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April 20, 2023                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                         ROMULUS - WAYNE
                                                         ROMULUS - WAYNE

        Wayne district court joins statewide e-filing program

           The 29th District Court in  Supreme Court and the State                                                                   The 29th District Court is
        Wayne has stepped into the elec-  Court Administrative Office                            ”                                 expected to go live with MiFILE
        tronic age.                    (SCAO).                                            The court will soon                      this summer. Once live, attorneys
           The court will soon implement  Since 2014, the Michigan                                                                 will be mandated to e-file as
        the MiFILE system, noted Judge  Supreme Court and SCAO have                 implement the MiFILE system.                   required by Michigan Court Rule
        Breeda O'Leary, which will allow  been working toward the creation                                                         1.109(G)(3)(f). Self-represented par-
        the electronic filing of documents  and implementation of this type of                                                     ties may participate in the e-filing
        in any Michigan court, 24 hours a  statewide e-filing solution.  increase access to justice, allows  Probate Court. These courts have  program but will not be required
        day, without traveling to a court-  Michigan Court Rules have been  flexibility to litigants, and enables  assisted in the development and  to do so. Filers can learn more
        house and waiting in line. The  changed to support e-filing and aid  courts to become more efficient by  expansion of the original version  about MiFILE on the Michigan
        statewide e-filing program also  in the change from paper forms  reducing the need to receive,  of MiFILE, allowing SCAO to cre-  Courts website Filer Information
        allows parties to electronically  and documents to electronic docu-  process, store, and retrieve paper  ate a model for the entire state.  page or read the MiFILE Quick
        serve one another with documents  ments. Standards have also been  files,” she said.        Significant changes have been  Reference Guide. In addition,
        and electronically receive notifica-  established to make sure the expe-  In 2018, MiFILE was success-  made to the program since 2018,  there are video tutorials to help fil-
        tions and documents from the   rience for the filer and the courts  fully implemented in three courts,  with the focus of product develop-  ers familiarize themselves with
        courts, O'Leary said in a prepared  are consistent and reliable,  the 22nd Circuit Court in  ment and implementation shifting  the e-filing process available
        statement.                     O'Leary said.                  Washtenaw County), the 37th   to best onboard and serve all of  online on the MiFILE YouTube
           The statewide system is an ini-  “This e-filing initiative provides  District Court in the City of  Michigan's 315 court locations,  Channel, noted the prepared
        tiative sponsored by the Michigan  a landmark opportunity to  Warren, and the Ottawa County  O'Leary explained.            release from O'Leary's office.

           Library offers digitalized                                                Deadline for public comments on

           high school yearbooks                                                     waste well permit will end May 3

                                                                                        Michigan residents have until May 3 to
                                                                                                                           ments are based, according to rules post-
             Anyone looking for a long-lost class-  that everyone featured in the yearbook  provide comment on the relicensing of  ing relevant facts upon which the com-
           mate from Romulus High School can  is no longer a minor, he said.         aboveground hazardous waste opera-    ed by EGLE.
           now find them on the Romulus Public   Rynicki thanked Councilwoman        tions at the Republic Industrial and     The original public comment period
           Library website.                   Kathleen Abdo for helping the library  Energy Services (RIES) hazardous waste  continued from Dec. 30, 2022, to Feb. 16,
             Jake Rynicki, head of Adult      locate lost yearbooks for the project  facility in Romulus. The public comment  2023, and included a public information-
           Services and Outreach at the Romulus  and the Romulus Community Schools   period was reopened by officials from the  al meeting and a public hearing. No pub-
           library, recently completed the digitiza-  for providing yearbooks the library was  Michigan Department of Environment,  lic comments were received during that
           tion of the high school yearbooks.  missing. He also thanked the Historical  Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).    period, however recent events including
           Yearbooks from 1946 until 2018 can  Society in Romulus for providing them    Written comments on the above-     the delivery of waste from the Ohio train
           now be found in the online archives of  with a yearbook they needed.      ground hazardous waste activities and  derailment have generated significant
           the library, according to a prepared  He also thanked Kathy Smith and     the draft renewal license can be submit-  public interest in the facility, according to
           statement from library officials.   her National Honor Society students   ted to Ronda L. Blayer, Environmental  a statement from EGLE officials.
             Library assistants scanned the year-  for scanning some yearbooks.      Engineering       Specialist,     at     EGLE officials stressed that comments
           books and Rynicki uploaded the past   “I would lastly like to thank the or EGLE, MMD,    must be on the technical and compliance
           Romulus High School yearbooks to the  hard-working library assistants here at  Hazardous Waste Section, P.O. Box 30241,  elements of the proposed relicensing.
           library website.                   the library for focusing on scanning the  Lansing, MI 48909.  Written comments  The agency does not have authority
             Rynicki said the library staff will  yearbooks before the scanner had to be  must be postmarked no later than May 3,  under the law to approve or deny the reli-
           post yearbooks older than five years, in  returned, as well as their supervisor in  and include the writer's name, address,  censing based on support or opposition
           consideration of the underage and  assisting in scheduling them time to   and email; a concise statement of the  alone, nor to decide based on lack of
           minor individuals often pictured in the  scan,” Rynicki said. “I hope you all  basis for the comments and the support-  need.
           books. The five-year timeline ensures  check it out!”

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