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February 27, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                    NORTHVILLE - WAYNE

        Wayne officials address media ‘misinformation’

           Misinformation regarding the  had taken place. Rhaesa eventu-                                                           dation.
        consolidation of the local court  ally flatly denied that any such                       ”                                   “There were no meetings until
        and upcoming ballot issues was a  talks had occurred.                      I need to know what the truth is,               after the resolution was passed,”
        concern addressed by officials in  Sanders disputed that in his                                                            he said. “We need to figure out
        the City of Wayne during their  comments and said that either                 and the citizens of Wayne                    how to save money. People
        regular meeting last week.     Rhaesa had or directed talks                 need to know what the truth is.                should not be getting in the way
           During the citizens' comments  with Romulus officials regarding                                                         of that.”
        portion of the agenda, former  consolidating the courts or the                                                               The agenda for the Romulus
        council member Christopher     city manager had either had or                                                              City Council meeting on Monday,
        Sanders posed questions about  directed such talks, or the city  that “in exploration, it may  proposals and become informed  Feb 24, included a request for a
        the closing the 29th District  attorney had engaged in conver-  become evident” that this is not  about the issues and noted the  resolution  “Authorizing
        Court, an issue discussed at the  sations regarding the matter.  the most cost efficient thing for  proposals were available on the  Participation in Investigation of
        last meeting. The council        Sanders suggested that any of  the city.                   city website, at the library and at  Potential Consolidation of the
        approved a resolution at that  those actions could be described  Wagner was also concerned  city hall.                     29th District Court with the 34th
        time to explore the possibility of  as “rogue.”               about what he characterized as   During the mayor's report sec-  District Court.”  The Romulus
        closing and consolidating the    “I need to know what the truth  “misinformation” and “mis-  tion of the agenda, Rhaesa also  court now includes Belleville,
        Wayne 29th District Court with a  is, and the citizens of Wayne need  truths” on social media regard-  disputed Sanders' inference that  Romulus and Sumpter and Van
        neighboring court.             to know what the truth is,”    ing three proposals which will  he had been untruthful in his  Buren townships.
           Sanders' main concern, he   Sanders said.                  appear on the March 10 ballot in  denials of negotiations with other  The Canton Township Board
        said, was a statement by Mayor   Councilman Phillip Wagner    the city.                     communities. He said he was not  of Trustees meeting set for
        John Rhaesa denying that any   took the opportunity to respond  He specifically addressed the  aware of any meeting with the  Tuesday, Feb. 25, included an
        talks with neighboring communi-  to Sanders during the council  issue of extending the mayoral  Romulus mayor or Romulus city  item on the consent calendar,
        ties about combining the court  comments section of the agenda  term from 2 years to 4 years and  attorney about court consolida-  “Resolution regarding the explo-
        had taken place within 30 days of  and stated that the resolution  emphasized, “no matter what,  tion at the time of that meeting.  ration of district court consolida-
        the proposed resolution.       adopted by the council was an  you will vote for a mayor in     Rhaesa reiterated Wagner's  tion” from the supervisor. The
           Councilman Tony Miller      “exploration of court consolida-  November whether the resolu-  contention that the resolution  35th District Court in Plymouth
        repeatedly asked Rhaesa during  tion.” He stressed that “no nego-  tion passes or not.”     authorized only an exploration of  now handles Canton, Plymouth
        the earlier meeting if such talks  tiations have started” and said  He urged people to read the  the possibility of a court consoli-  and Northville cases.
        Northville Art House will exhibit works of student artists

           The Northville Art House will present               ”                     exhibition features the creativity of pre-  Artists of all ages are invited to enter
        the 4th annual Young Artist Juried Art                                       school students at Goddard School of  the Community Flag Contest where sub-
        Fair showcasing young artists in grades 2        The fair will also          Novi and First Presbyterian Church of  mitted artwork will be incorporated into
        through 12 in March. More than 30 young        showcase art from             Northville, kindergarten and first graders  a community flag installed at the
        entrepreneurs will have an opportunity                                       at Thornton Creek Elementary, and     Northville Art House. Prizes will be
        to show their creativity and sell original  more than 300 young artists.     Amerman Elementary, along with stu-   awarded. Artists may enter at the fair or
        art while learning about self-promotion                                      dents in Hillside Middle School Peer  online at
        and understanding art as a business.                                         Links.                         
           The Northville Art House has teamed                                         There will be free activities for those  gartistartfair/communityflag/.
        up with the First PresbyterianChurch of  Youth Orchestra, a group of students  12 and younger including cardmaking by  Contact the Northville Art House for
        Northville and event sponsor, Community  ranging in age from 7 to 18 who play the  Margene from Stampeddler Plus of  more information at (248) 344-0497 or visit
        Financial, to provide the young entrepre-  violin, viola and cello. Entrance is a $3  Northville and STEM activities from
        neurs a space to show off their talents  donation at the door for those ages 13 and  STEMville of Northville.      tartfair/
        and artwork that includes acrylic, water-  older. Children 12 and younger will be
        color, illustrations, jewelry, mixed media,  admitted at no cost.
                                                                                                                 NOTICE OF ELECTION
        fiber art, photography and much more.    New this year, the fair will also show-              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN
           The art fair is planned from 10:30 a.m.  case art from more than 300 young artists                       MARCH 10, 2020
        until 3 p.m. March 14 at First         who have participated in Northville Art
        Presbyterian Church of Northville, 200  House Young Artist Outreach Program   TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP:
        East Main St. Beginning the event will be  led by Instructors Maria Latour, Sasha  Notice is hereby given that a Presidential Primary Election will be held in Northville Township on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. The
        a performance by the Northville Strings  Roberts-Levi and Donna Gonzalez. The  polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
                                                                                      At the following locations:
        Police receive Rotary grant                                                   Precinct 1  Moraine Elementary  46811 Eight Mile Road

                                                                                      Precinct 2
                                                                                                                  46811 Eight Mile Road
                                                                                               Moraine Elementary
                                                                                               Northville High School
                                                                                      Precinct 4
                                                                                                                  45700 Six Mile Road
           The Northville Police Department has  Chief Alan Maciag.                   Precinct 3  Northville High School  45700 Six Mile Road
        received a $1,000 grant from the         Since 1970, the Rotary Club of       Precinct 5  Township Hall   44405 Six Mile Road
        Northville Rotary Foundation. Funds will  Northville Foundation has been actively  Precinct 6  Winchester Elementary  16141 Winchester
                                                                                                                  16700 Franklin
                                                                                      Precinct 7
                                                                                               Meads Mill Middle School
        be used to purchase community relations  supporting six key areas, including pro-  Precinct 8  Silver Springs Elementary  19801 Silver Springs Drive
        items - such as flashlights, bike helmets,  moting peace, supporting education, fight-  Precinct 9  Silver Springs Elementary  19801 Silver Springs Drive
        glow necklaces and toy badges -for officers  ing disease, saving mothers and children,  Precinct 10  Ridge Wood Elementary  49775 Six Mile Road
        to distribute to youth and school-aged chil-  community development and providing  Precinct 11  Ridge Wood Elementary  49775 Six Mile Road
        dren.                                  clean water, according to the club webite.   Precinct 12  Meads Mill Middle School  16700 Franklin
           “These items will assist us in continu-  Maciag said he will attend a future  For the purposes of electing a candidate to the following office:
        ing to build strong, positive relationships  Rotary Club meeting to personally thank  •  President of the United States
        with the community we serve,” said Police  the group.
                                                                                      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that all Northville Township residents will be voting on the following:
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                            •  Renewal of Wayne County Art Institute Authority Millage
                               NOTICE OF PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST                              •  In 2010 the electors of Wayne County approved a 10-year millage to provide County residents with services from
                                                                                             the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) through the Wayne County Art Institute Authority.
                         MARCH 10, 2020 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION                        As a result of the millage, the DIA provides Wayne County residents with free K-12 school field trips including free
                                                                                             transportation, free senior group programming with free transportation, and unlimited free general admission. To
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Public Accuracy Test for the March 10, 2020 Presidential Primary Election is sched-  ensure transparency, the DIA submits to an annual independent audit and posts financial reports online.
         uled for Monday, March 2, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in the lobby of Township Hall, located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville,  To continue to provide revenue to the DIA, which will allow these DIA services for the residents of the County to
         Michigan.                                                                           continue, the Art Institute Authority is permitted by law to seek a renewal of the millage at a rate of no more than
                                                                                             the current 0.2 mill (20 cents per $1,000 taxable value) on all real and personal property in the County. Revenue
         The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to determine that the program and the computer being used to tabulate the results of the  from this millage will be disbursed to the Art Institute Authority and then transferred to the DIA as permitted by and
         Election count the votes in the manner prescribed by law.                           for the purposes set forth in Public Act 296 of 2010. It is estimated that if approved and levied, this millage renew-
                                                                                             al would generate approximately $8,500,000 in 2022.
         The public is welcome and invited to attend.                                        Do you approve the renewal of the 0.2 mill on the taxable property located within the County for a period of 10
                                                                                             years from 2022 through 2031?
                                             Marjorie F. Banner
                                             Clerk                                    PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Northville Public School District will be voting on the following millage proposal as pre-
                                                                                      sented and listed below:
         Publish:  February 27, 2020                                   NT0055 - 022720  2.5 x 2.105
                                                                                        •  Northville Public Schools Sinking Fund Millage Proposal
                                                                                           •  Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Northville Public Schools,
                                                                                             Wayne, Oakland and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, be increased by, and the board of education be authorized to
                                         SYNOPSIS                                            levy, not to exceed .9519 mill ($0.9519 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a period of 5 years, 2021 to 2025,
                                     REGULAR MEETING                                         inclusive, to create a sinking fund for the construction or repair of school buildings, for school security improve-
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                                 ments, for the acquisition or upgrading of instructional technology and all other purposes authorized by law; the esti-
                                     BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                       mate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2021 is approximately
         DATE:  Thursday, February 20, 2020                                                  $3,096,668?
         TIME:  7:00 p.m.
         PLACE: 44405 Six Mile Road                                                   PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Plymouth-Canton Community School District will be voting on the following millage pro-
         CALL TO ORDER:  Clerk Banner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.        posal as presented and listed below:
         PRESENT:      Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk  Symantha Heath, Trustee
                       Fred Shadko, Treasurer  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee                  •  Plymouth-Canton Community Schools School Improvement Bond Proposal
                       Scott Frush, Trustee  Christopher Roosen, Trustee                   •  Shall the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools, Counties of Wayne and Washtenaw, State of Michigan, borrow the
         ABSENT:       Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor                                          sum of not to exceed Two Hundred Seventy-Five Million Dollars ($275,000,000) and issue its general obligation
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                               unlimited tax bonds, in one or more series, for the purpose of paying for the cost of the following projects:
         1.   Agendas:                                                                       •  Remodeling, equipping, re-equipping, furnishing and re-furnishing school buildings, performing arts center,
              A.  Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved                        activity and athletic fields, playgrounds and other facilities for safety and security, energy conservations and
         2.   Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:                         other purposes;
              A.  Resolution honoring Mr. Lambros K. Stassinos - Approved                    •  Erecting, completing, equipping and furnishing a new stadium, activity and athletic facilities and a mainte-
              B. Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented                                  nance/storage facility and secure entryway, classroom, gymnasium, and natatorium additions to existing school
              C.  Retiree Healthcare Plan Update - Presented                                    buildings and other facilities.
              D.  Fire Department Update - Presented                                         •  Acquiring and installing instructional technology infrastructure and equipment in school buildings and other
              E.  Mission, Vision, Value Presentation - Presented                               facilities and the purchase of school buses; and,
         3.   Public Hearing: None                                                           •  Preparing, developing and improving sites at school buildings, playgrounds, activity and athletic fields and
         4.   Brief Public Comments: None                                                       other facilities for traffic control, safety and security and other purposes
         5.   New Business:                                                                  The annual debt millage required to retire all bonds of the School District currently outstanding and proposed pur-
              A.  Westridge Site Condominiums - Concept Plan - Approved                      suant to this Proposal is expected to remain at or below the annual debt millage of 4.02 mills levied in 2019. The
              B.  Ward Church - Temporary Sign Request - Approved                            maximum number of years any series of bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of refunding, is not more than twen-
              C.  Rezoning Request - 48515 Seven Mile Road - Approved                        ty (20) years; the estimated millage that will be levied to pay the proposed bonds in the first year is 0.98 mills (which
         D.   2020 Fertilizer & Weed Control Contract - Approved                             is equal to $0.98 per $1,000 of taxable value); and the estimated simple average annual millage that will be required
              E.  Willow Pines - Stormwater Maintenance Resolution - Approved                to retire each series of bonds is 1.65 mills annually ($1.65 per $1,000 of taxable value).
              F.  Chick Fil A - Stormwater Maintenance Resolution - Approved                 (Pursuant to State laws, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for teacher,
              G.  Annual Dues - SEMCOG - Approved                                            administrator or employee salaries, repair of maintenance costs or other operating expenses.)
              H.  Michigan Humane Society: Agreement & Fee Schedule - Approved
              I.  BOT Audio - Approved                                                A sample of each ballot is available at the Northville Township's Clerk's Department located at 44405 six Mile Road, Northville
              J.  Public Safety - Vehicle Purchase - Approved                         MI 48168. Sample ballots can also be found at the township's website:
         6.   Unfinished Business: None
         7.   Ordinances:  None                                                       Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the local clerk to obtain an application for an absent
         8.   Check Registry:                                                         voter ballot.
         A.   In the amount of $ 2,008,420.67 for the period of 1/4/20 to 2/7/20 - Approved
         9.   Board Communication & Reports:                                          To comply with the Help America  Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille.
              A.  Marjorie Banner, Fred Shadko, Scott Frush, Symantha Heath, Mindy Herrmann, Christopher Roosen,   Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the township clerk in advance
                  Todd Mutchler                                                       of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
         10.  Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
         11.  ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.                                 Marjorie F. Banner
         A draft of the minutes will be available on March 3, 2020.                   Northville Township Clerk
         Respectfully submitted:                                                      (248) 348-5825
         Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor
         Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk                                     NT0053 - 022720  2.5 x 5.432  Publish: February 27, 2020                     NT0054 - 022720  2.5 x 11.428
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