne Memorial High School The Wayne Memorial High Mason; James J. McPartlin; Championship Volleyball Team
community pride and housed at campus and will include individu- School Athletic Hall of Fame Rodney Ott; Walter Ott; Theodore Wayne Memorial High School
Jake's Again Lounge. Original als that have been identified as members currently include: D'Pulos; Eugene “Udge” is located at 3001 Fourth St. in
members of the Wayne-Westland having a direct connection to Wendy A. Bostwick (Reynolds); Piscopink; Thom Piscopink; Kim Wayne.
Wayne Main Street plans ‘sweet’ downtown shopping event
More than 150 people are each Cookie Stroller will be from Garden Fantasy chocolate walks, we are bring- ber of tickets may be available
expected to enjoy a “sweet” provided with a cookie box and Greenhouse will be available ing a new and exciting event to day of the event. Proceeds from
event in Wayne next week. a map of the more than 14 par- for purchase in Derby's Alley. Wayne” commented Kaitlynn the event benefit Wayne Main
The Cookie Stroll, organized ticipating businesses. Strollers This year, the gourmet cookies Riley, Wayne Main Street board Street programs and services.
by Wayne Main Street, is will be invited to explore his- have been provided by the member. The event is being sponsored
planned for 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. toric downtown Wayne and Wayne-Westland schools Tickets to this event are $15, by the Wayne Downtown
Saturday May, 11. pick up gourmet cookies at par- Culinary Arts Program. “The or four for $40. Tickets can be Development Authority, the
The Cookie Stroll will begin ticipating businesses. An Cookie Stroll is an important purchased in advance at down- Wayne Dispatch, the William D.
in Derby's Alley located at assortment of potted flowers event for our downtown. After or by calling Ford Career Technical Center,
34924 W. Michigan Ave. when and hanging flower baskets hosting several successful (734) 629-6822. A limited num- and Imperial Press.