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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 1, 2021

        Police                                     ”                                                PLYMOUTH

                                              The embedded
        FROM PAGE 1
                                               clinician's role
        community including the recent         is focused on
        increase in domestic violence,                                New parking plan under way
        suicide and mental health issues,    crisis stabilization
        among others. Approximately 15        as opposed to
        percent of Canton Police                                        Beginning today, April 1, there                         ”
        Department calls for service are    long-term treatment.      will be specific 15-minute park-         Each street will have 15-minute spots,
        non-criminal related and social                               ing spaces in downtown
        workers will be Canton's second                               Plymouth to accommodate local                  and they will be enforced
        responders, assist where needed                               businesses.                                  seven days a week, , to allow
        and also provide guidance to   throughout their programs and    Tony Bruscato, director of the
        resources for our residents,” she  has adopted the nationally-recog-  Plymouth  Downtown                      all businesses to benefit.
        said.                          nized Zero Suicide framework   Development Authority (DDA)
           Baugh noted there are hun-  for suicide prevention. In addi-  said that during the past year,
        dreds of cases where a social  tion, Hegira is funded as a    city officials and the DDA have  ing capacity to 25 percent, he  strategically placed throughout
        worker will help, adding of police  CCBHC (Certified Community  “worked together to creatively  said.                      the downtown to assist the busi-
        “The uniform is a barrier in   Behavioral Health Clinic), which  assist the business community.”  As the state is now allowing  ness community in providing
        itself.”                       means that they can serve all    He said that the city has   for up to 50 percent capacity and  curbside or carryout service
           The embedded social worker  people regardless of insurance  allowed expanding sidewalk   the installation of patio exten-  while increasing efficiency by
        program is one of the multiple  status for ongoing treatment and  patios onto the street using park-  sions for restaurant and retail  freeing up spaces that have only
        programs the police department  services.                     ing spaces as an example of the  establishments, a review the  been used periodically.”
        has originated, Baugh explained.  For    Canton      Police   efforts to help downtown busi-  curbside and carryout spots and  Bruscato added that the city
        The programs include the Police  Department, Hegira will ensure  nesses. He said that will continue  their impact on the parking  has also approved the installa-
        Community Engagement Team,     that the selected clinician is  this year. In addition, he said, city  inventory is necessary, Bruscato  tion of signage for the parking
        the Juvenile Diversion Program,  trained in Trauma-Informed   officials approved the striping of  said.                    spots throughout the DDA dis-
        and the Canton Coalition for   Care, suicide prevention, and cri-  Fleet Street to allow for 15-  “With the sunset of the cur-  trict beginning April 1, the same
        Inclusive Communities (CCIC).   sis response. The embedded cli-  minute parking and both food  rent business-specific curbside  day the previous curbside take-
           The embedded social worker  nician will follow-up with indi-  serving and retail establishments  takeout parking program occur-  out parking program is set to
        program is another step in pro-  viduals and families with whom  were given the opportunity to  ring on April 1, the city, in part-  expire.
        viding better service to our com-  they have had contact to provide  request 15-minute on-street park-  nership with the DDA, is institut-  Each street will have 15-
        munity, he said. Over the past few  ongoing crisis stabilization to  ing for curbside takeout service  ing a program that will designate  minute spots, and they will be
        years, the police department has  ensure they are linked with ongo-  during their hours of operation.  15-minute parking spots common  enforced seven days a week, to
        been monitoring the successes in  ing treatment and services in the  Many businesses took advantage  to all, and not specific to any one  allow all businesses to benefit.
        portions of the country with simi-  community.                of these opportunities when the  business,” he said in a prepared  For more information, call the
        lar embedded social worker pro-  One of the program's primary  State of Michigan limited build-  statement. “These spots will be  DDA office, (734) 455-1453.
        grams. During the same time-   goals is to prevent future behav-
        frame, locally, the Canton Police  ment in ongoing treatment is a Board names new school trustee
                                       ioral health crises, and engage-
        Department has started a diver-
        sion program for Canton area   key component of prevention.     Members of the Plymouth     grandmother of three, Chastang  week. “Being selected from
        youth with Growth Works' assis-  For that reason, the embedded  Canton Community Schools    is employed as the vice president  among a dynamic group of appli-
        tance. Similarly, Canton Police  clinician's role is focused on cri-  Board of Education selected  of diversity and inclusion for  cants is truly humbling, and I
        Department, in partnership with  sis stabilization as opposed to  LaRonda Chastang to fill the  Trinity Health systems based in  commit to work collaboratively
        Growth Works, Saint Joseph's   long-term treatment. The clini-  vacancy created by the resigna-  Livonia.                  alongside the other trustees and
        Mercy Hospital in Livonia,     cian will work with the individual  tion of Trustee Leonardo Savage  She earned her bachelors  superintendent to advance the
        Northville Township, Westland,  or family to access services at  last month.                degree at Michigan State       mission and vision of our dis-
        and Livonia, started a collabora-  their treatment provider of  Chastang was among 14 local  University and her master's   trict.”
        tion with a Growth Works' driven  choice. The process may include  residents interviewed for the  degree from the University of  Chastang will serve the
        program. The program is com-   helping clients navigate the pub-  school board position and one of  Michigan.              remainder of Savage's term,
        monly called Wayne Rescue      lic mental health system; access-  three who were selected for a  “I am both excited and hon-  which ends in December 2022.
        Recovery and has grown from    ing information about their bene-  second interview based on a  ored about the opportunity to  Savage submitted his resigna-
        the original partnership with St.  fits; contacting a provider or  scoring system completed by cur-  serve our community of learn-  tion to the board following seri-
        Mary Mercy Livonia to the 18   assisting with transportation to  rent board members.        ers,” Chastang said, when her  ous health issues which prevent-
        participating public safety    the initial appointment          The mother of three and     appointment was announced last  ed him from serving.
        departments in Western Wayne     The social worker will be
        County, Baugh explained in a   embedded within the police                             To receive The Eagle in your inbox, email
        prepared statement. The recov-  department and is expected to be
        ery program is voluntary and was  operational by summer.            with the subject “subscribe”.
        started by the founding agencies
        in 2018. The program employs
        peer recovery coaches who assist
        clients through their journey to
           The     Canton     Police
        Department handles mental
        health emergencies as a medical
        issue, focusing on a peaceful res-
        olution to the situation through
        de-escalation. Canton police offi-
        cers look at problems in a man-
        ner to help reduce danger for all
        parties. Further, Canton police
        officers look for opportunities to
        bring a holistic approach, includ-
        ing co-response initiatives with
        mental health professionals,
        social work professionals, family,
        friends, clergy, and support
        groups. In certain circumstances,
        there is a blend of many
        resources, including the criminal
        justice system and the police
        juvenile diversion program,
        Baugh said.
           Hegira Health is a co-occur-
        ring (substance use and mental
        health) capable agency through
        Michigan Department of Health
        and Human Services and inte-
        grates Peer services (Peer
        Recovery Coaches, Certified
        Peer Support Specialists, and
        Parent Support Partners)
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