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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 11, 2021


        All in favor

        Commissioners OK agreements for

        Kellogg Park fountain replacement

           Demolition and replacement of the   agreement with the Wilcox Foundation
        Kellogg Park fountain in downtown      for funding and adopted a distribution
        Plymouth is scheduled to begin this    agreement between the foundation  and
        spring.                                the appointed escrow agent.
           The replacement of the fountain, in   The commissioners were unanimous
        the planning and design stages for near-  in approval of the measures.
        ly 5 years, will cost about $1.7 million.  A contract for overall construction
        The city will pay $30,000, the Downtown  management will be signed with Shaw
        Development Authority $20,000 and the  Construction at a future date, officials
        bulk of the expense paid by a grant of  said.
        $1.2 million from the Wilcox             Demolition of the 50-year-old foun-
        Foundation.                            tain is scheduled to begin this spring
           Last week, members of the Plymouth  and the new fountain should be com-
        City Commission approved the contract  pleted and operational in the fall,
        for demolition and construction of the  although there is no firm deadline, offi-
        new fountain with Outside The Lines, a  cials noted. The new fountain will be
        California     design      company.    installed just west of the current loca-
        Commissioners also adopted the grant   tion.                                                      Artist's rendering of the new fountain planned for Kellogg Park.
        Museum to host virtual                                                                              23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111
                                                                                                                   Sumpter Township
                                                                                                                  Regular Board Meeting
                                                                                                             Tuesday, January 12, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
        Flapper Murder Mystery                                                        NOTICE:                          Minutes

                                                                                      To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
                                                                                      this Board of Trustees’ meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of Michigan Governor’s Executive Order(s)
                                                                                      and MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings.
           A "Flapper Murder Mystery” will be  via our Eventbrite page, through our web-
        hosted Feb. 20 by members of the       site, or by calling the museum.”       Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to appoint Clerk E. Hurst as Acting Chairperson for this Regular Board Meeting. Motion
        Plymouth Historical Museum and Society.  This is the first attempt of museum offi-
        The event will take place via Zoom, due to  cials to hosting an event via Zoom, she  Meeting called to order by Clerk E. Hurst at 6:51 pm. Roll call: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark, Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte
                                                                                      and Morgan. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Supervisor Bednark, Deputy
        coronavirus restrictions on large gather-  said.                              Treasurer Clark, Finance Director Cole, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, HR Bellingham and 11 attendees.
        ings explained Rennae Green, marketing   The museum is located at 155 S. Main  3. Agenda: Motion by Rush supported by Morgan to approve the agenda, as amended;
        director.                              St. in downtown Plymouth. For informa-      TABLE:   New Business Items: D, H, I, P, T & U
           “We typically host up to 100 guests in  tion or to register for the event, call  (734)  REMOVE:  New Business Items: F & S
                                                                                                    New Business Item L.;
        person for our murder mystery events.  455-8940           or          visit                 “with verification to the Board of Trustees upon completion.”
        This particular murder mystery we chose Regular muse-             New Business Item O.;
                                                                                                    “and the Sumpter Township Work from Home Policy.”
        for this year was a play on the 1920s/2020s  um hours are 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, Friday,  Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T.
        correlation.”                          Saturday and Sunday.                   Bowman excused. Motion carried.
           Green added, “We have hosted a vari-  The “First Ladies--Fashion Setters”  4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No comments were received.
        ety of themes in the past. There are no  exhibit at the museum opened  Jan. 27  5. Minutes:
        geographic restrictions and people can  and will be on display until June 13.  Motion by LaPorte supported by Oddy to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of;
        participate by buying tickets to the event  Museum admission is $7 for adults.  A.   Approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020.
                                                                                             Approve the Special Board Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2020.
        COVID testing now available                                                   Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T.
                                                                                             Approve the Special Board Meeting Minutes of December 15, 2020
                                                                                      Bowman excused. Trustee Morgan abstained on Item A. Motion carried.
                                                                                      6. Warrants: Motion by Rush supported by Laporte to approve;
                                                                                        • Check run dates 12/18/2020 and 12/21/2020 totaling: $257,077.15
           Rapid drive-thru COVID-19 testing will  results delivered in 24 hours or less.  • Warrants totaling: $2,468,991.20
        now be available at USA Hockey Arena in  “This new partnership allows us to pro-  Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T.
                                                                                      Bowman excused. Motion carried.
        Plymouth.                              vide results to our patients faster than ever
           RapidBio, a molecular diagnostics labo-  before,” explained Phillip Levy, M.D.,  7. Receive and File Reports:
                                                                                      Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve, receive and file the following reports.
        ratory, is partnering with the arena and  M.P.H., who leads the Mobile COVID    • Attorney’s Report
        Wayne Health to provide drive-through col-  Testing Program for Wayne Health. “The  • Police Report
                                                                                        • Building/Ordinance Report
        lection and rapid test results for COVID-19.  sooner people know their COVID status,  • Fire Report
                                                                                        • Treasurer’s Report
        The company said it is using the sensitive  the quicker they can take the necessary  Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T.
        qPCR assay combined with “highly auto-  steps to keep themselves safe and stop the  Bowman excused. Motion carried.
        mated equipment” to provide the potential  spread.”                           10. Board Response:
        to process 5,000 COVID-19 tests per day  USA Hockey Arena is located at 14900      •  Trustee Morgan questioned the payroll practices that were being applied to Deputy Bednark and requested a review
                                                                                             of the circumstances.
        and the ability to expand further, with  Beck Road in Plymouth Township.        A.  Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to have the Township Attorney review the payroll issues, determine if Deputy
                                                                                           Bednark has been legally paid and advise the Board of Trustees. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
                                                                                           Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
                                         SYNOPSIS                                          •  Trustee Oddy requested better communications between the Board Members.
                                  VIRTUAL SPECIAL MEETING                                  •  Trustee LaPorte extended much appreciation for the Augusta Township Fire Department’s mutual aid during the fire
                                       STUDY SESSION                                         event at Rawsonville Woods recently. Trustee Oddy inquired about support for the families affected by the fire.
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                          11. New Business:
                                     BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                  A.  Motion by Oddy supported by LaPorte to approve of updated Virtual Meetings policies and procedures. Roll call vote:
                                                                                           Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman
         DATE:  Tuesday, February 2, 2021                                                  excused. Motion carried.
         TIME:  7:00 p.m.                                                               B.  Motion by Oddy supported by LaPorte to approve of Resolution # 2021-02, Wayne County Permit(s) A-21044. Roll call
                                                                                           vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T.
         CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.           Bowman excused. Motion carried.
                                                                                        C.  Motion by Morgan supported by Oddy to approve to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Western
         PRESENT:      Mark Abbo, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee                         Wayne County Mobile Field Force. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte
                       Roger Lundberg, Clerk  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee                      and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
                       Jason Rhines, Treasurer  Cynthia Jankowski, Trustee              D.  TABLED Consider approval of termination request for the employment of Daniel Frost as a firefighter with Sumpter
                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee                   Township.
                                                                                        E.  Motion by Ruch supported by Oddy to approve request to outfit two new Ford Police Interceptor Utilities through
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                             Herkimer Radio at a total cost of $13,576.84. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy,
                                                                                           Rush, LaPorte. Nay: Morgan. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
         1. Board of Trustee Round Table - Moderated by Terry McGinn                    G.  Motion by Morgan supported by Rush to approve of attached 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Dates. Roll call vote:
                                                                                           Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman
         2. Brief Public Comments: One member of the public had a question or comment      excused. Motion carried.
            for the Board.                                                              H.  TABLED Consider approval to appoint Eric Partridge to the Planning Commission with an effective term expiration of
         3. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.                                      I.  TABLED Consider approval to appoint Sherry Olds to the Zoning Board of Appeals as an Alternate with an effective
                                                                                           term expiration of 01/13/2024.
         A draft of the meeting minutes will be available on February 10, 2021.         J.  Motion by Morgan supported by Rush to approve of the Blue Cross Network and Delta Dental renewals through
                                                                                           Burnham and Flower at a total annual cost of $393,010.44. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
         Respectfully submitted:                                                           Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
         Mark Abbo, Supervisor                                                          K.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve of the annual exemption from Contribution Act 152 in 2011 has the
         Roger Lundberg, Clerk                                      NT0108 - 021121  2.5 x 3.563  Township meets provisions for exemption as provided in the Act. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
                                                                                           Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
                                                                                      *  L.  Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to approve of resolution to remove prior Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer from
                                                                                           Public Services Credit Union and rename account administrators in Treasurer James Clark and Deputy Toni Clark’s
                                                                                           names with verification to the Board of Trustees upon completion. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J.
                  CITY OF ROMULUS - Board of Zoning Appeals                                Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
                  NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING - March 3, 2021                            M. Motion by Oddy supported by Rush to approve extending virtual meetings through March 30, 2021 pursuant the
                                                                                           Governor’s extension to the Open Meetings Act under the MDDHS Order for “Gatherings and Face Masks”. Roll call
                                                                                           vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T.
         Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at  7:00 p.m. on  Bowman excused. Motion carried.
         Wednesday, March 3, 2021 for the purpose of considering the following:         N.  Motion by Rush supported by Oddy to approve of the extension of agreement with Constellation Energy Services for 36
                                                                                           months at $2.93/dth. The contract resulted in approximately $8,500 of savings in 2020. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E.
                                                                                           Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte. Nay: Morgan. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion car-
         1. BZA-2021-001 (Sign  A); International Outdoor requesting a variance from Sec. 48-7 of  ried.
            Chapter 48, SIGNS to allow a two-sided, digital billboard to exceed the height requirement of 45'  O.  Motion by LaPorte supported by Oddy to approve and acknowledgement of MIOSHA’s Remote Work Policies that
            (60' is proposed); and a variance from Sec. 48-6(b)(3) of Chapter 48, SIGNS to allow the bill-  requires any workers that can work from home must work remotely, as determined by each person’s direct supervisor
                                                                                           and the Sumpter TownshipWork from Home Policy. (*Note: As restated and approved under Item 3. Agenda.) Roll call
            board to be set back 1' from the front property line where 15' is required.    vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T.
                                                                                           Bowman excused. Motion carried.
         2. BZA-2021-002 (Sign B); International Outdoor requesting a variance from Sec. 48-7 of  P.  TABLED Consider approval of the reappointment of Karen Woodington as an alternate to the Board of Review with a
                                                                                           term staring January 1, 2021 and set to expire January 1, 2024.
            Chapter 48, SIGNS to allow a two-sided, digital billboard to exceed the height requirement of 45'  Q.  Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve going out for R.F.Q. to replace current township bulletin board at
            (60' is proposed).                                                             the community center to provide update information electronically. Roll call vote: Yes: Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J.
                                                                                           Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion carried.
         The property for both petitions is located at 16500 Wahrman Road (Parcel ID #80-128-99-0011-000)  R.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Clark to approve the title change from Anna Winters from Water Billing Clerk, to
         and zoned, M-2 General Industrial District.                                       Utility Billing Specialist. Roll call vote: Yes: Treasurer J. Clark; Trustee: Morgan. Nay: Clerk E. Hurst; Trustees: Oddy,
                                                                                           Rush, LaPorte. Supervisor T. Bowman excused. Motion failed.
                                                                                        T.  TABLED Consider approval to re-appoint Katrina Guisgand to Board of Review term to expire 01/01/2024.
         This meeting will be held pursuant to Public Act 254 of 2020, SB 1246 and the Remote Participation  U.  TABLED Consider approval to re-appoint Kathie Steigerwald to ZBA term to expire 12/17/2023.
         in Public Meetings Policy, adopted by City Council on 12/28/2020, Resolution No. 20-355 as found
         on                                                             12. Announcements:
                                                                                        • Trustee Morgan reported that Bud Morgan is doing better and improving!
         Join Zoom Meeting:                                                           13. Open Floor: One (1) person spoke.
         Dial: 1-646-558-8656                                                         14. Adjournment: Motion by Morgan supported by Oddy to adjourn at 7:50 pm. Motion carried.
         Meeting ID: 841 8907 1464        Passcode:  440775                           Minutes prepared by,
                                                                                      Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to effectively participate in the meeting should  Sumpter Township
         contact the Carol Maise, City Planner at 734-955-4530 or send an email to planning@romulus-  _____________________________________  ________________________ by 8:00 a.m. the day of the meeting to request assistance. Closed Captions will be provid-  Esther Hurst, Clerk   Date
         ed upon request.
         Ellen Craig-Bragg, CMC, City Clerk                                           ______________________________________ ________________________
                                                                                      Timothy Bowman, Supervisor         Date
         Publish: February 11, 2021                                   RM0552 - 021121  2.5 x 5.062  *Amended during Regular Board Meeting           ST0029 - 021121  2.5 x 15.543
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