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Be a ‘Buddy’
Church begins new reading program
Inkster children now have a buddy to pods, to make sure their children do not
help them develop strong reading skills. lose ground with their studies. However,
Smith Chapel AME Church in Inkster many are concerned that children who
has instituted a Reading Buddy Program can't afford those resources and are being
which is designed to help children in left behind as schools alternate between
grades K-4 improve reading and compre- remote and face-to-face learning.
hension skills. After consulting with a par- Research has shown the more children
ent, each child is matched with a Reading read, the wider their vocabularies
Buddy who will read a book with the become, which leads to better communi-
child. cation and writing skills. The bottom line
Books are chosen from a curated read- is strong reading skills are essential to
ing list with a focus on cultural awareness, academic and career success,” Kirk
history and dream building. Brand new McKenzie said.
books are mailed to the child free of Currently, all interactions between the
charge and each time a child completes a child and the Reading Buddy are by
certain number of books (two, five, 10) the Facetime, Zoom and other digital plat-
child receives an incentive award. forms, convenient to the family schedule.
Children can keep the books to add to, or All Reading Buddies are volunteers, who
create, their personal library. Pastor have undergone training with licensed
Katrese Kirk McKenzie said she believes teachers and have had an independent
the Reading Buddy Program can make a background check.
difference in a child's ability to be on pace, Some Buddies are currently teachers
or possibly exceed, their grade level for in local school systems.
reading and comprehension. For more information, or an applica-
“Over a year into the COVID-19 pan- tion to participate in the Reading Buddy Spring cleaning
demic we have seen reports of families Program contact admin@smith
who use tutoring services and learning Members of the Belleville Rotary Club, personnel from David C. Brown Funeral
Home, Higgerson & Neal Funeral Home, and several local community volunteers
braved the unexpected wintery-mix of springtime weather April 20 and picked up
25 bags of refuse, leaves, and other yard waste at Hillside Cemetery in Belleville.
The volunteers cleaned about 750 pounds of debris from the cemetery while earli-
er in the day a group of Rotarians and friends also cleared storm drain blockages
on Potter and Edgemont streets in Belleville.
Apartment unit wait lists now open
Wait lists for apartment units at Twin The Lemoyne Gardens 1, Lemoyne
Towers, Demby Terrace and Parkside Gardens 2, and Canterbury waitlists will
Estates in Inkster opened to applicants remain closed until further public
Tuesday. notice. Interested applicants can either
The Inkster Housing and visit the Inkster Housing Commission
Redevelopment Commission (IHRC) Administrative Office or call (313) 561-
opened the lists for those hoping to lease 2600 for more information.
the units pursuant to HUD regulations. The Inkster Housing and
The Inkster Housing Commission will Redevelopment Commission will pro-
accept public housing applications from vide reasonable accommodation to a
9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, qualified individual with a disability by
Wednesdays, and Thursdays at the providing modifications, alterations or
administrative office, 4500 Inkster Road adaptation in policy, procedures, and
in Inkster. practices.
Letter issue and criticized the local publication
and the impact of the falsehoods on the
reputation of the township.
“I've had it up to here with this. People
around make up this stuff and I am not
elected if somebody says something about going to put up with it. I may not prevail in
you, there's nothing you can do,” she said. court, but I will try. This does damage to
Trustee Tim Rush strongly disagreed people and I don't know anybody in the
noting that he had come to a significant community who would not be outraged by
financial settlement with the publication these lies.”
following false statements printed about Editor's note: Neither Bednark or Clark
him. returned calls seeking comment for this
Young expressed his disgust with the story.