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April 1, 2021                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Hope Not Handcuffs

        Drug counseling program now available through Wayne police

           The     Wayne      Police   ment options for individuals                                                                  Meanwhile, Garden City
        Department will soon offer the  seeking help to reduce their                  Unfortunately, many people                   Police Chief Tim Gibbons added,
        Hope Not Handcuffs program to  dependency on prescription                                                                  “Garden City PD is excited to be
        those who struggle with a sub-  medications, heroin, alcohol, and          struggling with addiction end up                partnering with Hope Not
        stance use disorder and want to  other drugs.                                in the criminal justice system                Handcuffs to offer help and hope
        find recovery.                   The program concept is sim-                                                               to those seeking to recover from
           Members of Families Against  ple: any person who is battling a        when they really just need treatment.             addiction. The easier we make it
        Narcotics (FAN), a nonprofit   substance use disorder can go to                                                            for those seeking to overcome an
        organization founded in 2007, are  any participating police agency                                                         addiction, the better. Better for
        teaming up with the Wayne and  and ask for help. They will be  program, as well as Family   unteers at Hope Not Handcuffs,  the person seeking to recover,
        Garden City police departments  greeted with support, compas-  Recovery Coaches for family  we will soon be able to get des-  better for families, and better for
        to offer the  Hope Not         sion, and respect, and one of the  members or loved ones, accord-  perately needed help for those  our communities.”
        Handcuffs” program, which has  Family Against Narcotics trained  ing to a spokesman. The goal is to  members of our community who  The Garden City and Wayne
        compassionately assisted nearly  “Angels” will provide them with  help everyone who's been affect-  are  facing  addiction.  police departments will not only
        5,400 people statewide since its  resources and guide them    ed by the disease of addiction  Unfortunately, many people   provide access to Hope Not
        launch in February of 2017,    through a brief intake process to  find recovery.            struggling with addiction end up  Handcuffs for residents of those
           Hope Not Handcuffs-which    help them get the treatment they  “I am excited about the Wayne  in the criminal justice system  two cities, but also for people in
        has more than 100 participating  need and deserve.            Police Department's partnership  when they really just need treat-  Canton, Plymouth, Westland and
        police departments statewide-    Hope Not Handcuffs also pro-  with Hope Not Handcuffs,”    ment,” Strong continued. “Hope  Northville. Inkster police have
        brings law enforcement and     vides trained and certified Peer  Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong  Not Handcuffs provides a great  also implemented the program
        community organizations togeth-  Recovery Coaches for the indi-  said.                      mechanism for people to get    through a partnership with
        er in an effort to find viable treat-  viduals who participate in the  “Thanks to the dedicated vol-  access to treatment 24/7/365.”  GrowthWorks.
        New library director named                                                      Her Honor

           The William P. Faust Public Library in  year and was named as the new director  During Women's History Month which
        Westland has a permanent new director.  following an interview with the board   ended yesterday,  the City of Westland
           Members of the Westland Library     members March 16. Her new, permanent     celebrated the achievements of the
        Board approved the appointment of      title, became effective immediately.     only individual in the history of the city
        Jennifer Roth to the position at their   Prior to her appointment, Roth served  to lead all three branches of the gov-
                                                                                        erning bodies in the community; leg-
        March 17 meeting.                      for three years as the head of information  islative, executive, and judicial. Current
           Roth had been serving as the interim  services for the Westland library. She has  18th District Judge Sandra Ference
        library director since September of last  more than 17 years of experience in   Cicirelli was first elected to the
                                               library services, having formerly worked  Westland City Council in 1990, where
                                               in libraries in Flint and Hartland. Roth  she served as council president for 6
                                               graduated from Wayne State University    years. She was elected mayor of
                                               with a masters degree in Library         Westland in 2002 and then elected as
                                               Information Science (MILS) in 2003. She is  18th District Judge in 2007, where she
                                               a member of the American Library         currently continues to serve the com-
                                               Association as well as the Michigan      munity. Called "a true trailblazer,"
                                               Library Association, where she serves on  Cicirelli has served the community for
                                                                                        four decades including participation
                                               the planning committee.                  with the Westland Youth Assistance
                                                 Roth's selection was by a unanimous    Program, the Westland Chamber of
                                               vote of the members of the Westland      Commerce, the Westland Jaycees, the
                                               Library Board. She was also highly recom-  Westland Goodfellows and several
                                               mended for the position by the former    other local community groups. Cicirelli
                                               library director.                        is the mother of two and grandmother
                                                 “I am excited to take on this new posi-  of two.
                                               tion,” commented Roth. “It has been an
                                               honor to be involved in the progress at the
                                               library over the past three years and I look
                                               forward to continuing that progress along-
                                               side our talented staff as we continue to
                                               navigate through these challenging
                                Jennifer Roth  times.”

                              TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2021
                                SUMPTER TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any qualified elector of Sumpter Township who is not already registered, may register to vote at
         the office of the Township Clerk; the office of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch office, or other designated state
         agency. Registration forms can be obtained at and mailed to the Township Clerk. Voters who are already registered
         may update their registration at
         The last day to register in any matter other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, April 19, 2021
         After this date, anyone who qualifies as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.492) as the
         Sumpter Township Clerk’s office, located at 23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111 at the following times:
            •   Regular business hours: Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
            •   Sunday, May 2, 2021 from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
            •   Election Day, Tuesday, May 4, 2021 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Monroe Intermediate School District will be voting on the following proposal as presented
         and listed below:
         This proposal will allow the intermediate school district to continue to levy regional enhancement millage that will expire with
         the 2021 levy. Pursuant to state law, the revenue raised by the proposed millage will be collected by the intermediate school dis-
         trict and distributed to the constituent districts of the intermediate school district based on pupil membership count.
         Full text of the ballot proposal may be obtained in the Sumpter Township Clerk’s office, 23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI
         48111, telephone: (734) 461-6201. A sample ballot may be viewed at
         Persons with disabilities needing accommodations should contact the Clerk’s office.
         Esther Hurst                        Published: The Eagle; April 1, 2021
         Sumpter Township, Clerk             Posted: March 22, 2021    ST0044 - 040121  2.5 x 4.073
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