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January 26, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       INKSTER - SUMPTER
                                                       INKSTER - SUMPTER

        Defeated candidate faces charge for obscene call

           Sheena Barnes, also known as  Commission) attorney, according                                                           date inspections and permits
        Sheena Devina Green, 62,       to court records.                                         ”                                 from the Wayne County
        appeared for arraignment before  A failed candidate for               The phone call includes vulgar language,             Department of Health.
        Judge Brian Oakley in 34th     Sumpter Township treasurer,                 sexual references and racial slurs                The phone call includes vul-
        District Court Jan. 12 on charges  Barnes is charged with making                                                           gar language, sexual references
        of malicious use of the tele-  the malicious and obscenity rid-        along with the explicit threat of violence.         and racial slurs along with the
        phone.                         dled call to Sumpter Township                                                               explicit threat of violence
           Barnes, of Sumpter Township,  Supervisor Tim Bowman last                                                                against both Bowman and his
        was required by the court to pro-  August, prior to the November  the stated physical threat.  must be updated. According to  wife.
        vide a $1,000 personal bond and  ballot. In the recorded call she  Barnes' call was prompted,  township records at the time of  The Sumpter Township police
        another court hearing on the   shouted obscenities and exple-  according to township officials,  the call, Barnes' barbeque busi-  referred the matter to Van Buren
        charges was to be scheduled.   tives at Bowman, and implied   by a letter sent to all township  ness which she operates from a  Township for investigation in an
        Barnes who posted the bond,    threats to him and his wife. After  businesses in an effort to ensure  trailer on her Sumpter Road  effort to avoid any appearance of
        appeared in person for the     hearing the recording message,  that all businesses were compli-  property, had not been licensed  conflict of interest.
        arraignment although she       Bowman referred the recording  ant with local ordinances.    since 2018. According to town-   No date for Barnes' next court
        refused to speak with an MIDC  to the police department citing  reminding the owners that per-  ship officials, her business was,  appearance had been set at
        (Michigan Indigent Defense     harassment, intimidation, and  mits are required and that fees  at that time, also lacking up-to-  press time.
        Search for new director of Inkster library continues

           Area library professionals are  years of professional library  negotiable based on experience   ences with contact information.
        asked to check out the open posi-  experience in a public library, of  with a 90-day probationary peri-  Applications will be accepted  Electronic submissions and
        tion at the Leanna Hicks Public  which at least two years have  od, officials said.         until the position is filled.  requests for additional informa-
        Library in Inkster.            been in a management or super-   Benefits include healthcare,  Electronic submissions are   tion should be directed to
           With the departure of former  visory position; thorough knowl-  paid personal days, and up to a  required. Interested individuals  Leanna Hicks Public Library
        library director Betty Smith for a  edge of public library service;  $3,500 retirement matching plan.  should forward a cover letter  Board at twilliams@inksterli-
        job in West Fargo, ND last April,  financial management experi-  Additional information about  addressing the position require- Use the email provided
        the library board of directors is  ence; an understanding of tech-  the library can be found at  ments, a resume, and three refer-  for any questions.
        continuing to search for a new  nology and its application in pub-
        library leader.                lic libraries; strong management
           The new Leanna Hicks Public  skills; excellent communication
        Library building opened in     and interpersonal relationship
        March 2021 and serves a popula-  skills; and the ability to establish
        tion of approximately 25,000   and maintain effective working
        funded primarily through a dedi-  relationships with diverse
        cated 2 mill tax levy.         groups.
           Inkster is a multicultural com-  Candidates are also required
        munity and officials said they  to have sufficient mobility to
        work to provide access to “big-  work in a library setting operat-
        city” amenities while retaining a  ing office equipment and able to
        small-town feeling. A small but  lift, push or pull at least 20
        dedicated staff works to provide  pounds with or without reason-
        excellent customer service     able accommodations. Physical
        resulting in a community that  demands include stooping,
        strongly supports the library,  kneeling, crouching, and reach-
        according to a statement on the  ing overhead and horizontally.
        city website soliciting applica-  This is a full-time position of
        tions for the position.        40 or more hours per week; how-
           The position requires an    ever, actual hours may vary and
        MLS/MLIS from a graduate pro-  could include some evenings and
        gram accredited by the American  weekends. The position is offer-
        Library Association. Additional  ing an annual base salary start-
        qualifications include three   ing at $58,000 and up to $60,000
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