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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 8, 2021

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Northville man faces charges in restaurant break-ins

           A Northville man is facing                                                               later identified as Mark Joseph
        nine charges following his arrest                         ”                                 Tulik.
        for breaking into restaurants in                Tulik reportedly admitted                      Redford police investigators
        Livonia and Redford Township,                       the Livonia crime                       learned that Livonia police were
        all on March 15.                                                                            also investigating an early-morn-
           Mark Tulik, 49, was arraigned               while in custody in Redford.                 ing March 15 break-in at a Wing
        in 16th District Court last week                                                            Snob location on Five Mile Road.
        on charges related to the March                                                             In that incident, a man is seen on
        15 break-in of a Livonia restau-                                                            video using a hammer to smash
        rant, according to court records.  ing, two counts of fleeing police,  man driving an older model  the glass in the front door of the
        He was charged with breaking   two counts of resisting arrest and  Lincoln Town Car.        building. That suspect left the
        and entering a building with   count of possessing a burglar's  Redford officers encountered  scene in a light-colored Lincoln
        intent to commit a crime, two  tools.                         a vehicle matching the one on  Town Car, matching the descrip-
        counts of fleeing and eluding    Tulik will face trial on the  the surveillance video and   tion of the car Tulik was driving,
        police, two counts of resisting  charges in Wayne County Circuit  attempted a traffic stop. The driv-  according to police.                    Mark Tulik
        arrest and a count of possessing a  Court following his arraignment  er fled the scene but the officers  Tulik reportedly admitted the
        burglar's tools.               and probable cause conference.  obtained the vehicle license  Livonia crime while in custody in  intent to commit a crime, larceny
           He is also facing charges in  According to Redford police, offi-  plate number and the car was  Redford.                in a building and fleeing police.
        17th District Court in relation to  cers responded to two break-ins  quickly located in Detroit. When  According to the Michigan  He was remanded to the Wayne
        break-ins at two Redford       within 20 minutes March 15, both  officers approached the vehicle,  Department of Corrections, Tulik  County Jail and was scheduled
        Township restaurants, including  at restaurants. Security video  the suspect fled on foot, but was  has previously been convicted of  for a court appearance in
        two counts of breaking and enter-  indicated the perpetrator was a  caught and arrested. He was  breaking and entering with  Livonia today,  April 8.
        Spring cleaning

        Inkster officials detail rules for pick-up of residential trash, compost

           As residents throughout the  hold, will need to call for a spe-  3587 at least 48 hours ahead so
        area begin traditional spring  cial pick-up 48 hours in       that the proper moving equip-                             ”
        cleaning,     the    Inkster   advance. Cardboard boxes are   ment will be available, officials               Residents are required
        Department of Public Service   not acceptable trash containers.  advised. Calls should be made              to separate grass clippings,
        has a few cautions for those   They must be broken down and   during regular business hours, 9
        preparing to dispose of debris  thrown into the recycle contain-  a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday                   leaves, weeds, and other
        accumulated during the winter  er, officials said.            through Friday.                            soft yard waste from regular trash.
        months.                          The trash contractor does not  Brush and compost collec-
           Trash pick-up will continue  pick up any EPA labeled haz-  tion will include trees, wood,
        on the regular weekly schedule,  ardous substances, including  shrubs and brush. If the wood
        officials said, although specific  but not limited to, gasoline, acid,  contains nails, they must be  compost/yard waste, the city  maintained, the owner may
        holidays usually delay pick-up  inflammable or explosive mate-  bent over and the wood and  hauler recommends using lawn   receive a citation and the lot
        by one day. Those changes are  rials, officials reminded resi-  brush cut and securely tied into  mowers with mulching blades.   will be cut/cleaned at the
        clearly marked on the city cal-  dents.                       bundles not to exceed 3 inches   Carpet will be picked up if it  owner's expense.
        endar, available of the City of  The pick up of bulk or heavy  in diameter and no longer than  is in bundles no longer than 4  Complaints should be direct-
        Inkster website.               household items such as stoves,  4 feet and no heavier than 50  feet and no heavier than 50  ed to Code Enforcement at (313)
           Trash containers should be  refrigerators, freezers, or furni-  pounds. Lawn clippings, twigs,  pounds and it must be tied and  563-0835 or the Department of
        placed at the curbside after 6  ture or other items that do not  flowers and plantings are all  bundled.                   Public Services at (313) 563-
        p.m. the day before collection  fit into the cart will include two  acceptable items for compost  Any resident hiring a private  9774.
        day and should be removed      such bulk items per household  collection although the twigs  contractor for tree trimming/   Weekly curbside collection of
        from the curbside before 6 p.m.  each week. If residents have  and branches should not exceed  removal must require that con-  yard waste began this week and
        the day of collection. A 95-gal-  more than two items, it will be  4 inches in diameter and 3 feet  tractor to remove any brush,  will end Dec. 17. Residents are
        lon, wheeled curb cart had been  necessary to call for a dumpster  in length. Stumps, rocks, dirt,  logs, or stumps, officials advised.  required to separate grass clip-
        provided to each household.    which will then be picked up on  and sod are not acceptable for  Vacant lots in the city are the  pings, leaves, weeds, and other
        Residents who may have more    the regular pick-up day.       compost/yard waste collection.   responsibility of the owner. If  soft yard waste from regular
        trash than the new curb cart will  Residents should call (844) 464-  To reduce the amount of  vacant lots are not properly  trash, officials advised.
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