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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 27, 2022

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Former judge takes on new role in community

           Retired 29th District Court                                                              Northwest Wayne County police
        Judge Laura Mack has taken on a                           ”                                 departments and continuing the
        new role in the Wayne communi-                   The Hope Not Handcuffs                     recovery home scholarship pro-
        ty.                                                program launched                         gram that was started in 2020.
           Mack, long a staunch advocate                                                               Hope Not Handcuffs is an ini-
        for mental health care, took the        Wayne and Garden City in March of 2021.             tiative of Families Against
        helm of the Northwest Wayne                                                                 Narcotics through which people
        County chapter of Families                                                                  seeking treatment for addiction
        Against Narcotics on Jan. 1.   process of being organized.    ers educate the audience about  can go to a participating police
        Chapter founder and former pres-  The Northwest Wayne County  addiction and recovery. The   station and ask for help. The desk
        ident,   Western    Michigan   chapter was launched in 2017 by a  group also offers a bi-monthly  sergeant then calls the Hope Not
        University Cooley Law School   small group of individuals, all of  meeting of a group called  Handcuffs coordinator, who dis-
        Professor Lauren Rousseau, will  whom had been impacted by    Stronger Together, which pro-  patches a volunteer “Angel” to the
        serve as secretary of the group  addiction in some way. The chap-  vides support to families affected  police department. The Angel
        this year.                     ter mission is to save lives by  by the addiction of a loved one.  then helps the person get into a
           Families Against Narcotics  empowering individuals and com-  Forums and Stronger Together  detox or rehab facility. The Hope
        (FAN) was instigated from a town  munities through education, pre-  meetings are currently virtual in  Not Handcuffs program launched
        hall meeting in 2007--a result of  vention and support. By partner-  light of the ongoing pandemic.  Wayne and Garden City in March
        two teen heroin overdoses just  ing with treatment professionals,  The next public forum, scheduled  of 2021.
        weeks apart in the suburban com-  the legal community, public safety,  for 6:30 until 8 p.m. Feb. 7, is enti-  Hope Not Handcuffs is always  Retired Judge Laura Mack
        munity of Fraser. All told, that  schools, and other help organiza-  tled “Enabling: What it is, Why We  in need of volunteer angels, Mack
        community suffered 30 overdoses  tions, the Northwest Wayne FAN  Do It, and How We Can Stop.”   said. Anyone who wants to help  become involved with the
        that year, all due to heroin.  chapter hopes to facilitate change  Mack said she acknowledges  can visit familiesagainstnar-  Northwest Wayne County FAN
        Feeling the need to take action to  in the way addiction is viewed  that the last two years have been  and  click  on  chapter in any way, contact
        help prevent needless deaths,  and treated in the Northwest   challenging for FAN, but is hope-  “Programs,” then “Hope Not  wwayne@familiesagainstnar-
        organizers set out to recruit mem-  Wayne County communities.   ful that 2022 will be a better year.  Handcuffs.” On that page, click on Information about the
        bers and educate the public.     The chapter hosts free month-  Goals for the year include  “Become Someone's Angel” to be  group can also be found on
           Today, there are 20 FAN chap-  ly forums on the first Monday of  expanding the Hope Not  directed to training opportunities.   Facebook at NWWayneFAN or
        ters in Michigan, with more in the  every month, during which speak-  Handcuffs program to more  For more information or to  @WayneChapterFAN.
        Students’ Random Acts of Kindness recognized

           Three Random Acts of        in partnership with the Wayne                                                               her classmate, who wrote: “A few
        Kindness were rewarded in      Westland Community Schools dis-                           ”                                 weeks ago, I was choking, and Na
        Westland last week during an offi-  trict.                             City officials said the ongoing partnership         Talia was the first to notice and
        cial presentation at the city coun-  Boettcher was rewarded for              will reward other outstanding                 help me.”
        cil meeting.                   spreading kindness by always                                                                  Wildwood Principal Christine
           City Facilities Director Vic  helping other students with their    young compassionate students every month             Swanson, said, “Na Talia is a
        Barra and Police School        work. Nominated by her teacher,                                                             hardworking, helpful and spirited
        Resource Ofc. Rodney Donald    Stephanie Hess, Boettcher was                                                               young lady who always puts her
        presented $20 gift cards to Zoey  rewarded for spreading kindness  She works hard. I can always  “Faith shows kindness at school  friends first. She is also an amaz-
        Boettcher who attends Roosevelt-  by always helping other students  count on her. She is always kind to  every day, and it is no surprise to  ing sister to her kindergarten
        McGrath Elementary School;     with their work.               everyone,” Hess said in the nomi-  anyone that she was “caught being  brother, helping him adjust to the
        Faith Bland, a student at PD     “Zoey also helps me at recess  nation.                     kind” at Graham Elementary     rigors of school and schedules”.
        Graham Elementary School and   collect playground equipment,    Bland was nominated by the  School. Beyond being kind, she is  City officials said the ongoing
        Na Talia Walmsley, a student at  even when she doesn't use it. She  school social worker, Alexis Rea.  also a good friend, creative and a  partnership will reward other out-
        Wildwood Elementary School.    is the first to ask if she can help  “Giving a friend a compliment,  hard worker. Our Husky commu-  standing young compassionate
        The rewards were a part of the  pass out papers. Zoey sees needs  and telling him he was awesome,”  nity is very proud of her.”   students every month at the sec-
        Compassionate City program and  and fills them before being asked.  Rea said in the nomination.  Walmsley was nominated by  ond city council meeting.

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        City officials, educators and family members congratulated Zoey Boettcher who
        attends Roosevelt-McGrath Elementary School, Faith Bland, a student at PD Graham
        Elementary School and Na Talia Walmsley, a student at Wildwood Elementary School,
        who were the first recipients of city awards for their Random Acts of Kindness. The
        rewards were a part of the Compassionate City program and in partnership with the
        Wayne Westland Community Schools. The students were honored at the meeting of
        the Westland City Council last week.

                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                   February 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM
         The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Northville Township Municipal Offices, 44405 Six Mile Road,
         Northville, MI 48168 to consider a proposed amendment to the commercial component of the Village at Northville Planned Unit
         Development Agreement.
         The public is invited to attend this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions. Plans will be available for view-
         ing at the  Township between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.  Written comments will be received by the
         Northville Township Planning Commission at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168 no later than 12:00 PM on the day on
         the above meeting.
         Tim Zawodny, Chair
         Planning Commission
         Publish: January 27, 2022                                      NT0167 - 012722  2.5 x 2.072


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