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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                              May 2, 2019

                              BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Zoning revised to appeal to ‘upscale’ development

                       Scott Spielman  development director for the City  larger trees, walking paths and  the area, but it would not fit in  attorney representing the devel-
                        Special Writer  of Romulus.                   high-end architectural features.  under the proposed changes. The  oper, said he was surprised to
                                         “We have the opportunity to    Because there is residential  city had a study session sched-  learn the study session had been
           Members of the Romulus City  do some very good things here,”  nearby and to avoid the stress on  uled with the group, but can-  cancelled.
        Council approved an overlay dis-  he said. “We don't want to have  infrastructure, warehouse, logis-  celled and decided to finalize the  “We think there's merit to this
        trict recently that will pave the  heavy truck traffic dominating  tics and other uses that require  zoning change, which planners  project,” he said. “We think
        way for additional upscale devel-  it.”                       heavy trucks are not permitted.   had worked on for most of last  there's an opportunity to work
        opment within the city.          The area is currently zoned as  “We didn't want to change the  year.                      the issues out, and we're just ask-
           The Vining Road Subarea     a regional center, which would  underlying zoning to regional   “At the end of the day, it didn't  ing for an opportunity to present
        Overlay District, centered near  allow virtually every type of use,  center. We wanted to get some  complement what was around  it.”
        Wick and Vining roads, would   from commercial to industrial,  additional uses on that property.  it,” said Keyes.           The zoning overlay was
        allow for some additional uses in  residential and retail. The over-  What we did not want was ware-  Keyes said the city had been  approved,  with  only
        the regional center zoning, but  lay district would allow for some  housing, distribution logistics or  working with the developer on  Councilwoman Virginia Williams
        prohibit the type of heavy ware-  additional complementary uses  those uses or heavy truck traffic,”  that project, and there were plen-  voting against it.
        house and truck use that some  on the 300+ acres of land, includ-  said Keyes. “We wanted to attract  ty of areas within the city that it  “We do not want 18-wheelers
        developers had sought to place  ing office, research and develop-  development that would bring a  would fit. Property south of the  over there on that property,” said
        there. It's a continuation of efforts  ment, and some engineering, pro-  lot of jobs, but not a lot of trucks.”  airport, about 5 miles away from  Councilwoman Eva Webb. “This
        to drive development to the area  vided they were created on cam-  Recently,   Northpoint   the overlay district, is already  overlay keeps these acres for
        that had long been vacant in the  pus-like settings with deep set-  Development had proposed a  zoned for that type of use.   retail, for condos over by the
        city, said Tim Keyes, economic  backs, additional landscaping,  $170 million development within  Timothy Stoepker, a land use  lake-we want to keep that there.”

        Review                         department to collect overdue  City banners will honor veterans
                                       water bills which could create a
                                       cash flow problem. He also       Banners that pay tribute to  Memorial Day and Veterans Day,  to be used the following year for
        FROM PAGE 1                    expressed concerns about the   individuals that have served in  respectively. The banners will  $50.
                                       failure of the treasurer to review  the Armed Forces will be on dis-  honor those in active duty as well  The goal of the program was
        at the time of  “settlement.” When  banking proposals which could  play in downtown Romulus dur-  as those honorably discharged  to recognize and honor “the
        Sumpter Township sends the col-  cost the township in potential  ing a ceremony from 5 to 6 p.m.  from the U.S. Armed Forces.  brave individuals who are serv-
        lected $1.63 million to the county,  interest and lower banking fees.   Monday, May 6, at the Romulus  The double-sided color ban-  ing or have served in the United
        the $16,400 or 1-percent interest  Bednark denied that the office  Historical Park Pavilion, 36095  ners are 18 by 36 inches. Each  States Armed Forces,” Druyor
        per month will be deducted from  was non-compliant, challenging  Goddard Road.              has a photo of a member of the  said.
        the tax amount due back to the  the lost revenue and costs that  The viewing and reception for  military along with the name,  There is limited space avail-
        township. Any delinquent taxes  Holtz reported to the trustees at  the Inaugural Military Tribute  dates of service and branch of  able to add banners this year as
        due Sumpter Township which     the meeting.                   Banner Program is sponsored by  the military.                well.
        have been collected by Wayne     Bednark was elected to fill the  the City of Romulus and      DDA Director Merrie Druyor    Those interested in sponsor-
        County are also paid to the town-  unexpired term in the treasurer's  Downtown  Development  said the program started in   ing a banner for heroes or fami-
        ship at settlement.            office created when Morgan     Authority (DDA).              February. Military families had  lies unable to do so on their own
           “The longer we wait for settle-  moved from that office to become  Fourteen tribute banners  until March 29 to purchase ban-  can make a donation to Romulus
        ment, the longer we do not have  supervisor. Peggy Morgan served  were installed May 1 on poles in  ners for $150 apiece.  Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
        those funds,” Holtz said. He said  as interim treasurer until  downtown Romulus and will be    At the end of November, the  9568.
        he discovered the funds had not  Bednark's election last fall. His  on display during May and  banners will be given to the fami-  For more information on the
        been distributed to Wayne County  unexpired term will end in  November, the months of       lies to store. They will be eligible  program, call (734) 955-4531.
        in his regular reconciliation of  November of 2020.
        the bank accounts.               During the meeting last week,
           Holtz has resigned the position  the former treasurer took the  Happy
        to become the Lenawee County   microphone during the public
        finance director.  He said that his  comment portion of the agenda  Arbor Day
        decision to leave the township  and stated that before she left
        was due, in part, to the lack of  office, the township auditor gave  Sumpter Township was
        communication with the treasur-  the treasurer's office a clean bill  awarded a $500 grant from
        er's office which made it impossi-  of health, a direct contradiction to  the Department of Natural
        ble for him to do his job.     Bednark's reported remarks that  Resources and Supervisor
           “It was my job to oversee the  he inherited an office in disarray.  John W. Morgan, at right,
        general expense level and ensure  Morgan added that his assis-  whose office applied for the
        that financial matters are correct-  tant, who also worked as the  grant, gave Eastern White
                                                                        Pine Tree seedlings away
        ly reported. I was also responsi-  deputy treasurer for many years  to Sumpter Township resi-
        ble for the bank account reconcil-  “could straighten this out very  dents to celebrate Arbor
        iations and watching the cash  quickly,” but that Bednark will  Day April 24. Administrative
        management for the township,”  not accept help from those expe-  Assistant Karen Wooding-
        Holtz said.                    rienced with township finance.   ton helped distribute the
           Holtz prepared a report for the  “The finance director told me  100 trees which were
        board trustees detailing six per-  that this is now such a mess of  ordered from the Arbor Day
        formance or procedure inade-   misapplied and commingled        Foundation. The township
        quacies by Bednark's office which  funds that he doubts even the  also purchased seven
        he said need “immediate atten-  auditors will be able to straighten  books on the subject of
        tion.” The top two were the fail-  it out,” Morgan said.        trees which are being
                                                                        donated to the new
        ure to immediately send the $1.6  “Did I stutter? There is no late  Belleville Area District
        million in collected tax funds to  fee, this is all fallacious informa-  Library branch being built
        the county, the school district and  tion,” Bednark said.       in the township.
        other taxing entities. Others     “There is no documentation of
        include the failure of Bednark's  any of this. It is all fabricated.”

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