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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 13, 2020

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Northville City Clerk prepares for elections

           A   closed   Presidential   does not affect voting in the Aug.                                                          Voter Ballot to be mailed by first
        Primary is planned in Michigan  4 primary, which is an open pri-   The March ballot selection does not affect voting       class mail; Saturday, March 7
        for Tuesday, March 10, and City  mary. At that election, voters will                                                       when the city clerk's office will
        of Northville Clerk Dianne     be issued ballots containing all     in the Aug. 4 primary, which is an open primary.       be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for
        Massa is getting prepared.     political parties and their candi-                                                          in-person AV ballot requests.
           While there is no political  dates, and will select one of the                                                          Ballots may be voted at city hall
        party registration requirement  parties in the privacy of the vot-  Voters can learn more about  website. Registered voters who  or taken home and 4 p.m.
        in Michigan election law, in this  ing station, according to an advi-  the Michigan Presidential  want to be on the automatic  Monday, March 9, which is  the
        specific election, registered vot-  sory from the City of Northville.   Primary Election on the State of  application list are asked to  deadline for registered voters to
        ers will need to make their bal-  The written ballot selection  Michigan website.           complete and return the form   request an Absent Voter Ballot
        lot selection in writing before  made at the Presidential       In Northville, Absent Voter  provided on the website.      in-person at the clerk's office.
        being issued a ballot (whether  Primary does not have any bear-  (AV) applications have been  Deadlines for Absent Voter bal-  Voters are not allowed to leave
        voting at the polls or by Absent  ing on how a person votes in the  mailed to voters on the automat-  lots include: 5 p.m. Friday,  with the ballot on this day and
        Voter Ballot).                 general election for president,  ic application list; they are also  March 6 which is the deadline  must vote the ballot in person at
           The March ballot selection  set for Nov. 3.                available on the Northville city  for a voter to request an Absent  city hall.
        Grant will fund restorations at Fish Hatchery Park

           Fish Hatchery Park in the City  $855,915 from the Environmental  and then posting a request for pro-  vate funding be sought for projects  ects.
        of Northville will see construction  Protection Agency (EPA) to restore  posals for companies to bid on the  that involve waterways and  Mayor Brian Turnbull said he
        along the banks of Johnson Creek  the banks of the Johnson Creek at  work. Construction is expected to  reminded council members that  was in agreement and noted that
        this spring funded by a state grant.  Fish Hatchery Park.     take place in late spring, then  there are funds at the local, state  he recently walked the riverbank
           During the regular meeting of  The project will be funded by  again in late summer/fall, he said.  and national level and referenced  throughout Northville and learned
        the city council members Feb. 3,  the grant and will be administered  His announcement prompted  both ARC and EGLE as two possi-  just how far-ranging it is. He is in
        Mark Gasche, director of the   by ARC. The next step, Gasche  resident Kathy Spillane to ask  bilities.                    favor, he said, of daylighting the
        Department of Parks and        said, involves receiving a permit  members of the city council to add  Spillane further encouraged  river at the Northville Downs prop-
        Recreation, reported that the  from The Michigan Environment,  green infrastructure to the goals  council members to inform legisla-  erty when redeveloped and work-
        Alliance of Rouge Communities  Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE),  and objectives for 2020/2021. She  tors of the needs in Northville for  ing on other areas along the river -
        (ARC) has received a grant for  which is expected later this month  requested public and/or public/pri-  these types of infrastructure proj-  sharing the cost with other entities.
        Double Your Donation drive now under way at PARC

           A Double Your Donation gift  the increased benefit from the  and any future fundraising initia-  his wife, Colleen, will match every  Plymouth 48170.
        matching program is under way  matching funds will be instrumen-  tives will help preserve the his-  contribution until the goal of  PARC is a 501(c)3 public chari-
        until the end of this month at the  tal in the ability of the complex to  toric building in which PARC  $100,000 in total matching dona-  ty, leading the effort to convert the
        Plymouth Arts & Recreation     continue the mission of enriching  resides, pursue our mission and  tions has been reached or until  historic Central Middle School
        Complex (PARC).                the lives of everyone in the com-  secure the future viability of  the deadline of Feb. 29.   and the 16.6 acres on which it
           The program was introduced  munity by providing a destination  PARC", said Don Soenen, PARC  PARC is currently taking any  stands, into an arts, education and
        last year as an opportunity for  in Plymouth for quality arts, edu-  president              size donations online (mobile  recreation complex serving the
        supporters to make a donation  cation and recreation programs.   During the "Double Your    friendly)                  at  Greater Plymouth Community.
        and have the financial contribu-  "The 2020 "Double Your      Donation" portion of our overall  For more information, call (734)
        tion matched. The donations and  Donation" gift matching program  fundraising initiative, Soenen and  or by mail to PARC 650 Church St.,  927-4090.
        Track                                  “These discussions uncovered new infor-  within that timeframe.             entitlements in place, but that's not how it
                                                                                       Wertheimer said the three groups with
                                                                                                                           worked out, and I support the city of
                                               mation about the property and impacts of
                                               redevelopment. The (planned unit devel-  stake in the site were able to strike a “long-  Northville going through this process,”
        FROM PAGE 1                            opment) plans have been formally with-  term extension that works for all parties.”  Wertheimer added. “We're not in a huge
                                               drawn, and no new proposals have yet    “I would have liked to have had all my  hurry.”
        sub areas of the Master Plan came after  been formally submitted for review.”
        the Planning Commission's discussion of  Wertheimer said he will submit a new
        the … preliminary site plan presented by  site-plan for approval by the end of the
        Hunter-Pasteur for the Downs property  year. He said the property is under con-
        and adjoining sub-areas,” according to a  tract to his company for the next five years
        post on the city website in September.  and he intends to begin the development

                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                  NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS
                                      OFFICE CLOSING
         The Charter Township of Northville Administrative Offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2020 in observance of
         Presidents' Day.
         The offices will reopen at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.
                                                    Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk
         Publish:  February 13, 2020                                    NT0050 - 021320  2.5 x 1.732

                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                2020 MARCH BOARD OF REVIEW DATES
         The Northville Township 2020 Board of Review will conduct hearings on the following dates for appeals from citizens, regard-
         ing the 2020 assessment, at the Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road.    All appeals are by appointment.  Starting
         Monday, February 24, 2020 please call (248) 348-5811 to schedule an appointment.  Letters of appeal must be received by
         11:00 am on March 13, 2020.  Postmarks are not accepted.
         Tuesday  March 03, 2020  9:00 am  Organizational Meeting
         Appointment Dates for Hearing:
         Monday  March 9, 2020  9:00 am to 12 Noon and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
         Tuesday  March 10, 2020  1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
         Thursday March 12, 2020  6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
         Friday  March 13, 2020  9:00 am to 11:00 am
         All persons protesting their assessment must complete a petition (form L-4035) which can be obtained at Northville Township
         Hall or on the Township website click on Board of Review or at .
                                                                  Marjorie F. Banner
         Publish:  February 6, 13, 20, 2020                             NT0049 - 021320  2.5 x 3.18

                                  INVITATION TO BID
                         ROMULUS COMMUNITY SCHOOLS

          Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received, opened and read aloud, by
          Romulus Community Schools at the District Administration Building located at 36540
          Grant Rd., Romulus, MI 48174 no later than 1:00 PM local time on Thursday, February
          20, 2020 for the following work:

          Romulus High School - New Secured Entry, Frontage, Parking and Drop-off -  9650
          Wayne Rd, Romulus MI 48174
          HaleCreek Elementary - Chiller Replacement - 16200 Harrison Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
          Barth Elementary - Bus Loop and Parking Enhancements - 38207 Barth St, Romulus, MI
          All bids shall be submitted online at:

          Please contact with any questions.
          The School Board will not accept any bid submitted after the indicated due time and date.
          Bidders will be required to submit with their Bid Proposals a Bid Security by a qualified
          surety authorized to do business in the state where the Projects is located.  All Bid
          Proposals shall be accompanied by the following two forms: Familial Disclosure Form
          (in accordance with MCL 380.1267) and an Iran Economic Sanctions Act Form (in com-
          pliance with Michigan Public Act No. 517 of 2012). Bid Proposals that do not include
          these two sworn and notarized forms shall not be accepted.
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