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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 31, 2022


        Trustees continue to discuss sale of township land

           The sale of township-owned  on the various properties as cash                                                           properties and there is a tree
        property was again the topic of  buyers “have an advantage.”                             ”                                 every 2 feet,” he said. “It is not
        discussion during the meeting of  While Trustee Peggy Morgan                 You can reject all bids made                  that desirable a piece of proper-
        the Sumpter Township Board of  suggested a “pilot program” with             but if you set a price minimum,                ty.”
        Trustees March 22.             the auctioneers, Bowman                                                                       Township attorney Rob
           In the workshop session prior  explained that the company auc-            they wouldn't take on the job.                Young reminded the board
        to the board meeting, Supervisor  tions off from “one to 19 proper-                                                        members that in his discussions
        Tim Bowman again suggested     ties, one right after the other. If                                                         with the auction company, the
        that the township employ the   the sell six of the 19, the other 13                                                        owners clearly stated that there
        services of Braun and Helmer   go right back up again,” he said.  properties being auctioned and  if necessary.            could be no minimum bid
        professional auction services to  Morgan said she had some    debated setting a minimum bid    Rush explained that with sev-  required or reserve.
        sell several pieces of property.  concerns about the new proce-  at the recently appraised price  eral of the sites, the township  “You can reject all bids made
        He said the services of the auc-  dure in place which requires  of the various sites.       would not actually receive the  but if you set a price minimum,
        tioneer included the necessary  bidders to submit a plan for the  Trustee and interim Deputy  funding from the sale as it would  they wouldn't take on the job. If
        paperwork, the title work and  property when they bid on it. “Is  Supervisor Tim Rush explained  go to the state or county. The  you're going to try to get the
        advertising.                   that out the door?” she said.  that these properties also pre-  township, he said, has been  appraised amount, they aren't
           “This is a better way to go  Oddy explained that the new   sented a liability issue for the  maintaining the land for 30 years  going to do it,” he said.
        about selling township proper-  procedure was written allowing  township, noting that four-  and would be paid by the state  Rush suggested the board
        ties,” he told the board mem-  board members the option to    wheelers regularly used one site  or county for that service from  members direct Young to review
        bers.                          change the procedure.          and that if there were to be an  the proceeds of any sale.   the auction contract and bring it
           During the 45 minutes of dis-  Bowman explained that the   injury, the township could be    While trustees agreed that  back for discussion. “We aren't
        cussion regarding the property  properties are zoned and if the  held liable.               the land should be sold at “the  going to get anywhere with this
        sale, Trustee Matt Oddy said he  zoning is residential “you have  Trustee Don LaPorte said  going rate” or the appraised   tonight,” he said.
        would be in favor of the auction  to build a house on it. Nothing  that he wanted to reiterate that  value, Bowman assured them  The board members took no
        service “if individuals were   else you can do.”              he was not in favor of selling any  that the township would never  action on the proposal to utilize
        allowed time to get a mortgage”  The board members entered    of the properties, but agreed  receive that amount.          the auction service and voted to
        which he said could potentially  into a lengthy discussion of the  with Oddy that bidders should  “The property could be con-  remove the item from the meet-
        increase the number of bidders  possible reserve price on the  be allowed time to find financing  taminated. I've walked both  ing agenda.
        Administrator hiring procedure prompts board questions

           Sumpter Township Clerk Esther Hurst                                                                             “red flags” in the background checks,
        repeated her concerns regarding the hir-                                  ”                                        again referencing McClary's short terms at
        ing of Darwin McClary as the new town-                         It was a very poor decision.                        other communities. “I'm looking for some-
        ship administrator during the regular                     Not a great protocol to have anyone                      body who stays here. McClary has been at
        meeting of the board of trustees Feb. 22.                                                                          many different jobs.”
           A motion to accept the formal recom-                vote on someone who could be their boss.                       While the motion to direct Young to
        mendation of the hiring committee drew                            We made a mistake.                               prepare an employment contract for
        some criticism from Hurst who questioned                                                                           McClary was being discussed, Oddy sug-
        the failure to schedule a second interview                                                                         gested that the board members needed to
        with the job candidate. She read from the  benefits. What do we offer these candi-  “It was a very poor decision. Not a great  provide direction to the attorney as to pro-
        official minutes of the hiring committee  dates,” LaPorte said.              protocol to have anyone vote on someone  visions of the employment agreement.
        meeting stating that a second interview  Hurst reiterated her concerns about  who could be their boss. We made a mis-  Young said that he expected it would be
        would take place. “I want to know who  the amount of time McClary has spent at  take,” Oddy said.                  the same contract as he had prepared for
        decided not to have the second interview.  various municipalities during his more  Supervisor Tim Bowman said he sup-  the last five management hires as a one-
        The minutes say second there would be a  than 30 years of experience as a city and  ported the choice of the committee and  year, at-will agreement severable by either
        second interview,” she said.           village manager. She said her concern was  felt the board should move on with direct-  party with specific details regarding vaca-
           Trustee and Interim Deputy Supervisor  the short amount of time McClary spent at  ing township attorney Rob Young to pre-  tion time. The variable, Young said, was
        Tim Rush explained that a second inter-  various communities.                pare the employment contract for      the salary amount, in this case to be
        view “was on the table” but was not sched-  Rush said that Public Safety Director  McClary.                        $90,000.
        uled following the vote of the committee  Eric Luke had provided the background  “We formed a committee and the com-  The hiring was approved by four votes
        members selecting McClary.             check information at the meeting of the  mittee voted. I see no reason to interview  with Oddy and Hurst casting no votes and
           Trustee Peggy Morgan agreed with    hiring committee and that he had person-  twice,” Bowman said.              Morgan remaining silent and not voting on
        Hurst. “I was under the impression there  ally made calls on the candidate's refer-  Hurst, however, said that she found  the motion.
        would be a second interview. I was     ences, finding nothing negative. He said
        shocked they (the hiring committee) didn't  the short-term employments were “politi-
        have them (the candidates) at a second  cal” in nature and as new boards and
        meeting,” she said. “Nothing against this  councils were elected, those officials
        gentleman, but I am against having an  chose new administrators and managers.
        administrator. The township is not big   Trustee Matt Oddy said he felt the issue
        enough,” she said.                     was one of protocol.
           Trustee Don La Porte said he, too,    “The minutes were approved and I, too,
        expected a second interview. “This is the  was expecting a second interview. It puts
        highest position in the building other than  us in a bind with protocol,” he said. “We
        elected officials,” he said. He said he  put two employees in a position they
        expected the second interview to be one  should never have been in. I don't think we
        during which the township trustees could  should have an employee, a contract
        discuss salary, benefits and expectations  employee, or any other employee approv-
        with the candidate. “I scratched my head  ing or voting yes or no on somebody who
        and wondered what he would be getting as  they may be subordinate to.


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            WA1BV94L37D052397      KNADM4A38G6599868       SALFS24N68H016487
            12 DODG  CHARGER SE    02 GMC   YUKON          09 DODG  JOURNEY SX
            2C3CDXBG1CH178010      1GKEK13Z52R173189       3D4GG57V99T593417
   1   2   3   4   5   6