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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 13, 2020

                                         Calendar of events

                                                                                                                                   year. That is $167,000 more for
        Art exhibition under way         E. G. Nick's is located at 550  radio station operated by the  Court                      posed $941,000 for the 20-21
           The Gallery at City Hall in  Forest Ave. in Plymouth.      Plymouth-Canton Community                                    personnel. I don't have $167,000
        Westland is featuring a Martin                                Schools.                        FROM PAGE 1                  to give to my police department,
        Luther King, Jr. and Black     Family Movie is Sunday           In addition to the wide variety                            my fire department, the DPW,”
        History Month Art exhibition fea-  The William P. Faust Public  of vendors, the show will feature  any such talks or negotiations  she said. She added that she has
        turing the artwork of local artists  Library in Westland will host a  special giveaways and door  had taken place.         also been informed the court
        honoring the spirit and accom-  Family Movie beginning at 1 p.m.  prizes.                        Mack, in a five-page letter,  building needs a new furnace
        plishments of Black Americans  on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 6123      Admission to the record show  called Rhaesa's answer, “at best  and a roof. Council members
        in every area of endeavor      Central City Parkway, in meeting  is $3; however collectors wanting  misleading and at worst, false.”     agreed that many repairs are
        throughout history.            rooms A and B.  This week's    an early start can purchase early  Mack said that she had    needed to bring the court up to
           The exhibition is organized by  movie is Artic Dogs, rated PG..  admission between 9 and 10 a.m.  received a call from a judge at  acceptable standards. “It is dys-
        the city of Westland and Three  No registration is needed and  for $5. Students at Canton,    the Romulus 34th District Court  functional. It isn't fair to the
        Cities Art club. For more infor-  light refreshments will be served.   Plymouth and Salem high  on Feb. 3, the day before the  employees,” Nocerini said.
        mation, call (313) 231-3939 .                                 schools will be admitted at no  council meeting, advising her  Mack agreed that the court
           Westland City Hall is located  Motivational speaker visits  cost with student identification.  that Romulus Mayor LeRoy  building does “have problems”
        at 36300 Warren Road in          Mikhaella Norwood, founder     Interested dealers or those   Burcroff had been approached  She said it was built in 1951 and
        Westland and the exhibition is  and CEO of Freelife Productions,  wanting more information can  about consolidating the two  security was not considered and
        open during city hall hours    will be at the Canton Public   contact (734) 416-7732 or email  courts.                     it now needs a new furnace and
        through the month of February.   Library at 7 p.m.  Tuesday, Feb.  Eight  She said that statements in  carpeting. She said there have
                                       18. Her company “aims to inspire  foot tables can be reserved for  the resolution and at the meet-  been problems with the flat
        Senior Tax help offered        people to live the life that they  $30.                        ing were incorrect. “Some were  roof, but that she does not
           AARP Foundation Volunteer   have always wanted.”             Salem High School is located  false, some were misleading  believe the building needs a
        Tax Aides will offer free tax    Copies of Norwood's immer-   at 46181 Joy Road in Canton at  and others appeared to reveal a  new roof at this time.
        preparation services at the    sive poetry book, Fruit: Haiku of  the corner of Joy and Canton  basic lack of understanding  “The current building,
        Northville Community Center    Haikus for the Blossoming Soul,  Center roads.                 about the Court.”            although not ideal, has worked
        again this year. Tax preparation  will be available for purchase.                                Mack also disputed claims  and can continue to work with
        is by appointment only and is  No registration is required. The  Chili Cook Off planned       that the number of full-time per-  adequate security,” Mack said.
        offered from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.  Canton Public Library is located  Women's Life Society, Chapter  sonnel in the court has   She also criticized Rhaesa's
        each Thursday at the Northville  at 1200 S. Canton Center Road in  827 and Chicks 4 Charity will host  increased from five in 2011 to 10  referencing the 8-year-old study.
        Community Center.  First       Canton. Visit  a special Chili Cook Off fundrais-  currently. “I am confused by  She said the most recent
        appointments began this week   or call (734) 397-0999 for library  er to benefit the Canton Cares  that statement, because the  Judicial Resource Report indi-
        and the last day will be Thursday,  information.              Fund on from 1 until 4 p.m.     court currently has eight full-  cates that Wayne needs .7 of a
        April 9.  This service is provided                            Sunday, Feb. 23, at the Summit on  time employees and 2.25 of  judge. “This does not include
        to taxpayers with low/middle   Mr. Brown goes to Washington is  the Park Banquet Center, located  those eight positions are funded  most of the time it takes to
        income with special preference  topic at Belleville Area Museum  at 46000 Summit Parkway.     by grants at no cost to the city.”  administer the treatment court,
        for appointments will be given to  The Belleville Area Museum  Canton welcomes area residents    Rhaesa said at the meeting  truancy program, eviction diver-
        those 60 and older.            will present Mr. Brown Goes to  to come sample and vote for    that Mack was to have prepared  sion program, juvenile jurisdic-
           Appointments are already    Washington, featuring stories and  Canton's Best Chili. Local area  three bullet points for discus-  tion and the teen court at Wayne
        being accepted, which can be   photos from Douglas Brown's    restaurants will be on hand     sion with state officials regard-  Memorial High School.”
        made by calling (248) 305-2851.   time in D. C. from 6 until 8 p.m.  showcasing their finest and tasti-  ing a consolidation but that she  Mack said that she would
           AARP Tax Volunteers are cer-  Thursday, Feb. 20.           est Chili. This tasty fundraiser is  had failed to do so forcing the  support a court consolidation
        tified for tax preparation and will  Admission is free for members  all in support of a the Canton  city to take action regarding the  only if such a move would meet
        electronically file federal and  and $5 for non members of the  Cares Fund, an effort to benefit  court.                   the needs of the community.
        state tax returns. Tax payers will  museum.                   the Canton Police and Fire         Mack also disputed this     “Any consolidation should
        leave the 1-1 ½ hour appointment  The museum is located at 405  Departments, while recognizing  remark stating that this was dis-  also carefully consider all of the
        with a copy of their e-filed   Main St. in Belleville. For infor-  the “above and beyond the call-  cussed in a meeting last year  costs, the impact on the police
        returns, and the knowledge that  mation, call (734) 697-1944.  of-duty” of  first responders.  with state officials but was  department and citizens of
        their tax returns have been filed                             Tickets are just $20 for adults  never specifically assigned to  Wayne. Without careful plan-
        at both Michigan and IRS accept-  Census jobs available.      and $5 for children.  Purchase  any one individual. She said she  ning, a consolidation could
        ance sites.                      The Romulus Public Library   tickets                  at:    did as she agreed at the meeting  result in the court costing more
                                       will host representatives from       and spoke to the judges at the  to the city than it does now.
        Snowball Tournament set        the 2020 census seeking workers                                18th District Court in Westland  Keep in mind that the judge's
           The Canton Sports Center    from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Feb. 20  Indoor Farmers Market opens  and reported her findings to  salary is completely borne by
        annual Snowball Tournament, a  and 27.                          The first of three monthly    Rhaesa by telephone. “I      the State of Michigan.
        Chicago-style softball event, is  Jobs start are $17-$20 per  Winter Markets will take place  believed that the city would fol-  “It would be reckless to hap-
        back by popular demand.  The   hours.                         from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Sunday,  low up within a few weeks. That  hazardly eliminate this judge-
        games return beginning at 10     The library is located at 11121  Feb. 23 in the Summit on the  never happened,” she said.   ship, deny the citizens their
        a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, at 10 a.m.  South Wayne Road in Romulus.  Park's Banquet Lobby, located at  Mack said she believes the  right to vote for their own judge
        at the Canton Sports Center,     For more information call    46000 Summit Parkway. Markets   effort at consolidation was a  and endanger valuable out-
        located at 46555 W. Michigan   (734) 942-7589.                are also scheduled for March 22  reaction to the proposed court  reach program,” Mack said.
        Ave., Canton.                                                 and April 26 at the Summit.     budget for the coming fiscal   The approved resolution
           This co-ed tournament is a  Students will host record show                                 year.                        from the city was delivered to
        double-elimination format and    The annual 88.1 record show  Black History program set          Nocerini was openly critical  State Rep. Kevin Coleman in
        will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  will bring thousands of vinyl  The Romulus Public Library    of the proposed court budget  Lansing and will also be sent to
        The entrance fee is $130 per   records, CDs, import only releas-  will host a Black History Month  during discussion of the resolu-  State Sen. Dayna Polehanki and
        team and an umpire fee of $14  es, t-shirts, posters and other col-  program including African drum  tion at the meeting.   Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in an
        per game is required.  The dead-  lectables to the Salem High  and story telling beginning at 6  “This council's duty is fiduci-  effort to “get answers” about the
        line to register is 5 p.m. Feb. 10.  School Cafeteria.        p.m. Feb. 25.                   ary and fiscal responsibility,”  possibility of a consolidation of
           For more information or to    The record show is set for 10  The library is located at 11121  she said. “We are already get-  court jurisdictions with a neigh-
        register for the Snowball      a.m. until 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22  South Wayne Road in Romulus.  ting pushback. The court budget  boring court according to
        Tournament or the softball     and proceeds will benefit the    For more information, call    has gone from $772,000 to a pro-  Rhaesa.
        leagues that are starting soon,  nationally-recognized student  (734) 942-7589.
        call the Canton Sports Center at
        (734) 483-5600 or visit csc.canton-

        Romulus mayor to be speaker
           The   Greater    Romulus
        Chamber of Commerce will host
        Romulus Mayor LeRoy D.
        Burcroff as the speaker at the
        regular business luncheon begin-
        ning with registration at 11:30
        a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 at the
        Sheraton Detroit Metro Airport.
           The luncheon program will
        begin at noon and seating is limit-
        ed. Tickets are $25 for chamber
        members and $30 for non-mem-
        bers.  Reservations are requested
        before Feb. 14 at (734) 893- 0694.

        Photos with Cupid available
           The Belleville Area Museum
        will offer free photos with Cupid
        and Rosie the Riveter from 1-4
        p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15.
           Valentines and candy will also
        be available.
           The museum is located at 405
        Main St. in Belleville. For infor-
        mation, call (734) 697-1944.

        Family Prom Night tomorrow
           Family Prom Night at
        Jefferson Barns Community
        Vitality Center located at 32150
        Dorsey Road will host a Family
        Prom Night, From 6 until 8 p.m.
        tomorrow, Feb. 14,  There will be
        a DJ and square dancing, arts
        and crafts, snacks and drinks.
        The first 50 children will receive
        free school supplies.  The cost is
        $5 per family. Register at (734)

        Valentine’s Student Jam is planned
           The Harris Conservatory of
        Music will present the 2020
        Valentine's Student Jam at 4 p.m.
        Sunday, Feb. 16, at E.G. Nick's in
        downtown Plymouth.
           Admission is free to hear the
        student performances.
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