eagle 03 22 18.qxd - page 2

Brian Harnos has been
named as the new director of the
Westland Parks and Recreation
Members of the city council
unanimously approved Harnos'
appointment. Harnos has served
as the interim director of the
department since November of
last year.
Harnos also previously served
as the city municipal services
director, managing the city golf
course and Mike Modano Ice
Arena. He held that position
since 2010 when he transitioned
from his role as the Department
of Public Service superinten-
Harnos began his career with
the city at the Westland
Municipal Golf Course in 1997,
whenhewas only 15-years-old.
“Brian is a longtime employee
of the city and has worked his
way up from the ground floor to
his current position. While serv-
ing as the interimdirector, I have
been impressed with his ability
to step into a challenging posi-
tion andmanage it at a high level
while maintaining his other
responsibilities,” commented
“As a successful organization, I
believe that it is imperative that
the City of Westland create viable
career paths of advancement so
we don't lose our talented
employees to a very competitive
jobmarket,”Wild added.
“I am honored to have been
selected by Mayor Wild for the
city's Parks andRecreationdirec-
tor and extremely thankful that
the council has exhibited over-
whelming support for my
appointment,”Harnos said.
“I have dreamed of serving in
this position since I was 15-years-
old, cleaning golf carts for free at
the Westland Municipal Golf
“As Municipal Services direc-
tor, I have worked closely with
previous Parks and Recreation
directors, including my mentor,
State Rep. Robert Kosowski, as
well as other department heads
and residents. I have a unique
insight into the challenges and
responsibilities involved with the
position and I am excited to tack-
le thesehead on,”Harnos said.
“My top priorities are to
expand the city's relationships
with local sports organizations,
teams, clubs and groups and to
ensure all of our parks are safe,
clean and continue to see
improvements year after year”
he concluded.
March 22, 2018
- W
Westland names 2 new department directors
Interim director will manage Parks and Recreation
Brian Harnos
Charles House
Charles House has been
named as the new economic
development director for the City
House, appointed by Mayor
William R. Wild, assumed his
dutiesMarch 5.
House is joining the city of
Westland administration staff
with more than 25 years of expe-
rience as a sales management
professional. He was most
recently the senior director of
leasing for General Growth
Properties, Inc., based in
Chicago, since 2010. General
Growth Properties is an S&P 500
company focused exclusively on
owning, managing, leasing and
redeveloping high quality real
estate properties throughout the
“Mr. House comes highly rec-
ommended and has demonstrat-
ed incredible tenacity in building
new business, securing customer
loyalty and forging strong rela-
tionships with external business
partners throughout his career,”
commented Wild. “We are fortu-
nate to be able towelcome himto
the team and look forward to uti-
lizing his ideas and experience to
attract jobs and to continue
developing Westland's business
House earned a bachelor of
arts degree in Managerial
Studies from Rice University in
Houston, Texas and is a licensed
associate broker in the State of
“It is an honor to be appointed
by Mayor Wild as the new eco-
nomic development director for
the City of Westland,” comment-
ed House. “For more than 25
years I have built relationships
and brokered deals for national
developers across the country. I
am excited for the opportunity to
bring my experience to the team
and add value to the city and its
It is an honor to be appointed
by Mayor Wild as the new economic
development director for the City of Westland.
Economic director brings 25 years of financial experience
Death of 2-year-old remains under investigation
Wayne police are continuing
the investigation into the death
of a 2-year-old child last week.
According to police reports,
officers responded to the 4900
block of Wayne Road at about
4:55 p.m. March 12 following a
report of a child's death. When
officers arrived at the home, they
discovered the deceased 2-year-
No cause of death had been
determined by the Wayne
County Medical Examiner at
press time.
The child had been in the
care of the ex-husband of his bio-
logical mother. Her whereabouts
and that of the child's biological
father remain unknown, accord-
ing to police reports. The ex-hus-
band and his girlfriend had been
caring for the child along with
five of their own biological chil-
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