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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 27, 2020

                                                                        Calendar of events

        When There Are Nine            obtained items from throughout   Tickets are currently on sale  sorship options, contact Doug  (734) 699-8921.
        continues in Canton            the world. There will be three  for $27 per person and are avail-  Wallace at douglas@plymouth-  The event will take place at
           The Village Theater at      auctions every hour, two silent  able at  www.cantonvillagethe-                  46425 Tyler Road in Van Buren
        Cherry Hill will present "When  auctions and an oral auction. or call or visit The                              Township.
        There Are Nine", a multi-media   The event is hosted by The   Village Theater Box Office    Garden Club meeting set
        women's art exhibit, which will  Roamin Club, the local rock and  between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Monday  Members of the Country  Mark Twain in Michigan
        feature nine female artists    mineral club for Western Wayne  through Friday. Calls will be  Garden Club of Northville will  The Belleville Area Museum
        showcasing their 2D and 3D art-  County. The Roamin Club is a  accepted at (734) 394-5300. If  meet at 11 a.m. March 4 at Ward  will present “When Mark Twain
        work as a beacon of women's    non-profit organization and is  tickets remain, they will be  Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in  Came to Michigan” with Al and
        causes and issues during       sponsored by Livonia Parks and  available for purchase one hour  Northville.                Dave Eicher from 6-8 p.m.
        National Women's History       Recreation. Auction proceeds   prior to show opening time.      The speaker for the meeting  Thursday, March 19. The pro-
        Month.                         benefit a scholarship fund at    The Village Theater at      will be Tony Reznick who will  gram is free for museum mem-
           Approximately 50 works of   Schoolcraft College.           Cherry Hill is located at 50400  discuss how present evolution-  bers and there is a $5 fee for
        art will be on display and avail-  Admission is free.         Cherry Hill Road in Canton,   ary research has an impact on  non-members.
        able for sale in the Gallery@VT  For more information see:                                  gardening. Light snacks will be  The museum is located at 405
        until March 30. The public is  https://roaminrockclub.weebly.c  Maple Syrup tours set       served.                        Main St. in Belleville. For infor-
        invited to attend and to cele-  om or call Clarence Sterling at  Area residents have a unique  For more information, call  mation, call (734) 697-1944.
        brate Women's History month at  (248) 981-9673, or Todd Gall at  opportunity every weekend in  (248) 202-1518.
        the event.                     (248) 348-5093.                March at Maybury Farm.                                       Wild Wings vs. Red Wings
           Featured performers include                                  The farm will offer Making  Blues at the Elks featured     Alumni in charity game
        music by flutist Wanda Jones,  Citizens Police Academy        Maple Syrup tours every          Blues at The Elks takes place  Mayor William R. Wild, along
        and solo dance work by Brianna  registrations continue        Saturday and Sunday which     from 7 until 10 p.m. on the sec-  with his team of Westland Wild
        Jahn, assistant professor of     Canton Township residents    include a wagon ride to the   ond Tuesday of the month in    Wings, are once again getting
        dance at The University of     can get a first-hand look at law  Sugar Bush in the woods where  partnership with the Detroit  ready to lace up their skates to
        Southern Mississippi.          enforcement procedures during  the maple trees will be tapped  Blues Society.               challenge the Detroit Red Wing
           This and all art exhibits at  the popular Citizens Police  for sap The wagon will then take  Big Ray and the Motor City  Alumni in the 11th Annual
        The Village Theater at Cherry  Academy.                       visitors back to the Sugar Shack  Kings will perform Tuesday,  Hockey Night in Westland chari-
        Hill are free and open to the    The Canton Public Safety     where the sap will be converted  March 10.                   ty event.
        public from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Department will be accepting  into maple syrup.              The Plymouth Ann Arbor        The event, being presented
        Monday through Friday, one     applications for the eight-week  Tours are set to begin every  Elks Lodge 325 is located at  by North Brothers Ford, will
        hour prior to and during public  program during the month of  half hour from 1 until 4:30 p.m.  41700 Ann Arbor Road in    take to the ice at 7 p.m. Friday,
        performances at the theater, as  February. This year, the pro-  and tastes of the syrup will be  Plymouth, one mile west of I-  March 20 at the Mike Modano
        well as by appointment.  The   gram will take place from 6-9  offered.  This event is popular  275. For more information, call  Ice Arena located at 6210 N.
        Gallery@VT is closed on holi-  p.m. on Thursday, beginning    each year and space is limited  (734) 453-1780.              Wildwood St. in Westland. Doors
        days.                          April 23.                      so arrive early to reserve a spot,                           open at 5:30 p.m. Beginning at 6
           The Village Theater at        Applications will be accepted  organizers advised.         Women pilots to be topic       p.m. the Westland Hockey
        Cherry Hill is located at 50400  through Feb. 29 online at      Maybury Farm is located at     Historian Daniel Mason will  Association Mini-Mites and
        Cherry Hill Road in Canton. For, or  50165 Eight Mile Road in   discuss the 107 female pilots  Mites will take the ice to show
        more information, call (734) 394-  in person at the front desk of the  Northville.  The cost for Maple  who flew aircraft in and out of  off their skills. The Red Wing
        5300 or visit cantonvillagethe-  Canton   Public     Safety   Syrup Tour is $8 per person and  what is today Detroit Metro  Alumni and the Westland Wild                      Headquarters located at 1150 S.  children younger than 2 are  Airport at 7 p.m. March 12 at the  Wings will follow at 7 p.m.
                                       Canton Center Road. Questions  admitted free with an adult.  Wayne Public Library.            Tickets for the event are $10
        Senior Tax help offered        can be directed to Community     Visit      The library is located at 3737  for adults and $5 for children
           AARP Foundation Volunteer   Relations Ofc. Patty Esselink at  to learn more.             South Wayne Road in Wayne.     ages 6 to 12.
        Tax Aides will offer free tax  (734) 394-5194.                                                                               Children 5 and younger are
        preparation services at the                                   Business Awards dinner        Ghost hunt is planned          admitted at no cost with an
        Northville Community Center    Alumni invited to game         planned in Plymouth              The Wayne Historical Society  adult.
        again this year. Tax preparation  The Romulus High School       The Plymouth Community      will present a Ghost Hunt at the  Tickets are available for pur-
        is by appointment only and is  Eagles Basketball Team has     Chamber of Commerce has       140-year-old museum from 7     chase at Westland City Hall, the
        offered from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.  invited alumni to a business  selected the recipients of the  p.m. until midnight March 13  Mike Modano Ice Arena, North
        each Thursday at the Northville  social and the game beginning at  2020 Business Awards. The win-  with the Great Lakes Ghost  Brothers Ford, 33300 Ford Road,
        Community            Center.   5 p.m. Feb. 29 in the Romulus  ners will be honored at the Sixth  Hunters.                  and    online   at   https://
        Appointments are now under     High School Cafeteria. The     Annual Business Awards Dinner    Tickets are priced at $20.
        way and the last day will be   evening will begin with meet   set for 5:30-8 p.m. March 11 at  The museum is located at 1  hockey-night-in-westland/
        Thursday, April 9.  This service  and greet networking at 5 p.m.  Fox Hill Golf and Banquet  Town Square in Wayne at the     Seating is limited so early
        is provided to taxpayers with  followed at 6 p.m. with presenta-  Center.                   corner of Main and Biddle. For  ticket purchase is recommend-
        low/middle income with special  tions and the varsity basketball  Selected for the honors based  information call the museum at  ed by organizers.
        preference for appointments    game against River Rouge High  on their contributions to the  (734) 722-0113.
        will be given to those 60 and  School beginning at 7 p.m.     Plymouth community were                                      Rosie the Riveter set to visit
        older.                                                        Independence Village of       Kids Crafty Saturday             The Belleville Area Museum
           Appointments are being      Dress Shirt Monologues set     Plymouth as the Large Business   The Van Buren Township      will celebrate National Rosie
        accepted, at  (248) 305-2851.   for Village Theater stage     of the Year; Jacob Matthew    Recreation Department will     the Riveter Day from 1-4 p.m.
           AARP Tax Volunteers are       Dress Shirt Monologues" will  Jewelers was chosen as the Mid-  host Kids Crafty Saturday from  Saturday, March 21 with visits
        certified for tax preparation and  be performed on the Main Stage  size Business of the Year and the  10 until 11:30 a.m. March 14.  from original and tribute Rosies
        will electronically file federal  of The Village Theater at Cherry  Small Business of the Year  Staff will available to provide  along with Suffragette reenac-
        and state tax returns. Tax payers  Hill in Canton from 7:30-9:30  award will be presented to Ace  craft supplies and instruction.  tors.
        will leave the 1-1 ½ hour      p.m. Feb. 29.                  Strategies.                   The event is designed for those  Dressing up as a Rosie or
        appointment with a copy of their  Writer, director and producer  Honored with the legacy    in kindergarten through fifth  Suffragette is encouraged,
        e-filed returns, and the knowl-  Rene Ingram-Dunham is bring-  award will be former Mayor   grade.                         organizers said.
        edge that their tax returns have  ing the show to the local stage  James Jabara.               The cost is $5 per student.   The museum is located at 405
        been filed at both Michigan and  following her 2019 smash-hit   The cost for the strolling din-  Register by calling the Parks  Main St. in Belleville. For infor-
        IRS acceptance sites.          "Stiletto Monologues" debut.   ner is $30 per person. For  spon-  and Recreation Department at  mation, call (734) 697-1944.

        Rock, Mineral & Fossil
        auction is planned
           The 48th Annual Rock,
        Mineral and Fossil Auction is set
        for 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Saturday,
        Feb. 29 and noon until 6 p.m.
        March 1 at Schoolcraft College
        VistaTech    Center,   18600
        Haggerty Road in Livonia.
           The family event will feature
        more than 1,000 commercially


        FROM PAGE 1

        of the wettest in over 100 years - I
        believe it rained 20 of the 31 days
        in May - and we weren't able to
        secure a license to sell alcohol
        until late June, but despite those
        things we still came close to
        breaking even.”
           Plymouth        Township
        Supervisor Kurt Heise was
        noticeably pleased with the
           “I think Tony Moscone and
        his team did an outstanding job
        in their first year,” Heise said.
        “Clearly, there were some unex-
        pected hazards, namely the
        weather, but they invested a lot
        of their own money in the course
        and made some significant posi-
        tive changes.”
           Township Treasurer Mark
        Clinton was also impressed with
        the work of ADM.
           “Golfers are playing a better
        course, ADM is running it cheap-
        er and, who knows, if we have a
        dry spring, revenues should go
        up,” Clinton said.
           Moscone said that the ADM
        expects a slight profit at the
        course this year which, as part of
        the management contract, the
        township will split with the com-
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