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February 3, 2022                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

          Team effort

          Firefighters from the City of Romulus were dispatched to a major blaze at a commercial building early
          Saturday morning, Jan. 29. Firefighters said the alarm came just at shift change at the department
          requiring an off duty crew to respond to the man the fire station. Firefighters and equipment from the
          Metro Airport, Taylor and Wayne fire departments arrived at the scene near Inkster Road and Beverly in
          case extra help was needed battling the blaze in the 13-degree temperatures. Firefighters said the cold
          temperatures and intensity of the blaze required "constant rotation" of firefighters. Romulus fire officials
          said help from the Romulus Department of Public Works was invaluable in providing heavy equipment
          to remove collapsed metal from the building roof so firefighters could extinguish remaining "hot spots"
          at the site of the blaze. Officials said that city building department inspectors were already at the site
          Sunday to assess safety at the structure which was estimated to be a total loss. No injuries were report-
          ed in the incident.

        Chamber to host showcase for Black-owned businesses

           The    Greater   Romulus    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion  thing officials hope to see  area are invited to purchase table  The  Greater  Romulus
        Chamber of Commerce will host  Task Force. The Task Force spon-  increase.                  space at the Showcase on a first  Chamber aims to build and
        the  Black-Owned Business and  sored an “Intro to DEI” event last  “Black and other minority-  come-first serve basis online at  strengthen the local economy by
        Vendor Showcase Feb. 26.       fall and is also working on a  owned businesses are an impor-, or on the  providing networking opportuni-
           The free event will take place  Women in Business Panel    tant part of the economy. We hope  Facebook page.            ties and promotions for their
        at the City Event Centre, 37451  Discussion for March.        the Showcase will bring together  Vendor spaces are priced at  members, she added. To learn
        Ecorse Road and is open to the   Jazmine Danci, executive     new consumers and buyers,     $40 for non-chamber members    more about the Greater Romulus
        public.                        director of the Romulus chamber,  strengthening the whole commu-  and $20 for current members.  Chamber of Commerce, visit
           The Black-Owned Business    said that about 10 percent of the  nity,” Danci said.        There are discounts available for, call
        and Vendor Showcase is the     current chamber members are      Black-owned businesses from  those who wish to join the cham-  (734) 893-0694, or visit the
        newest offering from the chamber  Black-owned businesses, some-  Romulus and the surrounding  ber, Danci said.             Facebook site.
                                       Missing girl has may have connections to Inkster

                                          A teen missing since the day after    also reportedly seen on the 7000 block of  tall weighing about 125 pounds. She was last
                                       Christmas has been reported seen in the  Michigan Avenue in Detroit.              seen, according to police reports, wearing a
                                       Inkster and Romulus area.                  Tolliver often wears a black bonnet over  white hoodie, Adidas black track pants and
                                          The disappearance of Te'Onna Lashay   her hair, her family told police, and is known  black boots.
                                       Tolliver, 15, remains an open investigation  to wear a honey-blonde colored, shoulder-  Police have asked anyone with informa-
                                       with the Ann Arbor Police. She was last seen  length wig over her natural black hair.   tion about her whereabouts to call 911 or Ann
                                       at her family home Dec. 26, 2021. The teen  She is described as about 5-feet, 5-inches  Arbor Police at (734) 794-6920.
                                       has connections to Inkster, according to
                                       police reports, and someone matching her
                                       description was seen in the area of Van Born       MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
                Te'Onna Lashey Tolliver   and Middlebelt Road in Romulus. She was                                  January 10, 2022
                                                                                         Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174

             MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING                      The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden.
                                     December 28, 2021
            Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174     Pledge of Allegiance
         The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden.   Roll Call
                                                                                           Present: John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, William Wadsworth, Virginia Williams
         Pledge of Allegiance                                                              Absent / Excused: Kathy Abdo, Tina Talley, Eva Webb
                                                                                           Administrative Officials in Attendance:
         Roll Call                                                                         Julie Wojtylko, Chief of Staff
              Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb   Stacy Paige, Treasurer
              Absent / Excused: Celeste Roscoe, Virginia Williams                          D'Sjonaun Hockenhull, Deputy Clerk
              Administrative Officials in Attendance:                                      Administrative Staff in Attendance:
              Robert McCraight, Mayor                                                      Julie Wojtylko - Chief of Staff; Merrie Druyor - TIFA/DDA Director
              D'Sjonaun Hockenhull, Deputy Clerk                                      1. Agenda
              Administrative Staff in Attendance:                                        A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Virginia Williams to accept the agenda as presented.
              Stephen Hitchcock - City  Attorney; Julie  Wojtylko - Chief of Staff; Merrie Druyor -  Motion Carried Unanimously.
              DDA/TIFA Director                                                       2. Minutes
                                                                                         A.  Res. #22-008 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to approve the Minutes
         1. Agenda                                                                           from the Regular Meeting held on January 4, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. Motion Carried Unanimously.
            A.  Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to accept the agenda as presented.  3. Petitioner - None
                Motion Carried Unanimously.                                           4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
         2. Minutes                                                                          Res. #22-009 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adopt a memorial
            A.  Res. #21-373 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to approve the minutes from  resolution for the family of Richard Yeramian. Motion Carried Unanimously.
                the regular meeting held on Monday, December 13, 2021, at 7:30 p.m.      A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth to accept the Chairperson's Report.
                Motion Carried Unanimously.                                                  Motion Carried Unanimously.
            B.  Res. #21-374 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the minutes from the   5. Mayor's Report - Robert A. McCraight, Mayor
                special meeting - executive/closed session held on Monday, December 13, 2021, at 6:45 p.m. to   Chief of Staff Julie Wojtylko presented the Mayor's Report in the absence of Mayor
                discuss an attorney's opinion and pending litigation. Motion Carried Unanimously.  McCraight.
         3. Petitioner - None                                                            A.  Res. #22-010Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Virginia Williams to concur with the
         4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem                                 administration and authorize a no-fee permit for all activities during the 2022 Craft and Vendor
            A.  Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to accept the Chairperson's Report.  Shows hosted by Flowers in the Mitten as well as the closure of Goddard Road between Romaine
                Motion Carried Unanimously.                                                  and Olive Streets beginning at 7:00 p.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m. on the following Saturdays: June
         5. Mayor's Report - Robert A. McCraight, Mayor                                      25, 2022, August 13, 2022, and September 17, 2022 (as part of Pumpkin Festival), and October 22,
            A.  Res. #21-375 Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by Kathy Abdo to concur with the Administration   2022.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                and approve the appointment of Steven Harmon to the Downtown Development Authority with a   B.  Res. #22-011 Moved by Virginia Williams, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with the
                term to expire on July 31, 2022. Motion Carried Unanimously.                 Administration and grant authorization for the Mayor and Clerk to enter into the Second Amendment
            B.  Res. #21-376 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with the   Lease agreement with Big Steve's Designz, LLC for the lease of 35255 Goddard Road, Romulus, MI
                Administration and authorize the modification request from O.R. Colan Associates for additional   48174.  Motion Carried Unanimously.
                fees to perform turnkey right-of-way services for the potential reconfiguration of the Wayne/Ecorse   6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
                intersection at a cost of $17,550.00. Motion Carried Unanimously.            Tanya Cofield, MLK Day Planning Committee member, updated City Council and residents on the
         6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk                                     changes to the MLK Day Community Celebration. She announced that the pancake breakfast
            A.  Res. #21-377 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with the   sponsored by the Romulus Rotary Club has been canceled due to the surge in COVID cases through
                recommendation of David Allison, Fire Prevention Chief, Roberto Scappaticci, DPW Director, and   out the state. Coffee and packaged pastries will be served in place of the pancake breakfast;
                Robert Pfannes, Police Chief and approve the traffic control order for the installation of a "NO   however, the community march and subsequent program will proceed as scheduled.
                PARKING/FIRE LANE" sign to be installed on the east side of Inverness Drive (fire hydrant side)   7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer
                and be posted through the cul-de-sac on both sides. Motion Carried Unanimously.  8. Public Comment - None
         7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes  9. Unfinished Business - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes
         8. Public Comment - None                                                     10. New Business - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes
         9. Unfinished Business - None                                                11. Warrant
         10. New Business - None                                                         A.  Res. #22-012 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth to approve Warrant
         11. Warrant                                                                         #:22-1. for checks presented in the amount of $258,585.73.
            A.  Res. #21-378 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve Warrant #: 21-24 and   Roll Call Vote: Ayes - John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, William Wadsworth, Virginia Williams
                disburse checks presented in the amount of $1,012,814.55. Motion Carried Unanimously.  Nays - None  Motion Carried Unanimously.
         12. Communication - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes   12. Communication - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes
         13. Adjournment                                                              13. Adjournment
                Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Tina Talley to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m.  Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 p.m.
                Motion Carried Unanimously.                                                  Motion Carried Unanimously.

         I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to
         be a true copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on December  be a true copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on January
         28, 2021.                                                                    10, 2022.

         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk                                             Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         City of Romulus, Michigan                                 RM0631 - 020322  2.5 x 8.687  City of Romulus, Michigan                      RM0632 - 020322  2.5 x 9.299
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