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Mother arrested in knife attack on toddlers
An Inkster woman with a his- reports, there was no response to said. “It could have been pre-
tory of mental instability has their repeated knocks. As the Prosecutors allege that Boles vented.” He said the failure of
been charged in the physical officers walked around the children's services to protect the
abuse and attempted murder of home, they heard a child crying used the knife seen in the tub children was frustrating for
her 1- and 3-year-old children on in distress and forced their way to cut the throats of both children. everyone in law enforcement.
New Year's Day. into the home through the front He confirmed that police have
Wayne County Prosecutor door. The officers discovered the responded to the Grandview
Kym Worthy has charged Sara defendant in the bathroom scene. Both children were police custody, officials said. home 15 times and in 2018 tem-
Vae Boles, 36, with two counts of kneeling over the 1-year-old boy immediately transported to a Inkster Assistant Police Chief porarily removed the then 6-
assault with intent to murder, who was unconscious and not nearby hospital for treatment. Bill Ratliff confirmed that police month-old girl from the danger-
two counts of first-degree child breathing with obvious wounds The girl has been treated and have a history with the defen- ous scene. Police have also
abuse, and one count of resisting to his neck. They immediately released and is expected to dant and that police have noti- reportedly responded to other
and obstructing police officers. administered CPR to the child make a full recovery, officials fied Children's Protective situations at the home including
The charges are in connection and resuscitated him while the said, while the boy was trans- Services at least twice about the an incident when Boles was in
with the discovery of the two 3-year-old girl continued to cry ported to Children's Hospital in dangerous situation in the home. the street threatening others
injured children in a home on in distress also suffering from Detroit and reported in critical He said Boles is bipolar, schizo- with a saw and a call when she
the 29520 block of Grandview wounds to her neck. Officers condition last week. phrenic and manic-depressant. allegedly sliced her own head
Street by police officers called to reported a bloody knife visible in Prosecutors allege that Boles Boles family members, Ratliff with razors and poured boiling
the scene to check on the wel- the bathtub. used the knife seen in the tub to said, have been pleading with water on her face.
fare of the family at about 9 a.m. The woman struggled with cut the throats of both children. Children's Protective Services to Confidentiality laws prevent
Jan. 1. officers as they attempted to aid Boles was arraigned in 22nd take action since 2018. Children's Protective Services
When officers arrived at the the children and officers subse- District Court and given a “It just doesn't make sense to from commenting, according to
home, according to police quently arrested her at the $100,000 bond. She remains in me why this happened,” Ratliff an agency spokesman.
Suspect in double homicide remains at large
Wayne Police are actively being transported to a local hos-
seeking the boyfriend of a A reward for information that leads pital, according to police reports.
woman killed in a double homi- Police have identified 32-year-
cide last week. directly to Greer's apprehension is old Christopher Greer, the
According to police reports, being officer by the US Marshals Service. boyfriend of Parchmon, as a sus-
sisters Dominique Parchmon, 30 pect in the shootings. According
and Shyanna Hall, 18 were killed to police reports, an argument in
by multiple gunshot wounds Apartments on Niagara Street a report of gunshots fired. the apartment escalated into
reported just after 9 p.m. last near Michigan Avenue and Parchmon was pronounced gunfire. Greer reportedly fled the
Wednesday, Jan. 5. The shooting Merriman Road where Wayne dead at the scene Hall suc- scene in a black Dodge Charger
took place at the Lara police were dispatched following cumbed to her injuries after owned by Parchmon. The vehicle
was discovered abandoned near
Michigan Avenue and Hewitt
Road in Ypsilanti.
Greer is reportedly armed
with a 9mm handgun.
Greer is described as 5-feet, 9- Christopher Greer
inches tall and weighing 180 A reward for information that
pounds. He was last seen wear- leads directly to Greer's appre-
ing a dark, heavy winter coat, hat hension is being officer by the
and jeans, police said. He is US Marshals Service.
being sought by detectives from Anyone with information
the Wayne Police Department, regarding Greer's location is
Michigan State Police Special asked to call the Wayne Detective
Investigations Unit and the US Bureau at (734) 721-1598 or email
Marshals Service Detroit Det. Sgt. Finley Carter at
The shooting took place at the Lara Apartments on Niagara Street near Michigan Avenue in Wayne. Fugitive Apprehension Team.
Inkster Legends of Basketball founder,
director thanks 2021 holiday donors
Legends of Inkster Basketball local families during the holidays for
founder Freddie Smiley recently sent a 23 years.
message of thanks to all who con- Smiley said the program had seen
tributed and supported the program “great success” due to the contribu-
this year. tions and help from the foster grand-
He noted that despite the struggles parents and the “generous donors.”
this year in light of the COVID-19 “You are each a blessing,” he said in
restrictions and health threats, the his message. “Thank you for your
group has managed to continue to help help.”