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January 27, 2022                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Canton man sentenced in sexual abuse of minors

           A Canton Township man has                                                                during a search of his house. In
        been sentenced to 19 years in                             ”                                 subsequent interviews with FBI
        prison after admitting to the             The victim in this case demonstrated              agents, according to court
        court that he sexually abused a              great courage coming forward                   records, Patel admitted to the
        child from the time she was 5                                                               sexual abuse of the victim and
        until she was 12.                         with her story, stopping Patel's abuse.           two or three children. He also
           The victim went to authorities                                                           admitted to the sexual touching
        at the age of 20 prompting an                                                               of the second accuser during the
        investigation by the FBI which  the instances to investigators. All  between the ages of 7 and 9.   interviews, according to court
        resulted in the confession of  the victims told authorities that  One FBI investigator wrote  documents.
        Shailesh Patel, 54. Patel, the  Patel was married to the youth  that the victim was afraid to  "The victim in this case
        owner of a Dunkin Donuts and a  leader at the temple they attend-  come forward to tell her family  demonstrated great courage
        Baskin-Robbins, accepted a plea  ed, and the 20-year-old who came  what was happening because it  coming forward with her story,
        deal with prosecutors on the   forward said her family spent  "would hurt their standing in the  stopping Patel's abuse and likely
        charges of sexual exploitation of  time at the Patel home where  community."                preventing future victims," U.S.
        children. Patel admitted that on  most of the abuse took place. She  A second accuser, now 24,  Attorney Dawn N. Ison said.
        at least one occasion, he gave a  gave the investigators graphic  made similar allegations against  Patel was sentenced to 228
        10-year-old girl his cell phone in  details of Patel's abuse starting  Patel which she said took place  months in prison on charges of
        2010 and instructed her to use  when she was 5.  She said that by  when she was a child. She also  sexual exploitation of a minor.
        the phone to make a sexual video  the time she was 8 the abuse had  provided graphic details of the  He was also ordered to pay a          Shailesh Patel
        of herself, showing her genital  progressed to Patel putting his  abuse and unwanted sexual  $50,000 fine.
        area.                          genitals in her mouth and      touching and contact.            Patel also pleaded guilty in  second-degree criminal sexual
           According to court records,  attempting to penetrate her sexu-  Investigators found a sexually  Third Judicial Circuit Court to  conduct and one count of fourth-
        there were multiple victims of  ally. She said he requested the  explicit video of one of Patel's  one count of first-degree criminal  degree criminal sexual conduct,
        abuse by Patel who confirmed   cell phone videos while she was  accusers on his home computer  sexual conduct, two counts of  according to authorities.
        ‘Accidentals’ set to appear at Village Theatre at Cherry Hill

           'The Accidentals' will per-  go with their abundant musical                                                             with a touch of an influence of
        form live at The Village Theater  chops.”                                                ”                                 Queen.
        at Cherry Hill for one night only  With five albums under their           The goal of our music has always                   Tickets are on sale now for
        beginning at 7:30 p.m. Friday,  belt, The Accidentals are natu-                                                            $25 and can be purchased at
        Feb. 11.                       rals on stage featuring Sav Buist              been shared experiences.            or
           The Accidentals, featuring  - composer, arranger, and per-              Music helps us process things                   by calling (734) 394-5300. Tickets
        multi-instrumentalists Sav     former who is proficient on a                                                               can be purchased at the door, if
        Buist, Katie Larson, and       range of instruments; Katie                     that are hard to process.                   still available, one hour prior to
        Michael Dause, have been com-  Larson - multi-instrumentalist                                                              showtime.
        bining an arsenal of sound since  songwriter and composer and  is just a myriad of extremes, tri-  more community.”          The Village Theater at
        joining ranks in 2014 and have  Michael Dause - drummer, gui-  umphs, and failures. It's how we  The Accidentals, who started  Cherry Hill is located at 50400
        been wowing audiences ever     tarist, and composer, who hails  connect with people in those  out as a regional phenomenon,  Cherry Hill Road in Canton. For
        since. This Traverse City-based  from Northville.             moments that shape our experi-  continue to grow in popularity  more information about this
        trio has been named one of       “The goal of our music has   ences. Hopefully, people can  as they bring an eclectic blend  special  performance    at
        Yahoo Music's “Top 10 Bands to  always been shared experi-    relate to something we're creat-  of Indie, folk, pop, and rock that or
        Watch.” Billboard says, “The   ences,” said Buist. “Music helps  ing in a way that feels like  displays their extraordinary  call (734) 394-5300. Preview The
        Accidentals display a genre-   us process things that are hard  understanding. Maybe, it offers  musicianship.  Their dynamic  Accidentals' music and learn
        hopping range of influences and  to process. A lot of the writing  a different perspective, and that  music offers a blend of Neko  more about the trio at
        some smart songwriting skills to  comes from touring, and touring  leads to less loneliness and  Case lyrics, Jack White rock,

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