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January 13, 2022                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Grateful resident donates new car to township police

           Crime may not pay, but once  called telling him that she, their                                                           Northville Township Police
        in awhile, law enforcement does  daughter and their young grand-                         ”                                 Chief Scott Hilden said the vehi-
        get rewarded.                  daughter had been the victims of         You're out there to help the community.            cle has already joined the police
           In Northville Township, that  an armed robbery in the CVS                                                               fleet and will be used for a vari-
        reward came in the form of a   parking lot in downtown                     You're out the to do good things.               ety of tasks. He said he didn't
        new Chevrolet Blazer donated by  Northville.  She told him that the                                                        know how many people donate
        Tom Close who won the vehicle  gunman snuck up on them in the                                                              new cars to police departments
        at a charity golf tournament last  lot, aimed the gun at them indi-  from the crime scene and  the family decided.         around the country, but that he
        year when he sank a nearly     vidually, and demanded their   assured them that township offi-  While Close said he would  didn't think there were “a whole
        impossible hole in one.        jewelry and wallets. After grab-  cers would be patrolling the area  give both the township and the  lot.”
           “This never happens. Nobody  bing the jewelry and wallets, the  heavily in an effort to protect  city officers a new vehicle if he  Hilden said the car and the
        ever wins the car,” Close told  man ran off, she said.        them.                         could, he chose the township   positive comments about the
        reporters. He said he talked with  While the crime took place in  Close said the officers' han-  because of the officers' personal  service the officers provided
        his wife and they agreed to    the City of Northville where offi-  dling and attitude really helped  attention and compassion. He  means a great deal to all the offi-
        donate it to the Northville    cers immediately responded to  the family, especially when offi-  said they helped his family  cers and helps morale in the
        Township Police Department in  the scene, Northville Township  cers returned on Friday and  through the trauma with their  department. He said the positive
        a gesture of appreciation for the  Police were also notified as the  again on Saturday and even after  continued attention and concern.  comments reinforce the motives
        way officers handled an event  robber had the family's address  change of duty on Sunday. He   Close, president of Advanced  officers have for going into police
        last August.                   from the identification in the  said the attention and concern  Technologies Consultants, Inc.,  work.
           Close explained that while on  stolen wallets. Close said officers  was a great help to the entire  said the family is in a position not  “You're out there to help the
        his way home from, what else,  from Northville Township were  family during a stressful time.  to need another vehicle, so they  community. You're out the to do
        playing golf last summer, his wife  at their home when they arrived  Help that deserved a repayment,  opted to donate the new car.  good things,” he said.
        Township survey seeks public input into Legacy Park use

           Members of the Legacy Park          amenities at the site.                site of the state psychiatric hospital.  most of the remaining 11 hospital build-
        Development sub-committee in Northville  The 332-acre park, formerly known as  Northville Township recently secured  ings on site.
        Township are seeking public input into  the Seven Mile Property, was the former  funding to proceed with the demolition of  The demolition work is scheduled to
                                                                                                                           begin next spring with completion antici-
                                                                                                                           pated later in the year, officials said, and
                                                                                                                           will allow the township to safely open the
                                                                                                                           site to residents. One of the first steps in
                                                                                                                           opening the site to the public will be to
                                                                                                                           implement hiking, walking and biking
                                                                                                                              Anyone with an interest in the develop-
                                                                                                                           ment of the trails system within Legacy
                                                                                                                           Park, is invited to share ideas through an
                                                                                                                           online survey, available through Jan. 16.
                                                                                                                           This survey springboards off discussions
                                                                                                                           from the Seven Mile Road Park Master
                                                                                                                           Plan adopted in 2012, which specified
                                                                                                                           trails as an integral part of the park plans.
                                                                                                                           The Master Plan is a road map for a 30-50
                                                                                                                           year process of phased development, and
                                                                                                                           surveys like this will be used to update the
                                                                                                                           plan, officials said.
                                                                                                                              The survey can be accessed at:
                                                                                                                               For more information, contact
                                                                                                                           Northville Parks and Recreation Director
                                                                                                                           Mark Gasche at (248) 449-9949 or
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