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February 3, 2022                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Signs of the times

        Northville Library installs signage to help non-verbal

           Visitors to the Northville District
        Library will notice some bright new sig-
        nage in the building, designed specifically
        to aid visual communication about library
           The core board installation includes
        specific vocabulary for a given activity.
        The boards feature a small collection of
        words that make up the majority of what is
        communicated daily in that particular set-
        ting. Youth Services Librarian Cathrine
        Trautman prompted the installation of the
        boards after being inspired by her niece,
        who is nonverbal. She collaborated with
        two local speech pathologists, Susan
        Oleson and Lia Gargaro, to design the
        boards. The new signage is another means
        for the library to include anyone in the
        community who is neurodivergent and or
        non-verbal to feel included, she said.
           "This is a way to take part in normaliz-
        ing different modes of communication
        while being a proactive and positive influ-  Northville Youth Services Librarian Cathrine Trautman, left, Speech Pathologist Lia Gargaro and Speech Pathologist Susan Oleson
                                               display one of the new core boards designed to include non-verbal visitors at the library.
        ence; we hope that the core boards inspire
        curiosity and conversation for teachable  has a history of offering a range of formats  Open Dyslexic font while reading, library  boards, library officials explained,  For
        moments, in addition to being a helpful  and resources, which includes large print  officials said. There is a book collection  more information, visit Northville District
        tool," Trautman said.                  books, a magnifying machine located on  for readers with dyslexia currently in the  Library:
           Handheld core boards will be available  the lower level of the library, audiobooks,  planning and the addition of the core, or telephone the
        at all public service desks with a larger  ESL and language learning materials,  boards is meant to provide a voice for any-  library at (248) 349-3020. For questions
        core board installed near the main stair-  graphic novels, read-alongs and easy read-  one to use.                 regarding the development of the Core
        well.                                  ers. The library also offers downloadable  The Friends of the Northville District  Vocabulary Boards for NDL, Trautman
           The library has been committed to cre-  eBook services, Libby by Overdrive and  Library and Community Financial Credit  can  be  reached  directly  at:
        ating a more inclusive environment, and  Hoopla Digital, with the option to use  Union contributed to the cost of the
        Tipping Point to present ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’

           The Play That Goes Wrong    go wrong.” The production fea-                                                              of vaccination with a photo ID is
        will take a series of mishaps,  tures some hefty technical                               ”                                 required for those attending and
        miscues and mayhem to the      mishaps, including a second                 Tipping Point likes to push things              everyone must wear a mask
        stage at Tipping Point Theatre.   story platform falling. The the-          as far as we can and challenge                 while inside the building, with
           “The Play That Goes Wrong   ater seats just over 100 people in                                                          the exception of the actors on
        grasps on to the phrase ‘the show  the intimate space adding some       the perceived restrictions of our space.           stage. Seating is reduced to two
        must go on’ for dear life and  extra limitations to the technical                                                          thirds The complete COVID poli-
        refuses to release it from its  feat the production requires.                                                              cy     is    available    at
        death grip until the actors' final  Tipping Point actors and produc-                                             
        bow. People are knocked out,   ers are no stranger to pushing  present the murder mystery that  comedic healing. The actors may  ovid19-policies.
        lines are forgotten and it seems  the limits of the space, however.   brings Murphy's Law to full and  be struggling to keep it together  Tipping Point Theatre is
        the set is being held together by  “Tipping Point likes to push  glorious life Feb. 3 - March 6.  safely on stage, but Tipping Point  located at 361 E. Cady St.,
        hot glue and wishful thinking. It's  things as far as we can and chal-  Tickets, priced at $26, can be  Theatre has COVID precautions  Northville.
        an actor's worst nightmare that  lenge the perceived restrictions  purchased at tippingpointthe-  in place to ensure the safety of  For more information, call
        just won't end - and audiences  of our space.” Their 2018 produc- or by calling the box  everyone in the building. Proof  (248) 347-0003.
        can watch it all happen from the  tion of David Lindsay Abair's  office at (248)-
        comfort of ticketed seats,” com-  Ripcord saw the staging of para-  347-0003, with
        mented  Producing Artistic     chuting grandmas while their   special dis-
        Director James Kuhl.           2020 production of The 39 Steps  counts for sen-
           “What's the worst that could  featured not only a daring train  iors, military,
        happen?” Kuhl said he asked    chase, but an airplane chase as  students, and
        himself, “Aside from, you know,  well.                        groups in need
        the things that are supposed to  Tipping Point Theatre will   of     some

                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
                                 STATION ALERTING SERVICES

                The Charter Township of Northville will receive sealed bids for Station Alerting Services (SFG) according to the
         specifications of the Charter Township of Northville.

                Proposals will be received until 2:00 P.M. prevailing Eastern Standard Time, Friday, February 11, 2022.  Bids must
         be mailed via the USPS to this address:
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                    TOWNSHIP CLERK'S OFFICE
                                       44405 Six Mile Road
                                       Northville, MI 48168
                There will be a bid opening on Friday, February 11, 2022 at 2:00 P.M. EST. All firms submitting proposals will be
         invited to participate.
         All proposals must be signed by a legally authorized agent of the proposing firm.  ENVELOPES MUST BE PLAINLY
                                  “STATION ALERTING SERVICES”
         The Township reserves the right to accept any or all alternative proposals and award a contract to other than the lowest propos-
         er, to waive any irregularities or informalities or both; to reject any or all proposals; to subdivide the award, and in general to
         make the award of the contract in any manner deemed by the Township, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the
         Charter Township of Northville.                               NT0168 - 020322  2.5 x 3.761


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            17180 Dix Toledo
          Brownstown MI 48193      Find it fast in
            February 9, 2022
              10:00 a.m.
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