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Inkster council suspends meetings for 30 days
Members of the Inkster City governor has declared a state of by council members be communi-
Council have responded to the emergency due to the public The resolution also permits Mayor Patrick Wimberly cated electronically to each coun-
social distancing ordered by Gov. health crisis and has ordered vari- cil member within 24 hours of
Gretchen Whitmer with a new res- ous venues and public places as the chief administrative officer being taken “or as soon thereafter
olution suspending public meet- closed. It recognizes that current to take all actions necessary to the continued as is practical under the circum-
ings for the next 30 days. recommendations include the stances.”
The resolution, number os-20- cancellation of gatherings of 10 or operation of the City of Inkster. The communications to the
49-R, also permits Mayor Patrick more people, the implementing of members of the city council
Wimberly as the chief administra- social distancing practices, reduc- public meetings “but remains “Mayor/Chief Administrative should also be posted on the city
tive officer to take all actions nec- tions of in-person gatherings and silent about taking emergency Officer shall take all necessary website within 48 hours, accord-
essary to the continued operation measures designed to prevent the interim action where public meet- and proper actions to ensure the ing to the resolution.
of the City of Inkster. spread of the highly contagious ings are not possible due to signifi- continuity of governmental opera- The new rules will remain in
The resolution was approved disease. cant public health threats like the tions.” effect until the governor declares
by a unanimous vote of the city The resolution also mentions COVID-19 pandemic.” The resolution requires that that the state of emergency has
council members during the regu- the requirement of the Open To continue the operation of any necessary and proper actions ended or the council approves a
larly scheduled March 16 meeting. Meetings Act which requires gov- normal business in the city, the taken by the mayor which would resolution terminating these new
The resolution notes that the ernmental actions be taken at resolution provides the ordinarily require pre-approval procedures.
Northville mayor urges communication as top crisis priority
Bryan Turnbull, the mayor of nity),” he said. He reminded those older than tinue while the parks and recre- stores and shopping local stores
Northville, recently issued a He said that he had been in 50 that special hours are in ation activities have been sus- online.
statement to all residents contact with Gov. Gretchen place at most grocery stores to pended. “As you are restocking your
regarding the effects of the Whitmer, along with federal, accommodate them. He urged residents to follow pantries and freezers, readying
COVID-19 pandemic in the city. state, county and local munici- Service by Northville police, the best practices recommend- activities for your kids, ordering
“These are indeed extraordi- pal officials and would continue fire, Advanced Life Support ed by experts including the items online and planning for
nary times and communication to gather information regarding staff and first responders will practice of social distancing, meals at home, please consider
is a top priority for all of us. responding to the virus. continue without interruption, avoiding handshakes, washing ways you can keep your busi-
First, I want to thank our hard- Turnbull urged Northville Turnbull reminded residents. hands frequently and the use of ness local,” the mayor said.
working men and women in the residents to continue practicing He urged citizens to only call sanitizer. “I'm committed to ensuring
Northville community on the social distancing and reminded 911 when it is critical. An option Turnbull requested that resi- that no one in the greater
front lines of this COVID-19 bat- them, however, that grocery is the dispatch number at (248) dents attempt to help support Northville community gets left
tle, with all of its evolving situa- stores, gas stations, pharmacies, 349-1234. local Northville businesses as behind. Northville is strong
tions (public safety, medical pro- restaurants that provide take- Turnbull said that senior possible, including ordering because of every one of you
fessionals, essential services out and delivery, and other transportation (medical, gro- delivery or curbside pick up working together to keep our
and those assisting the commu- essential services are still open. cery shopping, work) will con- from Northville restaurants and community safe,” he concluded.
Canton Township reporting 76 cases of coronavirus
At last report from the office patients contact their health- closures do not affect any police and April water bills as long as Williams added that Meals on
of Canton Township Supervisor care provider to discuss symp- or fire services, including 911. full payment is received by Wheels helps homebound sen-
Pat Williams, there were 78 con- toms. The MDHHS also has a Collection of trash will continue Friday, May 29. Do not place iors who are unable to prepare
firmed coronavirus cases in the hotline for coronavirus ques- as scheduled. cash payments in the drop box. their own meals. '”It can be an
community on March 26. tions: 1-888/535-6136. This num- Water bills can be paid by “The Canton leadership team absolutely essential service for
Williams suggested on the ber will be answered daily from mail to P.O Box 87680, Canton continues to monitor the many older adults-providing a
township website that anyone 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MI, 48188; the drop box located COVID-19 situation, and would hot meal, a friendly visitor and
who believes they need to be All Canton Township facili- outside the main entrance to the like to remind residents about someone to check in on them
tested for COVID-19 (coron- ties are closed to the public Canton Administration the importance of social dis- every weekday, especially dur-
avirus), follow the advice of the until at least April 14, Williams Building, by phone 1-833-697- tancing. We all need to work ing this time.”
Michigan Department of Health emphasized. All critical and 1711, and online at www.canton- together and look out for each For more information about
and Human Services (MDHHS). emergency services continue to However, late fees other's health and safety,” Meals on Wheels current avail-
The agency recommends operate with full staffing. The will not be assessed for March Williams stated on the website. ability, call 1-800 852-7795.