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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 20, 2023

                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER
                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER

        Township manager’s duties prompt board discussion

           A proposed job description  felt that Burdick was doing a                                                               about job performances,” Young
        for Township Manager Anthony   good job of keeping the board                             ”                                 said. He explained that provid-
        Burdick prompted extended dis-  abreast of what is going on from                                                           ing Burdick with the authority
        cussion during the April 11    meeting to meeting. He added                     I do believe we need                       outlined in the job description
        meeting of the Sumpter         that without Burdick's ability to             a person that is a champion                   could prevent “a lot of problems
        Township Board of Trustees.    make some decisions, the board                                                              we've seen in the past.”
           Discussion of the proposed  would have to get together                   and point person on projects                     Burdick told the trustees that
        agenda item which included     “every single time a decision          and moving bigger items down the road,               “as attorney Young brings up,
        specific areas of authority and  had to be made.”                                                                          there are certain things that just
        responsibility of the manager    “I don't want to add another                                                              happen.”
        took place during the public   level of management. In this                                                                  He said he had no intention
        study session prior to the meet-  building we have people that  that the township manager has  agreed, noting that he felt the  of overstepping any direction of
        ing.                           people report to. Union employ-  to be in charge of because we do  trustees needed to “think it  the board whom he considered
           Trustee Don LaPorte said    ees report to the treasurer, clerk  not have a specific supervisor in  through a little more and make  the decision makers and that he
        that he favored the outline of  and supervisor,” LaPorte said  the building. We need the town-  sure it is done correctly. We have  acted only at their instruction to
        authority as he felt it was impor-  and explained he felt it was not  ship manager to have oversight.”  already approved a set of duties  implement the decisions made
        tant to have a point person avail-  productive to add the township  He said his intention with the  and I think it has to evolve again  by the trustees.
        able at township hall able to  manager into that level of     job description was to correct a  and be tuned and built on as we  Oddy suggested that the
        move forward without the board  employee management. “I do    situation when a township     go.”                           board “tidy up the language” of
        members “meeting every 20      believe we need a person that is  department had no hands-on    Clerk Esther Hurst explained  the job description and told
        minutes.” He suggested author-  a champion and point person on  manager.                    that the trustees were not in the  Burdick that he was extremely
        izing the township manager to  projects and moving bigger       Oddy explained that another  building all the time and “Mr.  happy with his performance.
        make decisions would help the  items down the road,” he said.   concern and basis for appointing  Burdick is here. Who manages a  “We are not telling you to stop
        efficiency of projects currently  Trustee Matt Oddy, who      deputy officials was to preserve  union employee on the hour-to-  doing what you're doing,” he
        under way or proposed.         chaired the meeting in the     the operational history in sever-  hour,  day-to-day  basis?”  said.
           LaPorte said his original con-  absence of Supervisor Tim  al departments. He noted that  Township attorney Rob Young     LaPorte agreed. “This is noth-
        cern with approving the        Bowman,            said he believed  after an election, the township  noted that Burdick is a valued  ing negative toward you. This is
        advanced degree of authority   the description needed to be   could have a new clerk, treasur-  member of the management   an effort to optimize your time.
        was that it could lead to a repeat  more comprehensive and    er or supervisor and without a  team in township hall. “We value  We don't want you overloaded,”
        of previous problems with a    detailed as there were currently  deputy in place, “all that knowl-  his input, we value his oversight  he said.
        township employee. “She was    employees in the building who  edge is lost.”                and we value his suggestions.”   Trustees agreed to remove
        always busy doing something,   had no specified manager. “Who   Oddy suggested more discus-    “Somebody has to have some  the item from the meeting agen-
        but nothing was ever getting   does that employee report to?”  sion about the details of the pro-  ability to review all this stuff on  da to allow for more discussion
        done,” LaPorte said. He said he  Oddy asked. “So there are things  posed job description. LaPorte  a consistent basis-I'm not talking  and clarity of language.
        Belleville High School valedictorian matches brother’s honor

           Educational excellence is a family tra-  that distinction, which is based on aca-  “I  laid the foundation and he just took  ical school as part of the Wayne State
        dition in the Tinsley family.          demic performance. This year his      it from there,” Shane Tinsley said. “And  Med Direct program.
           Brothers, Sean and Shane, are the first  younger brother, Sean Tinsley, became  I'm so glad to see where he's going and  Mom Sheila Tinsley said she proud of
        Black valedictorian and salutatorian in  the first African-American valedictorian  whose to come next.”            her sons' achievements and said part of
        their respective graduating classes at  of the class of 2023.                  Sean Tinsley said he will be attending  her role as a parent was making sure
        Belleville High School.                  “I saw him (brother Shane) make his-  Michigan State University this fall and  both her sons “knew their worth” and
           Shane Tinsley became the salutatori-  tory and I wanted to make an impact on  plans to major in political science with a  understood their best efforts would pay
        an of his graduating class in 2020, the first  my school and my community as well,”  focus on pre-law. He said he hopes, after  off.
        African-American student to have won   Sean Tinsley told reporters covering the  obtaining his degrees, to become a prose-  “Don't let anyone tell you can't, you can
                                               unique achievements.                  cuting attorney.                      do it,” Sean Tinsley said. “Just put forth
                                                 “Let me try some way to make history  Shane Tinsley is set to graduate a year  your best effort and you will be success-
                                               at Belleville High School myself,” he said.  ahead and has been accepted into med-  ful.”
                                               “I didn't start number one. I had to work
                                               my way up, but I was always a contender                           PUBLIC NOTICE
                                               and I always made sure I was doing my                              City of Romulus
                                               best work,” he added.                                           Public Accuracy Test
                                                 His academic determination paid off
                                               with a huge increase in his grade point  To the qualified electors of the City of Romulus, Wayne County, and State of Michigan:
                                               average and at the end of his junior year,
                                               he had the highest grade point average in  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Accuracy Test for the electronic equipment that
                                                                                            will be used in Precinct 4WB for the May 2, 2023, Special Election is scheduled for
                                               his class. He was enrolled in several  Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in the Romulus City Hall Community Room (Lower
                                               Advanced Placement classes at the      Level) located at 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174.
                                               school. Those advanced class grade
                                               points are calculated on a 5.0 scale, push-  The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer programming used to tab-
                                               ing Tinsley's grade point average to 4.59.  ulate the votes cast at the election meets the requirements of Michigan Election Law.
                                                 “To have that representation finally -  (MCL 168.798(1)
                                               the school has been around for so many                         THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING
                                               years and for it to finally happen, I feel
                                               like I just broke a major glass ceiling,” he  This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act),
                                               told reporters as the unique achievement         MCLA 41.72a (2) (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).
                                               of the brothers made state-wide news.   Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should contact the City of Romulus Clerk's
                                                                                                           Office by writing or calling the following:
                                                 Shane Tinsley said he is very proud of    Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174, 734-942-7540.
                                 Sean Tinsley  his younger brother's achievements.
                                                                                      A copy of this notice is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                          ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS – PUBLIC HEARING
                                     May 17, 2023 – 7:00 PM
                                                                                      Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) will hold a public hearing at the Northville Township Municipal Office Building, located  Publish: April 20, 2023  RM0731 - 042023  2.5 x 4.312
         at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville MI. The ZBA will consider a variance request to Chapter 170, Zoning Ordinance as follows:
         • 16305 Aspen Valley Dr. - Article 18.1 - Schedule of Regulations
         • 43540 Reservoir St. - Article 3.2 - Accessory Structures and Uses
                                                                                                               NOTICE OF ELECTION
         The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions. Plans are available for viewing  City of Romulus, Michigan
         at the Township between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Written comments will be received by the ZBA at  May 2, 2023 - Special Election
         44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168 no later than 12:00 PM on the day of the above meeting.
         Paul Slatin, Chair                                                           TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ROMULUS:
         Zoning Board of Appeals                                                      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL ELECTION WILL BE HELD IN THE CITY OF
                                                                                      ROMULUS ON TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2023.  THE POLLS WILL BE OPEN FROM 7:00 a.m. to
         Publish: April 20, 2023                                        NT0215 - 042023  2.5 x 2.215
                                                                                      8:00 p.m. for the purposes of voting on the following proposal(s):
                                                                                       WOODHA VEN-BROWNSTOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL
                                    NOTICE OF ELECTION
                                SUMPTER TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN                            Shall the currently authorized millage rate limitation of 18.0078 mills ($18.0078 on each $1,000 of
                                MAY 2ND, 2023 SPECIAL ELECTION                        taxable valuation) on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, except prin-
                                                                                      cipal residence and other property exempted by law, in Woodhaven-Brownstown School District,
         Notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held in Sumpter Township on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. The polls will be open  Wayne County, Michigan be renewed for a period of 9 years, 2024 to 2032, inclusive, to provide
         from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.                                                  funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the mill-
                                                                                      age is approved and 18 mills are levied in 2024 is approximately $7,997,804 (this renewal of mill-
         AT THE FOLLOWING POLLING LOCATIONS:                                          age that will expire with the 2023 tax levy)?
         Precinct 1
         Sumpter Community Center, 23501 Sumpter Road                                                                                   _______Yes       ________No
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Airport School District will be voting on the following proposal as presented and listed  WOODHAVEN-BROWNSTOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL
         below:                                                                             PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND OTHER PROPERTY
                                   AIRPORT COMMUNITY SCHOOLS
                          GENERAL OBLIGATION UNLIMITED TAX BOND PROPOSAL                              EXEMPTED BY LAW 18.0078 MILLS FOR 9 YEARS
                                    NOT TO EXCEED $64,240,000                         Full text of the ballot propositions may be obtained at the Romulus City Clerk's Office, 11111
                                                                                      Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174 (734) 942.7540 or at the administrative offices of
         The estimated millage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2023 is 2.85 mills ($2.85 on each $1,000 of taxable valua-
         tion). The maximum number of years the bonds of any series may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, is twenty-six (26)  Woodhaven-Brownstown School District, 24821 Hall Road,  Woodhaven, MI 48183-3756,
         years. The estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 3.63 mills ($3.63 on  (734)783-3300.
         each $1,000 of taxable valuation).
                                                                                      Electors within the Woodhaven-Brownstown School District who are registered with the City of
            Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at Sumpter Township Clerk’s Office located at 23480 Sumpter Rd,
         Belleville, MI 48111. Sample ballots can also be found at   Romulus Clerk's Office are eligible to vote in this election.  To comply with the Help America Vote
                                                                                      Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available on audio tape and in Braille.  Arrangements for
         Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the local clerk to obtain an application for an absent  obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the Romulus Clerk
         voter ballot.
                                                                                      in advance of the election.  All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
         To comply with the Help America  Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille.
         Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the township clerk in advance  4WB  Halecreek Elementary School, 16200 Harrison Road, Romulus, MI 48174
         of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
                                                                                      Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the Romulus City
                                        Sumpter Township
                              Notice of Public Accuracy Test of Voting Equipment      Clerk's Office at 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174 (734) 942-7540 to obtain an applica-
                                                                                      tion for an absentee voter ballot.
         To the qualified electors of the Sumpter Township, Wayne County, State of Michigan: Notice is hereby given that a Public
         Accuracy Test for the electronic equipment that will be used in Precinct 1 for the Special Election is scheduled for Tuesday, April
         25th, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the Sumpter Township Community Gymnasium, located at 23501 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111.
         The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer programming used to tabulate the votes cast at the elec-
         tion meets the requirements of Michigan election law.                        Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City of Romulus Clerk
                                                                                      11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174
         Esther Hurst                                                                 734-942-7540
         Sumpter Township Clerk              Published: The Eagle; April 20th, 2023.
         (734) 461-6201                      Posted:   April 20th, 2023  ST0151 - 04 20 23  2.5 x 5.303  Publish: April 20, 2023                   RM0732 - 042023  2.5 x 6.735
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