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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 11, 2021


                                                                                     Public opinion sought about new

                                                                                     Van Buren community center

                                                                                        Township officials in Van Buren    post comments, upload photos and/or
                                                                                     Township want to know what residents  videos or they can email comments, pho-
                                                                                     would like to see in the design for a new  tos and video to communications@van-
                                                                                     community center to be located at town-
                                                                                     ship hall.                               Residents are also welcome to attend
                                                                                        “Last year we sent residents a feasibil-  the meetings of the recreation committee
                                                                                     ity study. The study showed that 76 per-  which take place via Zoom beginning at
                                                                                     cent of the residents wanted some type of  5:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the
                                                                                     community center that could include an  month. To join the virtual meeting or
                                                                                     indoor track and bigger workout facili-  view the agenda of upcoming meetings
                                                                                     ties,” said Supervisor Kevin McNamara.   visit:
                                                                                        “Nothing is set in stone. We're looking  agendas-and-minutes/recreation-commit-
                                                                                     for everyone's feedback on what they  tee/. The meetings are also available live
                                                                                     want this community center to include  on YouTube and comments can be sub-
                                                                                     and asking the public to take part in  mitted                           at
        Festival                               tancing and avoid crowds while the pan-  designing a center that they can enjoy for
                                                                                                                              “This project is an opportunity to
                                                                                     years to come,” he added. The study and
                                               demic continues.”
                                                 Gietzen said he reached out to the  report are available at: https://vanburen-  bring what residents want in a communi-
        FROM PAGE 1                            major sponsors of the event who agreed to  ty center into reality,” said Public
                                               help fund the smaller “Ice Festival Lite”  input/.                          Services Director Matt Best. “That is why
        said. “We won't have the huge sculptures,  this year. The smaller sculptures, which  Residents who would like to submit  we are hosting engagement workshops
        or any sculptures in the park,” Gietzen  will each begin with a 350 pound block of  input have four options to communicate  during the Recreactopm Committee
        said, “but we will have, thanks to our spon-  ice, will be installed on the city sidewalks  with officials. They can join the Facebook  meetings and seeking input via social
        sors, about 65 or 70 smaller sculptures  at distances that will allow safety for spec-  event at and  media.”
        throughout the downtown area in front of  tators.
        local businesses. Those will be available  Gietzen said he was somewhat sur-
        for the public to view 24 hours a day,” he  prised at how fast the event came together
        added. The three-day festival officially  this year and at the enthusiasm with which
        opens tomorrow, Feb. 12 and continues  the plans have been greeted.
        through Sunday, Feb. 14.                 “I think this year especially people are
           Gietzen said he will miss many of the  really looking forward to getting out with
        events that have become a tradition at the  their families. The sculptures may be
        event, as will the professional and college  smaller this year, but I am sure people will
        carvers who would compete. “We've post-  be amazed at what these carvers can do,”
        poned those competitions until next year,”  he said.
        Gietzen said, “and while people are disap-  Gietzen said the event would not be
        pointed, there isn't anyone who doesn't  possible without the sponsors who accept-
        understand the need to practice social dis-  ed the challenge of the smaller event.

        Ford Road                              of this year.                                                 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                                  INVITATION TO BID
                                                 That work will include the replace-
                                               ment of drainage pipes along the affect-  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
        FROM PAGE 1                            ed route along with the replacement of  bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, February 25, 2021 for the following:
                                               existing traffic signals and sidewalks.                          FULL SIZE UTILITY VEHICLE
        that state engineers will attempt to min-  Prior to the onset of construction,  Bids may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
        imize the need to purchase property    MDOT officials will host virtual public  may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
        during the ongoing design phase. He    informational meetings while a website  with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
                                                                                      the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
        said the state would only acquire prop-  is being developed to provide updates  sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
        erty absolutely necessary to the road-  and detail of the project. No dates for                          MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
        way construction. He added that bid-   the meetings have been finalized,
        ding on the work could begin at the end  Penzenstadler explained.             Publish 2/11/2021                                            CN2176 - 021121  2.5 x 2.053
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