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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 27, 2023


        Mayor visits school to help students celebrate Earth Day

           Earth Day was celebrated in  150 EV Lightning truck and other
        Westland with awards and recog-  EV vehicles were on display.
        nition of earth-friendly projects  Londeau delivered the 2023
        and initiatives during a program  Mission Green Sustainability
        at Wildwood Elementary School.   Report and announced that the
           Westland Mayor Michael P.   city recycling program collected
        Londeau highlighted the accom-  more than 54,000 tons of recycla-
        plishments of both the city and  ble materials since the curbside
        the Wayne-Westland Community   program began in 2008/2009.
        Schools, during the celebration  More than 3,000 tons have been
        and presented Environmental    collected since the summer of
        Champion awards to Westland    2021, he said.
        City Council President Pro-Tem   A 2022 recycling grant through
        Andrea     Rutkowski     and   the recycling partnership helped
        Wildwood students and Principal  lower the Westland contamina-
        Christine Swanson. The award   tion rate in the curbside recy-
        recognized the “A Bench for    cling program by 12 percent,
        Caps” program. The special recy-  according to the report.
        cled benches were built by       In addition, the tree replace-  He added that the city pur-  and at Tattan Park.            The city has installed new
        Wildwood students and present-  ment program has planted 484  chased the first Electric F-150 for  The Walk & Roll Plan in the  LED lighting in the renovation of
        ed to the city as part of their bot-  trees city wide since 2017.   the police department and will  city is providing enhances access  buildings and new streetlights in
        tle cap collection project.      Londeau said the city has    soon be adding 20 hybrid police  to paths for pedestrians and bik-  the community. The various proj-
           During the event, city officials  worked with multiple organiza-  interceptor Ford Explorers to the  ers and the city has opened the  ects will be completed in phases
        distributed free seed packets and  tions applying for grant funding  fleet. He added that there are  Wildwood Bikeway, a 3.5 mile  and several will be funded by
        free LED lightbulbs and the new  for the planting of trees within  currently electric vehicle charg-  bicycle lane on Wildwood from  grants from community partners,
        Westland Police Department F-  the city.                      ing statins at Westland City Hall  Warren to Glenwood.       Londeau said.
        Westland District Court sobriety program proven successful

           The effectiveness of the    life,” said 18th District Court                                                             ans, and other nontraditional
        Sobriety Court program at the  Chief Judge Mark A. McConnell.                            ”                                 courts. The Michigan State
        18th District Court in Westland  “The change in some of our par-             I have been told more than                    Court Administrative Office,
        was recently recognized in a   ticipant's lives is unbelievable.                                                           assists trial court judges in the
        report from the Michigan       Presiding over a treatment court                 once that I have saved                     management of these courts by
        Supreme Court.                 is the most important function I                  a probationer's life.                     providing training, education,
           The state court released the  perform as a district judge.  It is                                                       operational standards, monitor-
        FY 2022 Problem-Solving Courts  really true that our state's treat-                                                        ing, certification requirements,
        Annual Report, tracking the    ment courts are lifesaving, and  treatment courts save lives.”  in three years of admission,  and funding.
        progress and highlighting the  providing a great benefit to our  The study noted that state  according to the report.        “Problem-solving courts
        success of 207 problem-solving  local communities.”           adult drug and sobriety pro-     The study also concluded that  exemplify how we are working
        courts across Michigan from Oct.  Judge Sandra Ference        grams grew from 98 programs in  unemployment dropped by 88   to increase public trust and con-
        1, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2022. The  Cicirelli is also pleased with the  2018 to109 programs in 2022.  percent for adult drug court  fidence in the judiciary through
        Westland Sobriety Court, devel-  success and effectiveness of the  The study also revealed that  graduates, 86 percent for sobri-  collaboration and compassion-
        oped in 2014, is a program     Sobriety Court.                graduates of adult drug court  ety court graduates and 85 per-  an overarching goal of our
        designed to help individuals     “As a treatment court judge, I  programs were, on average,  cent for hybrid court (drug/sobri-  Michigan Judicial Council,” said
        overcome issues such as sub-   have witnessed firsthand the   more than three times less likely  ety) graduates.           Justice Kyra H. Bolden, the
        stance abuse and lower high    remarkable changes in our par-  to be convicted of a new offense  Problem-solving courts focus  problem-solving court liaison for
        recidivism rates for repeat    ticipant's lives.  Even people  within three years of admission  on providing treatment and  the Michigan Supreme Court.
        drinking and driving offenders.  who are at first reluctant to  to a program. In addition, sobri-  intense supervision to offenders  “What struck me the most about
           “Our Sobriety Court is a lot of  enter the intensive 15-18-month  ety court graduates who used an  as an alternative to incarcera-  this report is that these pages
        hard work, but it is all worth it.  I  program, have expressed their  ignition interlock device were  tion, officials said. Alternative  are not just filled with numbers
        have been told more than once  gratitude at graduation.  There  nearly five times less likely to be  programs include drug and  and milestones; they are filled
        that I have saved a probationer's  is no doubt in my mind that  convicted of a new offense with-  sobriety, mental health, veter-  with hope and humanity.”
        Tattan Park set to reopen

           A $3 million Mission to Mars upgrade to  in the Westland Historic Norwayne
        Tattan Park in Westland will include tow-  District at 33800 Grand Traverse. The new
        ering rocket ships, lunar rovers, slides,  playground will feature an immersive, kid-
        and play activities with zero gravity, city  friendly dinosaur splashpad  and is
        officials said.                        expected to open for Memorial Weekend
           The current Play Planet playground is  Day weekend, the city officials added.
        being relocated to Lincoln-Johnson Field  Tattan Park is located at 36601 Ford Road.

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