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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 31, 2022

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        Neighborhood road work causes local detours

           Inkster officials have remind-  using Inkster Road to bypass  and Inkster Road. Eastwood  the area may cause cloudy or  unchanged in the area and regu-
        ed local motorists that Phase I of  Avondale, accessing it from  Street between Inkster Road and  brown water in homes. If this  lar mail delivery will continue,
        construction on Avondale Street  either Henry Ruff or Cherry Hill  Northwood and Center between  occurs, residents are advised to  officials said.
        is under way in the city.      in the city.                   Avondale and Northwood will all  run water through the faucets  While there will be absolutely
           Currently, only east bound    Emergency vehicles will have  be reconstructed as part of the  until it clears.           no parking on the street, resi-
        local traffic is permitted on  access to the work zone as neces-  project which includes complete  Construction vehicles will not  dents are urged to park in their
        Avondale as workers continue   sary, officials said.          road reconstruction, including  be allowed on the residential  driveways or on a nearby side
        the road reconstruction and      Avondale is being reconstruct-  storm sewer and water main  side streets during the project  street. All residents will have
        repair.  Avondale is closed from  ed between Henry Ruff and   replacement.                  which is expected to be complete  access to their home except dur-
        Henry Ruff to Inkster Road.    Eastern while Northwood will be  Officials explained that the  in November.                 ing the time concrete is being
        Suggested detour routes include  reconstructed between Avondale  replacement of water mains in  Trash collection will remain  poured, officials said.

           Path to


           Westland Mayor William R. Wild
           and Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa
           joined Superintendent of Wayne-
           Westland Community Schools
           John Dignan, many district offi-
           cials and Congresswoman
           Rashida Tlaib to celebrate the
           securing of $850,000 in federal
           funding received on behalf of
           SEMCA Michigan Works Wayne
           American Job Center. The fund-
           ing will allow Wayne-Westland
           Community Schools to provide
           paid work-based internships and
           job shadowing opportunities for
           students. The Wayne-Westland
           Pathways to the Workforce will
           launch this summer, officials said.

        Wayne council OK’s Ford Motor Co. expansion plan

           Members of the Wayne City   to the south of the paint shop  of the current building and                              ”
        Council have unanimously       and one to the final assembly  another seven-bay addition to
        approved a site plan for addi-  building, were necessitated by  another section.                             He assured the members
        tions to the Ford Motor Co.    the launch of the new Ford       He assured the members of              of the council that the additions would
        Michigan Assembly Plant in the  Ranger which require, he said,  the council that the additions
        city.                          added components as the vehi-  would match the current con-        match the current construction of the building .
           During a regular meeting of  cles go through the assembly  struction of the building includ-
        the city council earlier this  line.                          ing exterior siding and paint.
        month, Dave Shoemaker from       He said the new models of the  The 5-million square-foot,
        Ford    Motor    Co.    Land   Ranger and the Bronco, both    Michigan Assembly Plant first    “This is part of normal opera-  quarter delivery of steel was
        Development presented the site  produced at the Wayne plant,  opened at the 369-acre site on  tions,” Shoemaker told the coun-  expected.”
        plan for the expansion of two  have added complexities and    Michigan Avenue in the city in  cil members. He said he expect-  Mayor John Rhaesa thanked
        areas of the existing plant to the  model variants in the wheelbase  1957 and currently employs  ed construction of the additions  Shoemaker for appearing at the
        city council members. He       of the vehicles which necessitat-  about 3,550 workers, according  to be complete by the end of the  meeting and said he felt it “is
        explained that the additions, one  ed a 12-bay addition to one area  to the company website.  year and that a “late second  great to see you guys doing well.”
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