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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           January 5, 2023


        Civil Service job testing now under way

           Civil Service testing for jobs  a high school diploma or GED                          ”                                 Warren Road, Westland, MI
        in the City of Westland is now  equivalency, certificate (25-48                                                            48185. The documents may be
        under way, officials said.     credit hours resulting in certifi-    Applications and resumes will be accepted             emailed                   to
           The testing will create a list of  cate), or associate's degree in any                                        
        qualified applicants for filling  skilled trades preferred or the           through 4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20.                or faxed to (734) 422-1214.
        any current and future laborer  equivalent education and/or         No applications will be accepted after that time.        Applications and resumes
        positions, they added. Qualified  work experience.                                                                         will be accepted through 4 p.m.
        individuals must submit a        Work is performed primarily                                                               Friday, Jan. 20. No applications
        resume and completed city job  outdoors and in all types of                                                                will be accepted after that time.
        application to determine eligibil-  weather. Candidates must be                                                              Testing dates will be emailed
        ity.                           able to work overtime, including  Local 1602 Collective Bargaining  applicants who successfully com-  to applicants within three busi-
           Minimum     requirements    nights, weekends and holidays  Agreement on the Personnel    plete the written test will move  ness days of submission of appli-
        include a commercial driver's  and must be able to pass a new  Department      page     at  onto the oral interview portion  cations.
        license with special endorse-  hire physical and drug screen-  of the process.             For more information, call
        ment preferred or obtained with-  ing.                        40/Personnel for more informa-   Applications and resumes    (734) 467-3263.
        in six months from date of hire.  The city is offering competi-  tion.                      will be accepted in person or by  The city will be filling several
        Training will be provided, offi-  tive pay and a comprehensive  For placement on the Civil  mail at: Westland City Hall,   vacancies upon completion of
        cials said. Applicants must have  benefits package; see AFSCME  Service Eligibility List, only  Personnel Department, 36300  the testing process, officials said.
        Welcome home                                                    Key note

        Former city staff member                                        Westland Mayor William R.
                                                                        Wild, left, officially recog-
                                                                        nized longtime resident
        rejoins WDIV weather team                                       William “Bill” Ziemba with
                                                                        a Key to the City recently.
                                                                        Ziemba was honored for
                                                                        his 16 years of patriotic
           Westland residents tuning                                    and meritorious service as
         into WDIV Local channel 4 will                                 chairman of the Tax
         see a familiar face during the                                 Increment      Finance
         weather reports.                                               Authority (TIFA), the
           Ashlee Baracy has returned                                   Economic Development
         to the area and joined the                                     Corporation (EDC), and
         ClickOnDetroit weather team.                                   Redevelopment Authority
         Baracy is a Westland native and                                (BRA). “Bill has also
         a graduate of John Glenn High                                  served our community as
         School. She earned her degree                                  a city councilperson (1986
         at the University of Michigan                                  - 1990), a Planning
         and began her television career                                Commissioner, a Zoning
         at the City of Westland WLND-                                  Board of Appeals member,
         TV city cable station. She                                     and he still serves us on
         worked as a host, writer and                                   the Building Board of
         communications coordinator in                                  Appeals. Bill Ziemba has
         the   Community      Media                                     certainly served our com-
                                                                        munity with distinction in
         Department of the city before                                  his 55 years as a Westland
         joining Local 4 as a traffic                                   resident,” Wild said.
           While at the WDIV, Baracy                   Ashlee Baracy
         earned her meteorology degree
         from    Mississippi   State
         University and moved to WBNS-
         TV in Columbus, Ohio about
         seven years ago. She was named
         as the first female chief meteor-
         ologist ever at the Ohio station
         where she also won an Emmy
         Award for her outstanding work.
           Baracy is married and the
         mother of two children.




           Families with special needs
         members can now register with
         the Westland Police Department
         to ensure appropriate respons-
           The police department has
         established a 911 registry for
         Westland families who live with
         someone who has disabilities,
         such as autism or Alzheimer's
         disease. Residents can complete
         a form and submit it to the
         department. The pertinent infor-
         mation will be entered into the
         dispatch system, alerting officers
         to any special circumstances at
         the residence.
           If officers are dispatched to
         an address that has completed
         the registry form, an alert will be
         placed on the address notifying
         police of any pertinent informa-
         tion before responding. The goal
         of the registry is to prevent situa-
         tions such as lights/siren causing
         an epileptic seizure or miscom-
         munication when interacting
         with someone who is non-verbal
         or autistic.
           The form is available at the
         Westland Police Department
         and at Westland City Hall during
         business hours, 9 a.m. until 5
         p.m. Monday through Friday.

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