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Mayor opts not to seek reelection in November
There will be no primary elec- approve the question.
tion necessary in the City of A full text of the ballot proposition School officials said the mill-
Romulus although voters will age would be used for operating
have several choices to make on is available at the the district. The estimate of the
the Nov. 2 General Election bal- Romulus City Clerk's Office, 11111Wayne Road. revenue the district would collect
lot. if the millage is approved and 18
Current Mayor LeRoy mills are levied in 2022 in
Burcroff has opted not to seek incumbents Kathy Abdo; John the polls May 4, however, to approximately $10,230,000. This
reelection. Seeking the top job in Barden; Celeste Roscoe; Tina determine the question of an millage is a renewal of a millage
the city will be two familiar can- Talley; Eva Webb; William operating millage proposal from that will expired with the 2021
didates, former Mayor Alan Wadsworth and Virginia the Romulus Community levy and would restore the mill-
Lambert and current Romulus Williams. Schools. age lost as a result of the reduc-
Director of Public Services The incumbents will be chal- District officials are asking tion required by the Headlee
Robert McCraight. lenged by Shakeel Ahmed; for- voters to approve the renewal of amendment. District officials
Long-time City Clerk Ellen mer Councilman Harry J. Crout; a 17.6836 millage rate, which is said the amount would be levied
Craig-Bragg will be unopposed as Dwight Helms; Allen Wilson and $17.6836 for each $1,000 of tax- "only to the extent necessary to
will incumbent Treasurer Stacy David Hotz. able valuation of property for the restore the reduction necessitat- Mayor LeRoy Burcroff
Paige. Candidates had until Tuesday term of 10 years. The renewal ed by the Headlee amendment."
Seeking terms on the seven- to withdraw from the election. would be effective from 2022 A full text of the ballot propo- City Clerk's Office, 11111Wayne
member city council will be Voters will be asked to go to until 2031, inclusive, if voters sition is available at the Romulus Road.
Senior Alliance plans free food distribution in Wayne
An emergency food distribu- ual 60 and older and individuals distancing. Motorists are asked to
tion is planned for 10 a.m. until currently enrolled in the MI follow the guidance of staff, vol- All individuals must remain
noon May 21 at The Senior Choice Medicaid Waiver unteers and police as they direct
Alliance, 5454 Venoy Road in Program. cars through the distribution in their vehicle and after driving
Wayne. Traffic should enter the park- area. into the distribution area.
Seniors ages 60 and older who ing lot from Venoy Road and fol- All individuals must remain in
reside in southern and western low the signs to enter the line. their vehicle and after driving
Wayne County communities are Food boxes are limited but par- into the distribution area, partici- forward to a table to personally and authorize a signature by
eligible for the food boxes which ticipants are asked not to arrive pants should stay in the car pop load the food box. Volunteers proxy for each individual receiv-
will be distributed on a first- before 9:30 a.m. trunk and follow directional cannot place food into the pas- ing a food box.
come, first-served basis. Also eli- Senior Alliance officials said signs. If the car trunk does not senger area of the vehicle. For more information, call
gible are adults living with a dis- the distribution will follow guide- open or there is not space, partic- Attendees will be required to (734) 788-3958 or email
ability residing with an individ- lines in compliance with social ipants will be directed to drive provide the name, address, age
Help sought in finding junior high school time capsule
When a group of Romulus for weeks, but they cannot “The Free Press did an article
Middle School students buried a ” remember where it is buried. about them every year,” she
time capsule back in 1995, they If anyone has any recollection “If anyone has any recollec- reminded the council members
did a really good job. of where it might be, tion of where it might be, please and said that she and others have
So good, in fact, that as the let me know,” the retired been contacting former teachers
same Romulus High School Class please let me know. Romulus High School teacher and others in an effort to find the
of 2020 class members get ready said. “They would really like to junior high school project.
to celebrate their delayed 20th resources to see if they might Abdo told the board members, open it during the reunion.” Abdo said anyone with infor-
class reunion, they can't find it. know of anyone who might “but are planning to have it July Abdo explained that this Class mation could contact her through
Romulus Councilwoman remember where the time cap- 31 this year.” of 2000 was the group chronicled the number listed on the
Kathy Abdo asked the members sule was buried. She said the then 8th grade throughout their educational Romulus city website (734) 955-
of the council during a recent “They had to cancel the 20th students have been seeking the time with regular newspaper sto- 4506, option 3 or email her at
meeting to use their personal reunion last year due to COVID,” location of the “buried treasure” ries.