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Area legislator arrested following vehicle crash
State Rep. Jewell Jones has ” continue to assess the situation
been released from the Given this is an active investigation, as the legal process plays out
Livingston County Jail following and more facts come to light.”
his arrest last week following a we will not be offering further The Livingston County
traffic accident. comment until we get additional facts. Prosecutor's Office confirmed an
He was arrested by Michigan ongoing review of a file related
State Police last Tuesday, April to Jones.
6, and released on Wednesday on I-96 late Tuesday night in vehicle registered to Jones, offi- “The matter is under investi-
afternoon, officials said, “pend- Livingston County. While state cials said. gation and it would not be
ing further investigation” while police did not identify Jones, a Jones arraignment on any appropriate to provide any fur-
lab tests are completed, they video recording of a Chevrolet charges is pending the results of ther comment,” the office said in
said. Tahoe driving on the shoulder of lab tests. a prepared statement.
Jones represents the 11th I-96 and then erratically swerv- Republican Speaker of the House Minority Leader
District which includes Garden ing while traveling at about 50 to House Jason Wentworth issued Donna Lasinski, D-Scio
City and Inkster, and portions of 55 mph was submitted by a wit- a statement noting, “What I've Township, said her office was
Dearborn Heights, Livonia and ness to police. The witness told heard so far is incredibly disap- still gathering information about
Westland. officers that the vehicle, a black pointing. Elected officials and what happened late Wednesday Jewell Jones
According to Michigan State SUV with a plate reading “elect- community leaders have the afternoon.
Police, a 25-year-old Inkster man ed” nearly hit a bridge before an people's trust and must be held “Given this is an active inves- further comment until we get
was arrested following a crash exit. The description matches a to a higher standard. We will tigation, we will not be offering additional facts,” she said.
Sumpter Township board OKs $55,000 ADP contract
Members of the Sumpter Township developed and customized any way the
Board of Trustees agreed to enter into a As an example, we, as a board, township wants,” Novak said.
contract for Human Resources and The system will require a part-time
Payroll Services through ADP during their have to know the costs in the fire department township employee to ensure that data is
regular meeting earlier this month. where we have volunteers. entered into the ASP system correctly and
The $55,000 annual services contract is in a timely manner, Novak said.
expected to save the township about Township Financial Director Michelle
$68,000 annually, according to estimates the Affordable Care Act which may as changes in status or planned or emer- Cole said she expected this part time
from officials. In addition to the $55,000 change. gency time off. employee would would work about two
fee, the township will pay a one-time “The system is well-attuned to life cycle “This is a partnership,” he stressed. He days a week, “depending on the ebb and
implementation fee to Foster Thomas, a events,” he said. “It will also help with added that the ADP system can communi- flow of HR issues,” she said. The cost for
contractor used by ADP to help install and employee development and help support cate with other systems used by vendors the part-time employee coordinator for
set up the computerized system. the success of employees.” and taxing authorities, making required or the system was estimated at about $24,000.
Matt Novak, a representative from ADP He added that the system provides necessary transfer of records much sim- Township attorney Rob Young said he
described the new system to the members immediate and accurate tax information. pler. would like to ensure there is a hold-harm-
of the board, noting that the computerized “The system will allow employees, Trustee Matt Oddy inquired as to the less clause in the contract that would
records will maintain all the data needed supervisors and others to have access to record-keeping by department of the sys- mutually indemnify ADP and the town-
to manage payroll for hourly and salaried only their allowed field,” he said, stressing tem. ship, each being responsible for any liabil-
employees and help managers control the the security of the system and the efficien- “As an example, we, as a board, have to ity for their own actions.
workflow with scheduling. cy of allowing employees to check their know the costs in the fire department “We should stand on our own two feet
“The system,” he said, “is completely work schedules and managers to know the where we have volunteers,” he said. and be responsible for anything we do that
customizable to maximize efficiency.” He exact hours employees worked. Novak said the system can interact with might result in a lawsuit and ADP should
said personnel records would now be on a Those hours will be recorded by a state the software already being used by the fire be responsible for anything they do. They
cloud-based system rather than a paper- of the art computerized time clock that chief to calculate those hours and that need to hold us harmless,” Young said.
based one. He added that the new system can be seen in the system, he said, which those records can be exported to the ADP Pending a final review by Young, the
would protect township records far more will include security features such as a bar system. board members unanimously agreed to
efficiently while providing greater access code or a thumbprint scanner and in some “Or, it can be done manually, it can be move forward with the new system.
to them at three levels. The system is cases, a touch screen.
designed for payroll management and will He added that employees would now
be able to provide information on multiple have access to immediate support from 8
platforms, he noted, including employee a.m. until 11:30 p.m. daily to “my life”
insurance regulations and provisions of advisors to help plan for life events such
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