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Romulus council cancels regular April meetings
A combination of technology the opportunity. to respond in some non-emer-
and common sense allowed the While Romulus City Hall is It takes a community to get through gency situations. He said the
members of the Romulus City closed to the public, several department is now eliminating
Council to meet in regular ses- elected officials including the something like this. It is time to put aside personal contacts in non-emer-
sion and continue the business of mayor and clerk were at work differences and rally round together. gency situations and that police
the city last week. last week with minimal staff and reports can be filed by phone at
Two council members, Mayor observing the social distancing Director of Fire Services and governor. (734) 941-8400 or online.
pro tem John Barden and rules to avoid the spread of Emergency Management Kevin “This will have a significant “The first responders will still
Councilwoman Kathy Abdo used COVID-10. Krause to present an update financial impact,” Krause said. be there,” he assured the council.
phone equipment to teleconfer- “We are still providing servic- regarding the current handling of He noted that the National Each council member took
ence into the meeting and cast es to the public,” Craig-Bragg the epidemic in Romulus. Emergency Response would the opportunity to thank the city
their votes on agenda issues. said. She suggested that requests Krause presented a timeline allow the city to track every man employees and staff members
Councilman William Wadsworth for some document services for the members of the council hour spent in response to the who have continued to work and
was absent from the meeting. could be handled by email at noting the specific dates that pandemic should there, “down provide services during the cri-
Barden designated or by call- actions were taken to protect the the line” be any federal reim- sis. Burcroff also thanked the
Councilwoman Tina Talley to ing (734) 942-7540. public and the evolution of pro- bursement to communities for employees again, as he had at the
chair the meeting in light of the During the meeting, Mayor cedures in the city in response to expenses involved in responding opening of the meeting.
teleconferencing. In addition, LeRoy Burcroff expressed his orders from Gov. Gretchen to the current emergency. “It takes a community to get
City Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg praise and gratitude for the city Whitmer. He mentioned the mul- Interim Police Chief Joseph through something like this. It is
offered an email address at the employees' response to the tiple meetings he and Burcroff Pfannes told the council mem- time to put aside differences and
beginning of the meeting which national emergency and remind- have already had with state and bers that he was well aware that rally round together,” he said.
would have allowed the public to ed those in attendance of the county officials and Burcroff's “people still expect police to pro- Members of the council
comment in real time on any unique situation Romulus expe- conversation with Whitmer to tect and serve” and Romulus offi- agreed to cancel a study session
issues during that section of the riences having Detroit Metro ensure the safety of residents. cers continue to serve the needs and regular meeting set for April
regular agenda. Any email com- Airport in the community with Krause noted that the city had of the public. 6 and continue the emergency
ment would have been read travelers from across the country implemented the National “We are practicing social dis- action in the city until April 27.
aloud to the council members and world passing through city Emergency Response prior to tancing,” he said and noted that (Editor's note: See related
had anyone taken advantage of boundaries. Burcroff asked the emergency declaration by the it might take officers a bit longer mayor's letter below.)
Mayor praises performance of essential staff during crisis
Romulus Mayor LeRoy As you know, Gov. (Gretchen) with any questions. If you need billing department discontin-
Burcroff recently posted the fol- Whitmer has issued a "Stay additional assistance, please ued account shut offs, and will
lowing email letter to residents Home, Stay Safe" executive feel free to call any one of our do so until further notice to
detailing the status of coron- order. All non-essential departments. We only ask that ensure residents have access to
avirus measures in the city. Michigan businesses are you remain patient with us and water services during the
required to temporarily sus- if you don't get an answer, COVID-19 pandemic. If you are
Fellow residents: pend in-person operations until please leave a detailed mes- without water and would like
I hope this email finds you April 13. It is my hope that we sage and our staff will respond your service reconnected,
and your loved ones safe and can all do our part to keep our- to you as soon as possible. please contact (734) 942-7650
healthy. selves and our community Curbside yard waste and during regular business hours.
I would like to extend my healthy by staying home unless bulk pick-up will be put on hold Please note: customers are still
immense gratitude to our performing essential tasks. To beginning April 1, 2020 until expected to pay for water used
essential workers-police and support small businesses in our further notice. Please take this during this time.
fire, emergency medical profes- community, please visit our into consideration with plan- Please continue to visit
sionals, grocery store and phar- website to find a list of restau- ning for spring clean-up activi-
macy employees, mail carriers, rants still open for carry-out. ties. If you have any questions, avirus for pertinent updates
truck drivers and airport staff. I With the "Stay Home, Stay please call Waste Management, and resources regarding
hope you will join me in keep- Safe" executive order in place, Inc. at (866) 797-9018 or COVID-19, as well as our City
ing these workers, their health all city buildings are closed to Romulus DPW at (734) 942- Facebook Page.
and the health of their families the public, except for the police 7579. Be well, look out for your
in your thoughts and prayers department. Residents are Additionally, two weeks ago, neighbors and stay Romulus
during this time. encouraged to visit our website the City of Romulus water strong. Mayor LeRoy Burcroff
Schools continue food Farmer’s Market may still open in June
are near the Sounds in Downtown in the
The Romulus Farmer's Market is still
program for students tentatively set to open from 5 until 9 p.m. gazebo while the third Friday Farmer's
Market will be in the pavilion during the
on the second, third and fourth Fridays
of the month from June through August.
tion, call (734) 955-4531.
The second and fourth Friday markets Movies in the Park. For more informa-
Roderick Peterson Jr. rally and organize volunteers over the
Special Writer past week.
“If communications were ever impor- CITY OF ROMULUS
As the coronavirus sweeps through the tant, they are certainly important now in NOTICE
nation and the world, Romulus the midst of a health crisis,” said Dawn PUBLIC HEARING
Community Schools continues to provide Jamison, district communications officer. PROPOSED FY 2020/2021 BUDGET
breakfast, lunch, and educational lessons “We have been humbled by the outpour-
to students in Romulus and Inkster. ing of teachers, staff and community mem- Notice is hereby given that Romulus City Council has scheduled a Public Hearing to be held
Monday, May 4, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road,
While many public school districts bers who have raised their hands to help.” Romulus, Michigan 48174 for the purpose of discussing the FY 2020/2021 Budget, including
across Michigan are offering onsite meal Romulus Community Schools has part- “The Property Tax Millage Rate Proposed To Be Levied To Support
pick-up service for its families, Romulus nered with Sodexo, the district food serv- The Proposed Budget Will Be A Subject of This Hearing.”
has gone a step further by delivering food ice provider, to rally their staff to bag Said Budget is available for inspection in the Clerk's Office, Monday through Friday between the
to the community utilizing the district bus meals for distribution. In just the first hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
service partner, Auxilio Inc. week of the school closure, staff workers
“After discussing the immediate needs had prepared nearly 10,000 meals. Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk of Romulus, MI
of our students, we knew our families Due to the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Publish: April 2, 2020 RM0489 - 040220 2.5 x 2.477
would be best served if we provided a order, the district had to halt delivery and
food delivery option,” said Nicole shift to meal pickup available weekdays at
Crockett, district interim superintendent Halecreek Elementary, Wick Elementary, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH
of schools. “We have almost 100 volun- Barth Elementary, Romulus Elementary ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
teers, over 20 bus drivers and aides to and Romulus High School from 10 a.m. to 6:00 P.M.
make daily deliveries possible.” noon in front of the schools. PLEASE NOTE that the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its Regular Meeting on Thursday, April 2, 2020 commencing at 6:00
During the mandated school closure, “Our entire Romulus community has p.m., to consider:
some bus drivers and volunteers start as truly come together to support our fami- 1. Application 1597 (tabled from 9/5/19), R78-005-99-0009-301, 15075 Beck RD, IND zoning district is requesting two vari-
early as 7 a.m. to load buses and distribute lies,” said Crockett. “We are so grateful for ances:
food along their normal weekly bus such a spirit of unity and for the opportu- • To be allowed to have the signable area for a monument sign to be 65 square feet whereas 60 square feet is allowed with
routes. The district central office team has nity to support our students during this a distance from the road of 22 feet with a road frontage of over 200 feet. Variance requested is an additional 5 square
worked to send out communications to time of need.” feet of sign area.
• To be allowed to have the height of the monument sign to be 12 feet whereas 10 feet is allowed with a distance of 22
feet from the road with over 200 feet of road frontage. Variance requested is 2 additional feet in height.
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE 2. Application 1600, (March 2020 Canceled meeting) R78-026-99-002-705, 41100 Plymouth RD, IND zoning district is
NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS requesting one variance:
• To allow a second wall sign on the same façade without a second means of public ingress/egress. Variance requested is
The Charter Township of Northville Administrative Offices will be closed on Friday, April 10, 2020 in observance of Good 1 additional wall sign.
Friday. The offices will reopen at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, April 13, 2020.
3. Application 1601, R78-056-01-0174-000, 46226 Forestwood Dr., R-1-S zoning district is requesting one variance:
• To construct a 13'x19' sunroom that would reduce the rear yard setback to 43' feet whereas 50' feet is required. Variance
Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk Requested is 7' feet.
Publish: April 2, 2020 NT0062 - 040220 2.5 x 1.52 4. Application 1602, R78-024-99-049-000, 39411 Schoolcraft, IND zoning district is requesting nine variances:
• The applicant does not have a building on site, so he has used the 7'x12' (84 square foot) dumpster wall for his wall sign
(aka mural). The mural painting is 63.6 square feet whereas the maximum signable area is 30% or 25.2 square feet. The
NOTICE TO CUT NOXIOUS WEEDS one variance requested is 38.4 square feet of signable area.
• Banner signs shall be temporary, not to exceed 72 hours and not to exceed 4 times per year. The applicant has no place
To the owner or occupant or any person or persons, firm or corporation having charge of any land in the Charter Township of on the property where a monument sign can be constructed so the banner has been installed on the 4' aluminum fence.
Plymouth: The three variance requests are: (1) to be allowed the banner to stay attached to the fence permanently hence (2) exceed-
ing the 72 hours and (3) more than the 4 times per year.
Notice is hereby given that all noxious weeds growing on any land in the Charter Township of Plymouth, Wayne County,
Michigan, must be cut and destroyed on or before the 20th day of April, 2020. And every owner, occupant, or person having • The string lights (Christmas lights) attached to the top of the 4' fence around the property are prohibited to highlight
charge of any such land must notify the Township that such weeds have been destroyed within three days of such cutting. Any architectural features. The one variance requested is to allow string lights (Christmas lights) to be used as an architec-
person failing to comply with this notice on or before the date mentioned shall be liable for the imposition of the penalties set tural feature.
forth in Ordinance Number 64, of the Charter Township of Plymouth, Wayne County, Michigan, and shall be liable for all expens-
es incurred by the Township in destroying said noxious weeds, which expenses, if unpaid by the owner or to the occupant, shall • All exterior lighting shall be directed downward and shielded; if not the lighting is prohibited. The applicant has the rope
be spread against the property on the next County and School Tax Roll collection of such expenses. The township may notify by lighting (Christmas lights) and festoon lighting (string lights) both of which are not shielded or directed downward. The
certified mail with return receipt requested, the owner, agent, or occupant, as shown on the current County and School Tax Roll, two variance requests are: (1) to allow both the rope & string lights be allowed to stay permanently even though (2) they
of any lands on which such noxious weeds are found growing. Such notice shall contain the methods of treating and eradicating are not shielded or downward directed.
such noxious weeds and a summary of the provisions of this section. Failure of the township to give such notice shall not, how-
ever, constitute a defense to any action to enforce the payment of any penalty provided in this article or any debt created under • The waste water receptacle is a free-standing tank sitting on the court pavement whereas the ordinance states it is pro-
this article. hibited to be in an open lot and should be enclosed within a structure. The two variances requested are: (1) to allow the
waste water tank to remain free standing with (2) no enclosure.
Jerry Vorva, Clerk
Charter Township of Plymouth The meeting will be held at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Road in the Town Hall Meeting Room.
Publish: April 2, 2020 PT0292 - 040220 2.5 x 2.736 Posted: Eagle Newspaper April 2, 2020 PT0291 - 040220 2.5 x 6.416