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Bill Wadsworth chosen as Person of the Year
An extraordinary example of services totaling more than
public service will be honored $42,000.
by the Romulus community dur- His efforts led to the con-
ing a special celebration later struction of the current animal
this year. shelter located on Wayne Road
Honored will be William J in Romulus.
Wadsworth, the longest serving Wadsworth and his wife,
member of the Romulus City Virginia, are the parents of three
Council and the moving force in adult sons, all graduates of the
multiple community improve- Romulus Community Schools.
ments during his more than five Following his three years in the
decades in the city. Wadsworth United States Army, Wadsworth
has been named the 2023 joined the Wayne County
Romulus Person of the Year, the Sheriff's Department where he
36th individual to ever be served from 1969 until 1982.
accorded the honor by the During that time, Romulus was
Greater Romulus Chamber of part of his patrol area as no
Commerce. municipal police department
Wadsworth, a 55-year resi- William Wadsworth had been established. In 1982,
dent of the city, was selected for Wadsworth began his career
his dedication and devotion to many years, but Wadsworth both with the Detroit Metro Airport
improving the community of organized and worked at multi- police, where he served as a ser-
Romulus, a spokesman from ple fundraising activities, geant until 2004. William Wadsworth, Romulus Person of the Year for 2023, stands
chamber said. One of his most including special bingo nights Wadsworth has served on with the award committee who selected him for the prestigious
public efforts was the funding and charity bowling outings. In multiple city boards and com- honor.
and construction of a new ani- addition, he was responsible for missions in the City of Romulus
mal shelter in the city. cash donations of more than and is a long-time member of the 50 years where he has also vol- A chamber spokesman said
Wadsworth was determined to $355,000 donated by local resi- Romulus Chamber of unteered for multiple events, that a banquet is planned for
replace the aging and inade- dents and businesses. In addi- Commerce. He and his wife including the former Labor Day this spring to honor Wadsworth
quate facility located in an old tion, Wadsworth obtained in- have been members of Saint weekend festival the church for his extraordinary and exem-
fire station in the city. It took kind donations of materials and Aloysius Church for more than sponsored annually. plary service to the city.
Homicide investigation into death of 2 continues
The holidays were marked were pronounced dead by emer- ” Ratliff said. “We will get who did
with tragedy for one Inkster fami- gency responders. One of the this. But we need to stop it from
ly. men was in his 20s and the other We will get who did this. happening again.
A family member went to a in his 30s, police said, while But we need to stop it from happening again. “I am frustrated. I'm frustrated
home in the 3600 block of declining to provide any further because this is a great communi-
Williams Street at about 1:30 p.m. information while the investiga- ty and it's unfortunate that people
Dec. 21 after being unable to tion continues. lose their lives senselessly like
reach their loved one. When the “It's just unfortunate that dur- this, and we have very little -- if
individual entered the home, ing the holiday season this type of the communities. It absolutely unknown at press time. The any -- cooperation from witnesses
they found two men unrespon- thing has to happen,” Ratliff said. makes no sense that this is hap- deaths are being treated as a or citizens who we know know
sive, according to Inkster Police “It's going to continue to happen pening.” double homicide by investigators things.”
Chief Bill Ratliff. until members of the community Ratliff said the cause of death from the Michigan State Police Anyone with any information
The family member immedi- and members of law enforce- of the two men was not yet deter- and the Inkster Police regarding the deaths or the men
ately called police who respond- ment get together and work mined and that the relationship Department.. involved is asked to contact
ed to the home where both men together to stop this violence in between the two remained “We'll find out who did it,” Inkster police at (313) 563-9850.