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March 21, 2019                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 7

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Showing of Russian Five to benefit Wayne Champions

           The Phoenix Theatre in      profit organization Champions of  tional program for students that
        Wayne is one the select few that  Wayne at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday  involves adult mentoring, cus-
        will show the multiple-award   April 3. Tickets are available for  tomized academic goals and
        winning documentary, The       the private party fundraiser on-  financial incentives at Wayne
        Russian Five.                  line at or at  Memorial   High    School.
           The film chronicles the story  the State-Wayne theatre. Guests  Champions started in 2009 with
        of five Russian hockey players,  of the event will enjoy music,  50 students and a handful of
        their teammates and Detroit Red  hors d'oeuvres, and have a   mentors.  The program has rap-
        Wing leadership. One of the most  chance to meet key members of  idly expanded with more than
        dynamic examples of the fight for  the production team that helped  700 students and nearly 100 men-
        human freedom - merged with    create the film.               tors participating.  Due to the
        one of the most significant      Now through March 31 in cel-  benefits of the mentoring pro-
        changes in the course of       ebration of the movie, Phoenix  gram, the number of at-risk
        American hockey culture -      Theatres is giving one grand   youths dropping out of high
        played out across Michigan and  prize winner a chance to have a  school has decreased significant-
        the world in the 1980s and '90s as  steak dinner with Darren  ly. Tickets are $25 and can be                                 The Phoenix Theatre in Wayne
        five Russian hockey players were  McCarty, sponsored by Johnny's  purchased at Phoenix Theatres
        snuck into America, and one-by-  Italian Steakhouse. Along with a  State-Wayne in Wayne or on-line  Red Wings and love a great story  story of immigrants that became
        one became part of the historic  complementary dinner the grand  at      of five players on their road to  American heroes, teammates
        Detroit Red Wings Hockey Club.  prize will consist of an auto-  “Watching “The Russian Five”  freedom. We immediately knew  that became family, and a scrap-
           Through a plot that sounds  graphed copy of “The Russian   movie trailer with an audience  that we wanted this film to be  py, resilient city that became a
        like a James Bond spy novel, the  Five”, an official Russian Five  this past weekend was simply an  showcased in our theatres and  world champion, twice. It's a
        Red Wings organization brought  movie poster, and autographed  experience, said Phoenix     are very happy to bring a wide  story about hopes and dreams
        on one Russian after another,  shoes from Darren McCarty's    Theatres   President   Cory   variety of options to customers to  becoming reality, and the harsh
        sneaking them out under cover of  new custom line. For more infor-  Jacobson. “The audience lights  have private screenings, get  reality of dreaming big. The
        night and whisking them to the  mation on the details of the  up the room with excitement just  some autographs and to help  names Federov, Larionov,
        Motor City. The players found  sweepstakes and how-to-enter   watching the historic scenes of  kids through Champions of   Fetisov, Kozlov, and Konstantinov
        freedom in Hockeytown, and a   visit:  www.phoenixmovies.     the Red Wings in the champi-  Wayne. Like the Red Wings      are legend in the Motor City and
        big place in hockey fans' hearts.  net/the-russian-five.      onship years.                 showed us all, it's a win-win for  their influence on the game is
           Phoenix Theatres will host a  Champions of Wayne is an        “It's a perfect movie for peo-  everyone.                 still felt throughout the National
        special fund-raiser for the non-  innovative and unique educa-  ple in Michigan who love their  “The Russian Five is the true  Hockey League today,” he added.

                                                                                                                             Get It Girls

                                                                                                                             Members of the Get It Girls Club at
                                                                                                                             Stevenson Middle School visited the
                                                                                                                             Microsoft Offices in Detroit Feb. 13..
                                                                                                                             The field trip was provided by the
                                                                                                                             Michigan Council of Women and
                                                                                                                             Technology (MCWT). The goal of the
                                                                                                                             program is to provide girls with
                                                                                                                             opportunities in technology with the
                                                                                                                             hope of getting more girls to consider
                                                                                                                             careers in technology. During this trip,
                                                                                                                             students listened to a panel of women
                                                                                                                             with careers in Microsoft. The girls
                                                                                                                             also performed a coding activity with
                                                                                                                             Harry Potter software and wands, and
                                                                                                                             were treated to a tour of the Microsoft
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