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Library offering free
COVID-19 testing kits
The Plymouth District Library is the kits is not available, according to a
offering a lot more than books these prepared statement from the library.
days. Callers may reserve one kit per person
Community residents can reserve a in their household. A daily limit of five
free COVID-19 antigen self-test kit by kits applies, officials said, so if a house-
simply calling the library at (734) 453-750 hold has more than five members, the
and selecting option four. Once remainder will have to be requested on
reserved, library officials said, the kits a second day.
must be picked up the same day from Kits will be available while supplies
the library hold shelf. last. Details are available at plymouthli-
On-demand, walk-in distribution of
Shooting death suspect
may have taken own life
The man suspected in the shooting
death of a Plymouth woman last week has
been found dead of a self- inflicted gun-
shot wound, according to a police report.
Investigators were actively seeking
Festival ered one of the best food trucks in Metro Michael Anthony Elinski, 59, in connec-
tion to the shooting and described him as
Detroit, Gietzen said.
Of course, the Rotary Bingo game will armed and dangerous. He was found Jan.
FROM PAGE 1 return and the Party Tent which attracts a 20 deceased from an apparent self-inflict-
huge crowd will again be open in the ed gunshot wound in Clare, police said.
Saturday and Sunday with hot beverages parking lot behind E.G. Nick's on Forest Elinski was suspected in the death of
and snacks,” Gietzen said. United Way is Street. Andrea Grant, 50, whose body was discov-
located at 960 Ann Arbor Trail. “This is just a real community event, ered by police in her car at about 9:10 a.m.
A new attraction this year is the designed for families, but with attractions Jan 19. Officers from the Pittsfield
expected food truck, Nom Nom Ninja, for everyone,” Gietzen said. “Our only Township Police Department discovered
which has a large following and is consid- concern, as always, is the weather.” Grant's body riddled with multiple gun-
shot wounds in a parked car in the 3700
block of Plaza Drive, according to police
Track and car shows. “Things that would bene- reports of the incident. Police said they Michael Anthony Elinski
fit the community,” he said.
did not believe her death was a random
Heise said he was hoping the track attack. Investigators were actively seeking any information about the shooting or the
FROM PAGE 1 could become a recreational asset to the Elinski in connection to the shooting. suspect call the department tip line at
township and said he was confident a Police have requested that anyone with (734) 822-4958.
have worked for months to put this togeth- mutually beneficial agreement could be
er at Five Mile and Ridge. It is the only negotiated with the track owners.
harness racing track that will be in Stewart, however, said while he would To subscribe to The Eagle visit
Michigan. I think there needs to be a lot of probably vote yes on the project, “to allow
oversite because the future would appear them to try” he had serious concerns
to be casino/racino gambling which must about the drain on township public safety
be passed by our state Legislature.” services and other costs that might not be
Heise, however, is enthusiastic about covered by the fees generated by the
the potential “community partnership” track.
with the racetrack. Those fees would include breakage
“We're flattered that Northville Downs fees from betting at the track calculated
would consider us. I know they looked at as the difference in cents between the
other locations,” Heise said. He added winning payouts and the nearest dime or
that the track owners would be “treated nickel in a minus pool situation. If a win-
like any other developer.” Heise said he ning bet is computed to pay $3.12 then the
was optimistic that the township could bettor receives $3.10. The breakage of 2
come to an agreement with Northville cents is deposited into a fund distributed
Downs to use the large infield space at the to the municipality where the track is
proposed track for community events, located. State records report that
such as the former 4th of July celebration Northville received $113,501 in breakage
in the township, sporting events, soccer fees in 2020 and $214,203 in 2021.