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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 27, 2023

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Romulus Deputy Clerk earns state designation

           D'Sjonaun Hockenhull, the   township and village clerks to  their communities in the face of  to qualify for certification, and  Clerk Hockenhull is to be com-
        deputy city clerk in Romulus,  seek continuing education      constant legislative change and  must continue to obtain educa-  mended for the hard work, per-
        was recently awarded the       specifically related to the duties  increased demands on Michigan  tion points to maintain the certi-  severance and commitment
        Michigan Professional Municipal  of Michigan clerks. The Michigan  public servants, according to a  fication.              expended to attaining the certifi-
        Clerk designation by the       Association of Municipal Clerks  prepared statement from the    “Whether elected or appoint-  cation and the dedication to pro-
        Michigan    Association    of  was founded on the belief that a  association.               ed, municipal clerks serve a pow-  viding quality service to the pub-
        Municipal Clerks.              focus on education is essential  A clerk must invest in a mini-  erful role in coordinating public  lic and the municipality he
           The program was launched in  for municipal clerks to provide  mum of 120 hours of educational  programs and influencing leg-  serves,” noted the prepared
        January 2014 to encourage city,  informed, quality leadership for  programming during three years  islative initiatives. Deputy City  release from the association.

        Police seek limping suspect in road rage gunfire incident

           Inkster police are still seeking  Avondale as police responded to  scene wearing a cast on his leg.
        a man with a leg cast who limped  the scene of the shooting.  No one was injured in the shoot-                          ”
        away from a shooting following a  According to police reports,  ing but the two women in the               It's unfortunate that people feel
        traffic accident last week in  witnesses said the driver of the  Equinox were treated by emer-        it's okay to open fire in a populated area
        Inkster.                       Ford Escape left his vehicle and  gency medical personnel for cuts
           The shooting followed an auto  told the Equinox driver, “You  and bruises sustained in the
        accident when a woman driving  f…… up my mom's car” before    crash.
        a blue Chevrolet Equinox       pulling a handgun and firing     Inkster Police Chief Bill   people feel it's okay to open fire  more patient,” Ratliff told
        crashed into the rear of an off-  shots at the two women still seat-  Ratliff said incidents such as this  in a populated area like this,”  reporters. “The fact that you
        white-colored Ford Escape at   ed in the blue car.            are becoming more frequent    Ratliff said.                  would feel that it's okay to fire
        about 2:25 last Wednesday, April  A witness to the incident used  across the country. He said this  “The more concerning thing  rounds into a vehicle involved in
        19. The incident shut down a sec-  his phone to video the suspected  appeared to be an incident of  to me, is that if it is a result of  a crash. It's called an accident for
        tion of Inkster Road near      shooter hobbling away from the  road rage. “It's unfortunate that  road rage, people just need to be  a reason.”

                                                                      Community Day set at district court

                                                                        Area residents will have their  Township, is open to the public,  art facility, comprising two sto-
                                                                      day in court next month during  area wide.                   ries, four court rooms and pro-
                                                                      the second annual Community      "We are thrilled to showcase  vides 50,000 square feet of space
                                                                      Day at the Court.             our new facility and be able to  to accommodate all court func-
                                                                        Judges at the 34th District  host a day of fun for the commu-  tions.
                                                                      Court in Romulus have invited  nity," commented Chief Judge    Several community agencies
                                                                      the public to enjoy a car show,  Brian A. Oakley.            are scheduled to be on site at the
                                                                      food trucks, public safety demon-  The newly-constructed 34th  event  including    Wayne
           Future engineer                                            strations, pet adoptions along  District Court building is located  Metropolitan Community Action
                                                                                                    at 11129 Wayne Road in
                                                                      with tours of the court building
           Emily Lemus, a Wayne Memorial High School senior, has      from noon until 6 p.m. May 5.  Romulus. The court is located in  Challenge Academy, Growth
           been named an Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship recipi-   The event at the court, which  the City of Romulus Municipal  Works,  Kroger,   Romulus
           ent. She will receive $40,000 during four years to pursue a  serves Belleville, Huron    Complex and the new building   Christian Ministerial Alliance,
           computer science or engineering degree at a college of her  Township, Romulus, Sumpter   opened to the public for the first  Share Detroit, and Hegira
           choice. Lemus is one of 400 students nationwide to receive  Township and Van Buren       time last year. It is a state-of-the-  Health, Inc.
           the award and a paid internship offer at Amazon after her first
           year of college to gain hands-on, practical work experience
           with mentorship from Amazon leaders.                                 To subscribe to The Eagle visit
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