The Eagle 04 21 16 - page 3

April 21, 2016
Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings – April 12, 2016
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 1150 Canton
Center S., Canton, Michigan. Supervisor LaJoy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Roll Call
Members Present: Anthony, Bennett, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Sneideman, Williams, Yack Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz, Director Faas, Director Mutchler, Director Trumbull, Chief Meier Staff Absent: Kristin
Adoption of Agenda
Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony to amend the agenda to remove Item C-7: Consider
Approval of an Easement Agreement for DTE Energy, Inc. to Relocate Overhead Lines on Township-Owned Parcel # 71-097-99-
0001-003 and to add Item C-12: Resolution designating the Month of April as “Fair Housing Month” in Canton Township and add
a presentation by Amy Page from The Senior Alliance following the Citizen’s Non-Agenda Item Comments. Motion carried unan-
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the Board Minutes of March 22, 2016 as
presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Citizen’s Non-Agenda Item Comments:
James Leddy, 6757 Brookshire Drive,
President of the HOA for Pickwick Village, stated his support for the 2015 and 2016 Wayne County/Canton Township Local Roads
Initiative Program. He would like the township board to add its support to continue this program in the future. Supervisor LaJoy
stated the board has given its support to the County regarding this program and he would like to see it extended over the next 5 –
6 years. Trustee Yack suggested the homeowners contact Joe Barone – Wayne County Commissioner. George Miller, 1946
Briarfield, asked when the road construction under the Wayne County/Canton Township Local Roads Initiative Program will start.
Supervisor LaJoy stated in 2016 – he did not have an exact date. Mr. Miller asked when the road repair at Sheldon and Cherry
Hill would be completed. Mr. Miller commented on several complaints made against his barking dogs.
The Senior Alliance –
Amy Page, General Manager of Community Care Department of The Senior Alliance presented the board with an update
of their services and achievements: Meals on Wheels Medicaid Waiver Program – Helps seniors and residents with disabilities to
stay in their own homes rather than a nursing facility. Nursing Facility Transition Program – Assists individuals transitioning back
into their own homes from an extended care facility. Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program – Assists individuals navigate the
complicated enrollment process for these services. Their counselors helped applicants save over 6 million dollars last year.
Information and Assistance Department – Connects individuals with the proper resources as part of their ADRC Network.
Transportation Program – Provides transportation assistance as a last resort for residents. Care Transitions Program – Helps
Medicare beneficiaries avoid hospital readmissions. Caregiver Support Diabetes Education Fall Prevention Classes Over the past
year, the TSA has served 2140 residents of Canton. The Top 3 programs Canton’s residents have taken advantage of are:
Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program Care Transitions Program Meals on Wheels Program Only 6% of their 20 million dollar
budget is used for Administrative, the balance, 94% of this budget, goes directly into the communities they serve. Canton has con-
tinued to support their programs. Regarding the Meals on Wheels Program: Although Wayne County has provided a financial sub-
sidy for this program for over 35 years, as a result of their financial crisis the County is confronting, they have discontinued their
subsidy. To prevent a disruption in this program in 2016, TSA is adding $670,000 in one-time emergency funds the Meals on
Wheels Program.
Payment of Bills
Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Williams to approve payment of the bills as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Item C-1. Set Public Hearing for Consideration of a “Class C”
Liquor License for 6 Cheeses, LLC, DBA Tom+Chee, in Parcel Numbers 82-71-053-99-0005-003/82-71-053-99-0013-004
Located on the South Side of Ford Road East of Lilley Road, Canton, Michigan, 48187, Canton Township, Wayne County
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to set the Public Hearing date for May 24, 2016 to consider a “Class C”
Liquor License for 6 Cheeses LLC, DBA Tom+Chee, in Parcel Numbers 82-71-053-99-0005-003/82-71-053-99-0013-004 locat-
ed on the south side of Ford Road east of Lilley Road, Canton, Michigan, 48187, Canton Township, Wayne County. Motion car-
ried unanimously.
Item C-2. Set Public Hearing for the World Of Beer, for a New Class C Liquor License, Located at 42820
Ford Rd., Canton, Michigan, 48187, Canton Township, Wayne County (Clerk)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman
to set the Public Hearing date for May 10, 2016 to consider a “Class C” Liquor License for World of Beer, located at 42820 Ford
Road, Canton, Michigan, 48187, Canton Township, Wayne County. (Parcel Number 82-71-043-00-0005-702). Motion carried
Item C-3. Consider Authorization of Bid Award for 2016 Bus Transportation (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, sup-
ported by Sneideman to award the 2016 Bus Transportation Services to First Student, 1823 Centre Point Circle, Suite A,
Naperville, Illinois 60563 in the amount of $19,728 from the following accounts: 101-691-61.801_0050 - $6,576.00; 101-691-
63.860 - $13,152.00 Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-4. Consider Approval of Application for SEMCOG TAP Grant and
Acceptance of Funds if Approved. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve the submission of an appli-
cation to SEMCOG for a TAP grant towards the installation of the Ford Cherry Hill Plant pathway trail connector, and to accept
the funds if approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-5. Consider Approval of Preliminary Application for the Land
and Water Conservation Fund Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Grant (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
Sneideman approve the preliminary application for a Land and Water Conservation Fund ORLP grant for Phase I Development of
Patriot Park which includes a commitment to fulfill the match requirement if ultimately awarded. Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-6. Consider Second Reading for Amendments to Appendix A- Zoning of the Code of Ordinances Relative to the
Boundaries of the Corporate Park and Central Business District Overlay Boundaries. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, support-
ed by Sneideman to remove from the table, and hold the second reading of an ordinance amending Appendix A - Zoning, Article
1.03, “Definitions”, and Article 2.07 B, “Temporary Structures and Special Events”. Motion carried by all members present
Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to adopt and publish the second reading of an ordinance
amending Appendix A - Zoning, Article 1.03, “Definitions”, and Article 2.07 B, “Temporary Structures and Special Events”.
Motion carried by all members present
Appendix A – Zoning, Section 1.03, entitled
“Definitions” and Section 2.07 B “Temporary structures and special events” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 1.03
- Definitions
Special event:
A special event is a temporary use/event that is sponsored and/or conducted by a person, entity, cor-
poration or organization, and shall include any event that significantly impacts the community due to one, or more, of the fol-
lowing conditions: duration, attendance, number and type of temporary structures, impairment to vehicular and/or pedestrian traf-
fic, impairment to parking, or hindrance in use of the public right-of-way.
Section 2.07 – Temporary structures and special
General requirements.
Temporary buildings and structures shall comply with the following requirements:
Temporary struc-
tures used for residential purposes.
A building or structure may be approved for temporary residential use only while damage to
the principal dwelling due to fire, flood, ice, wind, or other natural disaster is being repaired. A temporary building or structure
which could be used on a temporary basis, such as a house trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbuilding, shall
not be used as a residence on any parcel without prior review and approval by the public safety and building officials.
structures used for nonresidential purposes.
Temporary buildings for nonresidential use, including semi-trucks/semi-trailers and
concrete batch plants, shall be permitted only when the intended use is by a contractor or builder in conjunction with a construc-
tion project, and only after review and approval by the building official. Such temporary structures shall be removed immediate-
ly upon completion of the construction project and prior to a request for a certificate of occupancy for the project.
Temporary struc-
tures used as sales offices for single-family or multiple-family residential developments.
Temporary buildings intended for use as
a sales office for residential housing units shall be permitted only when the intended use is by a builder, developer, or their author-
ized representative. Only one such structure shall be permitted per multiple-family site and up to three for a single-family subdi-
vision or site condominium, but in no case shall there be more than one temporary sales trailer per builder on the proposed devel-
opment site, regardless of the number of phases. Such structures shall comply with all applicable regulations for the zoning dis-
trict and shall be required to obtain site plan approval, and be equipped with an approved sanitation system. If the sales office is
needed for 180 days or less, the site plan may be administratively approved with the concurrence of the planning, engineering, and
building officials. There shall be no extensions to administrative approvals. If the sales office is needed for more than 180 days,
the site plan will require review and approval by the planning commission. The planning commission shall have the right to limit
the time period based on the nature of the development. In no case shall the temporary sales office be permitted after completion
of a model unit.
Temporary structures used as sales offices for commercial developments.
Temporary buildings intended for use
as an office for commercial purposes shall be limited to use by the proprietor or operator of the development for the purpose of
securing pre-sales of subscriptions or memberships for the business under construction or employment application purposes. Only
one such structure shall be permitted per development site, shall meet all applicable regulations of the zoning district, and shall
be required to obtain site plan approval, and be equipped with an approved sanitation system. If the office is needed for 180 days
or less, the site plan may be administratively approved with the concurrence of the planning, engineering, and building officials.
There shall be no extensions to administrative approvals. If the sales office is needed for more than 180 days, the site plan will
require review and approval by the planning commission. The planning commission shall have the right to limit the time period
based on site conditions and the specific nature of the development. In no case shall the temporary sales office be permitted after
any portion of the development has received a certificate of occupancy.
Use as an accessory structure.
A temporary building or
structure shall not be used as an accessory building or structure, except as permitted in section 2.07.A.1, above.
Special events.
The township board, in accord with policy guidelines it establishes, may grant temporary use of land and structures for special
events, as defined in article 1.00 of this ordinance.
Special events.
Special events are subject to the following requirements: Permit
required. No person, entity, corporation or organization shall hold and/or conduct a special event, as defined in this appendix, with-
in the Township without first obtaining a special event permit from the Township. A permit application shall be submitted to the
Building and Inspection Services Division, along with an application fee, as approved by the Township Board. The requirements
for a special event application and requisite fee shall be set forth in a policy approved by the Township Board. A public or private
event in a building, or on a property, that is contrary to that building or property’s Township approved use shall require a special
event compliance permit. Special events that have negative impacts to occupant loads, crowd control, traffic flow, or public safe-
ty in general, shall require approval by the Township Board based on a joint recommendation of the Municipal Services Director
and Public Safety Director. All costs incurred by the Township relative to a special event, including but not limited to staff costs
and equipment costs, shall be the responsibility of the permit holder. An estimate of the total costs shall be computed by the
Township and be provided to the permit holder. Payment of the estimated costs is due prior to the special event, with any balance
due within ten (10) calendar days after the conclusion of the special event.
If any clause, sen-
tence, section, paragraph or part of this Ordinance, or the application of thereof to any person, firm, corporation, legal entity or
circumstances, shall be for any reason adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, said judg-
ment shall not affect, impair or invalid the remainder of this Ordinance. It is hereby declared to the legislative intent of this body
that the Ordinance is severable, and that the Ordinance would have been adopted had such invalid or unconstitutional provisions
not have been included in this ordinance.
All Ordinance or parts
of Ordinance is conflict herewith is hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this Ordinance full force and effect.
All rights and duties which have matured penalties which have been incurred, proceedings which
have begun and prosecution for violations of law occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance are not affected or abated
by this Ordinance.
A public hearing having been held hereon pursuant to
the provisions of Section 103 of Act 110 of the Public Acts of 2006, as amended, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be pub-
lished within fifteen (15) days of its adoption of publications of a notice in a newspaper circulated in Canton Township stating the
date of enactment and effective date, a brief statement as to its regulatory effect and that a complete copy of the Ordinance is avail-
able for public purchase, use and inspection at the office of the Township Clerk during the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Local
Time. The provision of this Ordinance shall become effective seven (7) days after its publication.
The fore-
going Ordinance was duly adopted by the Township Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton at its regular meeting
called and held on the 12th day of April, 2016 and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law. Terry
Bennett, Clerk Introduced: March 22, 2016 Adopted: April 12, 2016 Published: April 21, 2016 Effective: April 28, 2016 A zon-
ing ordinance regulating the development and use of land has been adopted by the legislative body of the Charter Township of
Canton. Copies of the complete text of this Ordinance are available at the Clerk’s Office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150
S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI., 48188, during regular business hours. A complete copy of the Ordinances for Canton
Township is available at
Item C-7. Removed fromAgenda Item C-8. Consider Approval of the Purchase
of 22,000 Feet of Type K Copper Tubing from HD Supply Waterworks (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman
to award a contract for the purchase of 22,000 feet of Type K copper tubing to HD Supply Waterworks for an amount not to exceed
$58,740. Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-9. Consider Approval of the Purchase of 400 Mueller Curb Stops, 400 Mueller
Corporation Stops, and 450 AY McDonald Curb Boxes from the Etna Supply Company (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, sup-
ported by Sneideman to award a contract for the purchase of 400 Mueller curb stops, 400 Mueller Corporation stops, and 450 AY
McDonald Curb boxes from the Etna Supply Company of Grand Rapids for an amount not to exceed $56,217.50. Motion carried
Item C-10. Consider Purchase of Recycle Bins (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to waive the
informal bid process and award purchase of 1,000 recycle bins to Rehrig Pacific Company, 1738 West 20th Street, Erie PA for a
not-to-exceed amount of $6,895.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-11. GLWA W.R.A.P. Grant Memorandum of
Agreement (Treasurer)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve the Memorandum of Agreement between Wayne
Metro/GLWA and Canton Township for low income assistance for water and sewer bill payments, and authorize the Township
Treasurer to sign the agreement and serve as the representative on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried unanimously.
C-12. Resolution designating the Month of April as “Fair Housing Month” in Canton Township (FBD)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by Sneideman to adopt the following resolution designating the Month of April as “Fair Housing Month” in Canton
Township. Motion carried unanimously.
TON Resolution Declaring the Month of April as “Fair Housing Month” in Canton Township WHEREAS,
the year 2016
marks the 48th anniversary of the passage of the Federal Fair Housing Act: Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amend-
ed; and
this law guarantees that housing throughout the United States should be made available to all citizens with-
out regard to race, color, religion, sex, family status, disability or national origin; and
equality of opportunity for all
is a fundamental policy of this nation, state and township; and
barriers which diminish the rights and limit the
options of any citizen will ultimately diminish the rights of all citizens.
that the
Charter Township of Canton Board of Trustees designates the month of April 2016 as “Fair Housing Month” in Canton Township.
We encourage the residents of our community to join in this observance. Date: April 12, 2016 Philip J. LaJoy, Canton Supervisor
GENERAL CALENDAR: Item G-1. Consider Approval of Wages for Elected Officials for the 2017 Fiscal Year (SUPER-
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve a 5% wage decrease for the Canton Township Supervisor,
Clerk, Treasurer and Trustees to be effective November 20, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-2. Consider Approval of
the Preliminary Site Plan for Phase 2 of River Hill Ridge at Cherry Hill Village Site Condominium (MSD)
Motion by
Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to pass the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
OF TRUSTEES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Preliminary Site Plan for River Hill Ridge at Cherry Hill Village
Site Condominium (Phase 2) WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor has requested preliminary approval for the site plan for River
Hill Ridge at Cherry Hill Village Site Condominium (Phase 2), located north of Proctor Road between Denton and Ridge Roads
on tax parcel no. 076-99-0002-705; and,
the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval based on the find-
ings that the proposed development plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan; and,
the Board has reviewed the planned development and determines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance
regulations and development objectives subject to the conditions described in the analysis and recommendations attached hereto
and made a part hereof.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton,
Michigan does hereby approve the requested preliminary site plan for River Hill Ridge at Cherry Hill Village Site Condominium
(Phase 2) subject to compliance with any conditions contained herein and all other regulations of the Township.
Item G-3.
Consider Amendment No. 1 to the River Hill Ridge Planned Development (PDD) (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to adopt the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Final Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the River Hill Ridge Planned Development
the Project Sponsor has requested final approval of Amendment No. 1 to the River Hill Ridge Planned Development,
located north of Proctor Road between Denton and Ridge Roads on parcel nos. 074-99-0008-715, 074-99-0010-710, 075-02-0001-
000 through 075-02-1006-000 and 076-99-0002-705 and,
the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval
based on the findings that the proposed development plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan;
the Board has reviewed the planned development and determines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning
Ordinance regulations and development objectives subject to the conditions outlined in the Planning Commission recommenda-
tion and recommendations attached hereto and made a part hereof.
the Board of
Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve Amendment No. 1 to the Final PDD for River Hill
Ridge, as the proposed development provides a compatible transition from Cherry Hill Village, preserves and protects the Rouge
River Corridor and provides a pedestrian bridge across the Rouge River and completes the path system to Proctor Road, allowing
a connection to Independence Park and the Hamlet.
Item G-4. Consider Approval of the Minor Planned Development
Agreement for the Cherry Hill Village Gardens (Zahr) Retail Buildings (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin
to adopt the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Approval of the Minor Planned Development for Cherry Hill Village Gardens (Zahr) Retail
the Project Sponsor, Anwar Zahr, has requested approval of a minor planned development agreement for the Cherry
Hill Village Gardens (Zahr) Retail complex located on the southeast corner of Cherry Hill Road and Roosevelt Street on parcel
no. 073-99-0005-703; and,
the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the minor planned develop-
ment, subject to removal of access to the alley on the conceptual development plan, based on the findings that the proposed devel-
opment plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and Cherry Hill Village Overlay District; and,
the Board has reviewed the planned development and determines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning
Ordinance regulations and development objectives subject to the conditions outlined in the Planning Commission recommenda-
tion and recommendations attached hereto and made a part hereof.
the Board of
Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the minor planned development for the Cherry Hill
Village Gardens (Zahr) Retail complex, subject to removal of access to the alley on the conceptual development plan, based on
the findings that the proposed development plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and Cherry
Hill Village Overlay District.
Item G-5. Consider Adoption of the Recommendations from Municipal Services and Finance
& Budget Departments on the 2016 Water and Sewer Rates (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to adopt the
2016 water and sewer rate study. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-6. Consider First Reading of Code of Ordinance
Amendments to Part I, Chapter 74 entitled “Utilities”, Article II, Division 1, Adding Section 74-38 Entitled “Water and\
Sewer Lead Ownership”; and Division 2, Subdivision II Entitled “Schedule of Rates and Charges”, Revising Section 74-
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to introduce and hold the first reading of an amendment to the Code of
Ordinance, Part I, Chapter 74 Entitled “UTILITIES”, Article II, Division 1, adding Section 74-38 entitled “WATER AND SEWER
LEAD OWNERSHIP”, and Division 2, Subdivision II entitled “SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES”, Section 74-83.
Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to table consideration the amendment to the Code of
Ordinance, Part I, Chapter 74 Entitled “UTILITIES”, Article II, Division 1, adding Section 74-38 entitled “WATER AND SEWER
LEAD OWNERSHIP”, and Division 2, Subdivision II entitled “SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES”, Section 74-83 and
hold the second reading on April 26, 2016. Motion carried unanimously. A copy of the complete text of this Proposed Ordinance
Amendment is available at the Clerk’s Office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI.,
48188, during regular business hours. The approved text of the Amendment will be published in the Canton Eagle/Associated
Newspaper within the meeting minute’s synopsis of the date of approval. A complete copy of the Ordinances for Canton Township
is available at
Item G-7. Consider Approval of a Budget Amendment & Award of a Contract to Bricco
Excavating Co., LLC for the Ride Road Water Main Extension Project from Proctor Road to Cherry Hill Road (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin approve a budget amendment in the amount of $41,565 for the Ridge Road
Watermain Extension Project as follows: Increase Fund Balance Appropriation: #592-000.695 (Fund Balance Appropriation) by
$41,565; and Increase Expenditure: #592-360.970_0090 (Capital Outlay-Infrastructure) by $41,565. Motion carried unanimous-
ly. Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman award a contract to Bricco Excavating Co., LLC of Oak Park, Michigan for the
Ridge Road Water Main Installation in the amount of $648,317 plus a 15% contingency of $97,248 for a total not to exceed
$745,565 and further authorize the Township Clerk to sign the contract documents. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-8.
Consider Award of Professional Design and Construction Engineering Services to Northwest Consultants, Inc. for the 2017
Water Main Projects (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to award a contract for professional design and con-
struction engineering services for the 2017 Water Main Improvement Projects to Northwest Consultants, Inc. in the amount of
$42,780 plus a 15% contingency of $6,917 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $49,197. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-9.
Consider Approval of a Budget Amendment and Award of a Contract Award to Spalding DeDecker for Design of a
Pathway and Trail Connection from the Cherry Hill Road/Lotz Road Intersection to the I-275 Metro Trail. (MSD)
by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $25,000, for pathway design engineering
services provided by Spalding DeDecker for the Cherry Hill Road pathway and Trail Connection as follows: Increase Revenue:
#101-000.675 (Donations) by $25,000; Increase Expenditure: #101-447-03.970_0050 (Capital Outlay - Infrastructure) by
$25,000. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to award a contract in the amount of $15,400,
plus a contingency of 10% ($1,540), for a total amount not-to-exceed $16,940 out of account #101-000.675 for pathway design
engineering services, and also authorize the Township Supervisor to sign the proposal on behalf of Canton Township. Motion car-
ried unanimously.
Item G-10. Consider Authorizing a 5-Year Agreement with Olson’s Party Rental for Tents (CLS)
by Bennett, supported by Williams to authorize a 5-year agreement with Olson’s Party Rental, 20671 Ecorse Road, Taylor, MI
48180 in the amount of $9,075 per year for the 2016-2020 Liberty Festivals. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-11. Consider
Bid Award for Preservation Park Drainage Improvements and Approval of Budget Amendment (CLS)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by Williams to award the bid for Preservation Park Drainage Improvements to TLS Construction, 2409 Monte Carlo
Drive, Howell, MI 48843 in the amount of $42,737 with funds to be paid from Account #101-803-970_0020 Capital Outlay
Building & Improvements. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the following
budget amendments: Increase 101-803-970_0020 Capital Outlay Building & Improvements $2,737 Decrease 101-803-930_0020
Maint. & Repair Buildings & Additions $2,737 Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-12. Consider Approving Increase to
Purchase Order Issued for 60 Body Cameras. (PSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve increasing
Purchase Order #2016-0002 issued to L-3 Mobile Vision, Inc., from $29,999.45 to $36,298.25, allowing the original order of 60
BodyVISION cameras to be upgraded to 60 BodyVISION R4 cameras, utilizing funds available in the 2016 Police Budget Capital
Outlay Computers account. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-13. Consider Approving the Purchase of 40 Cradlepoint
Modems for Patrol Vehicles (PSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the purchase of 40 Cradlepoint
Rugged 3.4G modems, 40 Powertech antennas, and a five-year service agreement from CDW-G, in the amount of $41,520, uti-
lizing funds available in the 2016 Police Capital Outlay Computers Account. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-14. Consider
Adoption of a Resolution for Approval of Application for additional MERS Service Credit by five employees. (PSD)
by Bennett, supported by Sneideman adopt the Resolutions allowing the purchase of additional service credit by Jacob M.
Krogmeier, Joey C. Mullally, Justyn M. Zajac, Gregory Hunter and Michael Kowalski. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-15.
Consider Approval of Bond Authorizing Resolution for 2016 Capital Improvement and Refunding Bonds not-to-exceed
$30,000,000 (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve the following Bond Authorizing Resolution for 2016
Capital Improvement and Refunding Bonds not to exceed $30,000,000 for the purpose of refunding the 2007 Limited Tax General
Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds and to defray the cost of construction of the water supply system. Motion carried unani-
At a regular meeting of the
Township Board of the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan, held on the 12 th day of April, 2016. PRESENT: Anthony, Bennett,
LaJoy, McLaughlin, Sneideman, Williams, Yack ABSENT: None The following resolution was made by Bennett and seconded
by Sneideman:
the Charter Township of Canton (the “Township”) issued its 2007 Limited Tax General Obligation
Capital Improvement Bonds, dated as of August 1, 2007, in the aggregate principal amount of $44,300,000 (the “Prior Bonds”);
the Prior Bonds remain outstanding in various principal amounts, and the Township has been advised that cer-
tain of the Prior Bonds could be redeemed and thereby secure savings for the Township and benefit the taxpayers of the Township;
Part VI of Act No. 34, Public Acts of Michigan, 2001, as amended (“Act 34”), authorizes the issuance of bonds
for the purpose of refunding all or part of the Township’s outstanding securities, including the Prior Bonds; and
Township Board of the Township has determined that it is in the best interest of the Township to secure savings for the Township
through the issuance of such bonds; and
the Township Board of the Township does hereby determine that it is nec-
essary to finance all or part of the cost of the acquisition and construction of water supply system capital improvements in the
Township including, but not limited to, a 2.5 million gallon water storage reservoir, a pump station, meter pit upgrades, and paving,
drainage, building and associated site improvements (the “Project); and
the cost of the Project is estimated to be not
less than Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,500,000); and
the Township Board of the Township has
determined to issue bonds and to use the proceeds of the sale of such bonds to finance all or part of the cost of the Project. NOW,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: AUTHORIZATION OF BONDS – PURPOSE. Bonds of the Township aggregating the
principal sum of not to exceed Thirty Million Dollars ($30,000,000) (the “Bonds”) shall be issued and sold pursuant to the provi-
sions of Act 34, and other applicable statutory provisions, for the purpose of refunding all or part of the Prior Bonds and for the
purpose of defraying all or part of the cost of acquiring and constructing the Project as determined by order of the Director of
Finance and Budget or the Supervisor. BOND DETAILS. The Bonds shall be designated “2016 Capital Improvement and
Refunding Bonds (General Obligation Limited Tax)”; shall be dated as of the date approved by order of the Director of Finance
and Budget or the Supervisor; shall be numbered from 1 upwards; shall be fully registered; shall be in the denomination of $5,000
each or any integral multiple thereof not exceeding the aggregate principal amount for each maturity at the option of the purchaser
thereof; shall bear interest at a rate or rates per annum as shall be determined by order of the Director of Finance and Budget or
the Supervisor; shall be payable on such dates as shall be determined by order of the Director of Finance and Budget or the
Supervisor; and shall be serial bonds and/or term bonds and mature on such dates and in such years as shall be determined by
order of the Director of Finance and Budget or the Supervisor. PAYMENT OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. The principal of
and interest on the Bond shall be payable in lawful money of the United States. Principal shall be payable upon presentation and
surrender of the Bonds to the bond registrar and paying agent as they severally mature. Interest shall be paid to the registered
owner of each Bond as shown on the registration books at the close of business on the 15 th day of the calendar month preceding
the month in which the interest payment is due. Interest shall be paid when due by check or draft drawn upon and mailed by the
bond registrar and paying agent to the registered owner at the registered address. PRIOR REDEMPTION. The Bonds shall be sub-
ject to mandatory and/or optional redemption prior to maturity upon such terms and conditions as shall be determined by order of
the Director of Finance and Budget or the Supervisor. BOOK-ENTRY SYSTEM. Initially, if requested by the original purchaser
of the Bonds and determined by the Director of Finance and Budget or the Supervisor, one fully-registered Bond for each matu-
rity, in the aggregate amount of such maturity, shall be issued in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust
Company (“DTC”) for the benefit of other parties (the “Participants”) in the book-entry-only transfer system of DTC. In the event
the Township determines that it is in the best interest of the Township not to continue the book-entry system of transfer or that the
interests of the holders of the Bonds might be adversely affected if the book-entry system of transfer is continued, the Township
may notify DTC and the bond registrar and paying agent, whereupon DTC will notify the Participants of the availability through
DTC of Bond certificates. In such event, the bond registrar and paying agent shall deliver, transfer and exchange Bond certificates
as requested by DTC and any Participant or “beneficial owner” in appropriate amounts in accordance with this resolution. DTC
may determine to discontinue providing its services with respect to the Bonds at any time by giving notice to the Township and
the bond registrar and paying agent and discharging its responsibilities with respect thereto under applicable law or the Township
may determine that DTC is incapable of discharging its duties and may so advise DTC. In either such event, the Township shall
use reasonable efforts to locate another securities depository. Under such circumstances (if there is no successor securities depos-
itory), the Township and the bond registrar and paying agent shall be obligated to deliver Bond certificates in accordance with the
procedures established by this resolution. In the event Bond certificates are issued, the provisions of this resolution shall apply to,
among other things, the transfer and exchange of such certificates and the method of payment of principal of and interest on such
certificates. Whenever DTC requests the Township and the bond registrar and paying agent to do so, the Township and the bond
registrar and paying agent shall cooperate with DTC in taking appropriate action after reasonable notice to make available one or
more separate certificates evidencing the Bonds to any Participant having Bonds credited to its DTC account or to arrange for
another securities depository to maintain custody of certificates evidencing the Bonds. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
resolution to the contrary, so long as any Bond is registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, all payments with
respect to the principal of, interest on and redemption premium, if any, on such Bonds and all notices with respect to the Bonds
shall be made and given, respectively, to DTC. The Director of Finance and Budget and the Supervisor are each authorized to sign
the Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations on behalf of the Township in such form as such official signing the Blanket Issuer
Letter of Representations deems necessary or appropriate in order to accomplish the issuance of the Bonds in accordance with law
and this resolution. BOND REGISTRAR AND PAYING AGENT. The Director of Finance and Budget or the Supervisor shall
designate, and may enter into an agreement with, a bond registrar and paying agent for the Bonds which shall be a bank or trust
company located in the State of Michigan that is qualified to act in such capacity under the laws of the United States of America
or the State of Michigan. The Director of Finance and Budget or the Supervisor from time to time as required may designate a
similarly qualified successor bond registrar and paying agent. EXECUTION, AUTHENTICATION AND DELIVERY OF
BONDS. The Bonds shall be executed in the name of the Township by the manual or facsimile signatures of the Supervisor and
the Clerk and authenticated by the manual signature of the bond registrar and paying agent or an authorized representative of the
bond registrar and paying agent, and the seal of the Township (or a facsimile thereof) shall be impressed or imprinted on the Bonds.
After the Bonds have been executed and authenticated for delivery to the original purchaser thereof, they shall be delivered by the
Treasurer or the Director of Finance and Budget to the original purchaser of the Bonds upon receipt of the purchase price.
Additional Bonds bearing the manual or facsimile signatures of the Supervisor and the Clerk may be delivered to the bond regis-
trar and paying agent for authentication and delivery in connection with the exchange or transfer of the Bonds. The bond registrar
and paying agent shall indicate on each Bond the date of its authentication. EXCHANGE AND TRANSFER OF BONDS. Any
Bond, upon surrender thereof to the bond registrar and paying agent with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the bond
registrar and paying agent duly executed by the registered owner or his duly authorized attorney, at the option of the registered
owner thereof, may be exchanged for Bonds of any other authorized denominations of the same aggregate principal amount and
maturity date and bearing the same rate of interest as the surrendered Bond. Each Bond shall be transferable only upon the books
of the Township, which shall be kept for that purpose by the bond registrar and paying agent, upon surrender of such Bond togeth-
er with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the bond registrar and paying agent duly executed by the registered owner
or his duly authorized attorney. Upon the exchange or transfer of any Bond, the bond registrar and paying agent on behalf of the
Township shall cancel the surrendered Bond and shall authenticate and deliver to the transferee a new Bond or Bonds of any
authorized denomination of the same aggregate principal amount and maturity date and bearing the same rate of interest as the
surrendered Bond. If, at the time the bond registrar and paying agent authenticates and delivers a new Bond pursuant to this sec-
tion, payment of interest on the Bonds is in default, the bond registrar and paying agent shall endorse upon the new Bond the fol-
lowing: “Payment of interest on this bond is in default. The last date to which interest has been paid is _, _.” The Township and
the bond registrar and paying agent may deem and treat the person in whose name any Bond shall be registered upon the books
of the Township as the absolute owner of such Bond, whether such Bond shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving pay-
ment of the principal of and interest on such Bond and for all other purposes, and all payments made to any such registered owner,
or upon his order, in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of this resolution shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and dis-
charge the liability upon such Bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid, and neither the Township nor the bond registrar and
paying agent shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. The Township agrees to indemnify and save the bond registrar and
paying agent harmless from and against any and all loss, cost, charge, expense, judgment or liability incurred by it, acting in good
faith and without negligence hereunder, in so treating such registered owner. For every exchange or transfer of Bonds, the
Township or the bond registrar and paying agent may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any tax, fee or other govern-
mental charge required to be paid with respect to such exchange or transfer, which sum or sums shall be paid by the person request-
ing such exchange or transfer as a condition precedent to the exercise of the privilege of making such exchange or transfer. The
bond registrar and paying agent shall not be required to transfer or exchange Bonds or portions of Bonds that have been selected
for redemption. FORM OF BONDS. The Bonds shall be in substantially the following form, with such changes thereto as
approved by the Director of Finance and Budget or the Supervisor within the parameters of this resolution: UNITED STATES
DATE DATE OF ORIGINAL ISSUE CUSIP Registered Owner: Principal Amount: The Charter Township of Canton, County
of Wayne, State of Michigan (the “Township”), acknowledges itself indebted to, and for value received hereby promises to pay to,
the Registered Owner identified above, or registered assigns, the Principal Amount set forth above on the Maturity Date specified
above, unless redeemed prior thereto as hereinafter provided, upon presentation and surrender of this bond at ______, the bond
registrar and paying agent, or at such successor bond registrar and paying agent as may be designated pursuant to the Resolution
(as hereinafter defined), and to pay to the Registered Owner, as shown on the registration books at the close of business on the
15 th day of the calendar month preceding the month in which an interest payment is due, by check or draft drawn upon and mailed
by the bond registrar and paying agent by first class mail postage prepaid to the Registered Owner at the registered address, inter-
est on such Principal Amount from ___, ____, or such later date through which interest has been paid until the Township’s obli-
gation with respect to the payment of such Principal Amount is discharged, at the rate per annum specified above. Interest is
payable on the first day of ___ and ___ in each year, commencing on __, 20__. Principal and interest are payable in lawful money
of the United States of America. Interest shall be computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months. This bond is
one of a series of bonds aggregating the principal sum of ______ Dollars ($____) issued by the Township under and pursuant to
and in full conformity with the Constitution and Statutes of Michigan (especially Act No. 34, Public Acts of 2001, as amended)
and a resolution adopted by the Township Board of the Township on April 12, 2016 and an order of the ______ (collectively, the
“Resolution”), for the purpose of refunding the Township’s outstanding 2007 Limited Tax General Obligation Capital
Improvement Bonds, dated as of August 1, 2007, maturing in the years ____ through ____ and paying all or part of the costs of
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